Turmoil in Detective Grus Trial as Prosecutor Leaves Ottawa Police

Officials Stonewall Questions on Whether Controversial Prosecutor Vanessa Stewart Remains on Grus Case

Update: November 14, 2024 – Defense Counsel Still Not Notified – Lead Defense Counsel Bath-Shéba van den Berg appeared on The Lavigne Show with co-host Donald Best – and confirmed that the OPS Legal Unit has still not notified her of Vanessa Stewart’s status change or if this will impact the hearing set to resume January 5, 2025.

Original Story Published November 11, 2024

The disciplinary hearing of Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus has plunged into chaos amid uncertainty surrounding the police prosecutor, Vanessa Stewart (photo above). Noted for her controversial courtroom behaviour and facing allegations of procedural abuses, Stewart is on a six-month leave from the Ottawa Police Service to join the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General.

The refusal of police officials and Stewart herself to clarify her current involvement in the Grus case leaves the future of the hearing, set for January 6, 2025, shrouded in doubt.

Despite an automatic email reply confirming Stewart’s leave of absence and assignment to the Attorney General’s office, there has been a wall of silence from the Ottawa Police Service (OPS), the Attorney General’s office, and Stewart herself. Insider sources at the Ottawa Police Association reveal that Detective Grus, her attorney Bath-Shéba van den Berg, and the police union remain uninformed about Stewart’s departure or the ramifications for the case.

Further complicating matters, two police insiders report that Stewart’s contract with the OPS Legal Unit was terminated due to performance issues.

This development casts a shadow over prosecution continuity and integrity in a case already mired with allegations of bias and misconduct by prosecutors, prosecution witnesses, and the hearing officer.

Detective Helen Grus

Detective Grus was suspended on February 4, 2022, by the OPS Professional Standards Unit for allegedly conducting an ‘unauthorized’ investigation into nine unexplained infant deaths. She was exploring the possibility that the vaccination status of the mothers might be a factor in the fatalities. In July 2022, Grus was charged internally with one count of discreditable conduct under the Ontario Police Services Act.

The proceedings have been controversial – at times even raucous and chaotic – with defense attorneys accusing police witnesses, prosecution lawyers, and the Tribunal Hearing Officer of blatant bias. Shock rippled through legal circles upon the revelation that Prosecutor Stewart and a key prosecution witness are sisters-in-law—a glaring conflict of interest that would be unacceptable in any legitimate court. Yet, Hearing Officer Police Superintendent Chris Renwick, notably lacking legal training, permitted this infringement.

Concerns of bias were compounded by reports of interference from officials at the Public Health Agency of Canada, a matter that appeared on the House of Parliament Order Paper Questions in March 2024.

The Grus disciplinary hearing reached a boiling point on January 10, 2024, when defense lawyers levelled allegations of criminal witness tampering against Professional Standards Inspector Hugh O’Toole. Just minutes before Grus was set to testify, O’Toole sent her a threatening email obviously intended to intimidate Grus into changing her testimony and supporting exhibits.

Hugh O’Toole

In the wake of formal complaints alleging Criminal Intimidation of a Witness and Obstruction of Justice, O’Toole resigned from the OPS. He has since surfaced working as a lawyer at a Kemptville legal firm.

Illegal Wiretapping Scandal

Both Inspector O’Toole and Prosecutor Stewart were also implicated in the February 2022 illegal wiretapping of Detective Grus and her family under the “urgent emergency” provisions of the Criminal Code – when no such urgent emergency existed.

As the case approaches its third year, observers question whether the OPS will continue to pursue the charges against Detective Grus. Three key factors fuel this speculation:

1/ Emerging Evidence: Since Grus’s suspension almost three years ago, there has been a tsunami of credible evidence that the officer was correct all along in her suspicions.

Authorities in many jurisdictions have admitted that manufacturers and authorities concealed from the public that the shots were DNA contaminated, that the formulas presented for approval were not the vaccines that were fraudulently delivered, that the vaccines were known to be ineffective, and that it was known the vaccines caused serious harms and even deaths – including to babies in the womb and breastfeeding infants.

A decision by the Ottawa Police to continue the prosecution against Grus could come back to haunt them as any appeals process will take years – with additional evidence and case law, and developing public opinion weighing more heavily against OPS.

2/ Prosecution Evidence during the trial indicated that Detective Grus was investigating charges of Criminal Negligence Causing Bodily Harm and Death when the Ottawa Police ordered her to stop and suspended her.

Prosecution Evidence also indicated that Ottawa Police had received a complete evidence file from Detective Grus – yet failed to launch investigations into the alleged crimes.

An appeals process will take years, with the public becoming more aware of how the Ottawa Police neglected their duty to initiate an investigation into vaccination injuries and deaths as additional evidence and case law comes to light.

3/ Departures of Key Personnel: Inspector O’Toole and Prosecutor Stewart are the two people most responsible for charging and prosecuting Detective Grus. With both no longer employed by the Ottawa Police there are doubts about the OPS’s capacity to effectively manage the case now and in the future. Their departures could complicate the current proceedings and any subsequent appeals.

Will Ottawa Police Persist With A Faltering Prosecution?

The Ottawa Police leadership now faces a critical decision: persist with a faltering prosecution riddled with internal strife and burgeoning evidence supporting Grus, or withdraw the charges to mitigate further costs and damage to the organization’s credibility—a credibility already hanging by a thread.

Chaos. Confusion. Concealment.

The refusal of both the Ottawa Police and Vanessa Stewart to inform Detective Grus or her legal team about Stewart’s status—and their stonewalling of media inquiries—transcends mere lack of transparency; it borders on obstruction.

This pattern suggests deeper issues within the OPS. Words like confusion, indecision, and chaos seem insufficient to describe the turmoil.

For over two years, multiple insider sources have revealed a critical divide within OPS senior management over the Grus case. In this light, the ousting of Inspector O’Toole and the non-renewal of Stewart’s contract signal a possible turning point in favor of Detective Grus.

The pressing challenge for OPS leadership is to devise an exit strategy from the Grus debacle. Their goal must be to minimize further embarrassment, control escalating legal expenses, and address potential liability for defense costs, which reportedly approach $400,000.


Comprehensive coverage of the Detective Grus case with links to articles and sources since March of 2022 can be found at Donald Best’s website:


Emails Mentioned in this Article

20241028 email thread OPS Media Relations

20241107 1218pm Best To Stewart OPS

20241107 1219pm Auto Reply Stewart OPS

20241107 1222pm Best To Stewart AttGen


This article will be updated as more information becomes available.

Ottawa Police Prosecutor Vanessa Stewart Likens Detective Helen Grus to Serial Rapist-Murderer Russell Williams

Hearing Officer Superintendent Chris Renwick allows outrageous comparison over defense objections

Stewart Court Attire

Every time we think that the internal hearing against Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus can’t get any wilder – Prosecutor Vanessa Stewart yells “HOLD MY BEER!” and once again proves us wrong.

Accompanying her outrageous courtroom behaviour with fashion statements and hi-heeled boots that rival anything seen on Ottawa’s Gladstone Strip, Prosecutor Stewart seems to have little sense of decorum and propriety. Every day she makes the hearing into a theatre of the absurd where the audience can’t even guess at her next act.

You can’t make this up!

On Wednesday, January 10, 2024 Prosecutor Vanessa Stewart cross-examined defense witness Ottawa Police Service Sergeant Major (retired) Peter Danyluk.

In earlier testimony Danyluk described Detective Helen Grus as having a calm demeanor when she spoke with him about her investigation and concerns with the mRNA Covid ‘vaccines’.

Prosecutor Vanessa Stewart then despicably likened ‘calm demeanor’ Detective Helen Grus to ‘calm’ Serial Rapist – Murderer Russell Williams

Prosecutor Stewart – “You would agree that good people can make bad decisions.”

Witness Danyluk – “Anybody would agree with that. Yes.”

Prosecutor Stewart – “You would agree with me, people who appear calm can make bad decisions?”

Witness Danyluk – “Yes”

Prosecutor Stewart – “So people who appear calm can make bad decisions. I can give you a specific example. In the course of your career, did you ever have a chance to watch the interview of Russell Williams?”

Witness Danyluk – “Possibly”

Prosecutor Stewart – “I’m going to suggest that during the video of his interview Russell Williams was extremely calm.”

Defense Counsels Bath-Sheba van den Berg and Blair Ector – “OBJECTION!”

At this exchange the public gallery looked at each other in amazement, shaking their heads and wondering what idiocy would be next. They didn’t have long to wait…

Defense Lawyers Allege Criminal Witness Intimidation, Obstruction of Justice by Professional Standards Inspector

Insp. Hugh O’Toole

At a little after 3pm just before Detective Grus was to testify in her own defense, lead counsel Bath-Sheba van den Berg and co-counsel Blair Ector informed Hearing Officer Chris Renwick that Professional Standards Inspector Hugh O’Toole had sent an intimidating and threatening email to Detective Grus just prior to her scheduled testimony.

The email threatened that if Detective Grus gave certain evidence and referred to certain Ottawa Police documents in her testimony, the Ottawa Police Professional Standards Unit would launch another investigation against her.

This email was sent directly to the witness as she was about to testify – not to her defense lawyers.

In the chaos that followed Prosecutor Vanessa Stewart also threatened Detective Grus – stating that Stewart had “Put (Grus and her lawyers) on Notice” about the use of certain Ottawa Police documents as evidence. By her comments, Stewart also revealed that she had prior knowledge about the threatening email and was probably in collusion with Inspector O’Toole in delivering the threat.

My next report will provide full details of the threats to Detective Grus and an update on further developments.

After consultation with some of my lawyer friends, I am of the strong opinion that the intimidating and threatening email from Ottawa Police Inspector Hugh O’Toole meets the criminal threshold for:

– Intimidating a Justice System Participant (CC 423.1 (1) b),

– Obstruction of Justice (CC 139 (2) AND (3) )

Next Hearing Date – About February 14 / 15, 2024

When the hearing adjourned on Thursday, January 11, 2024 the parties were discussing the next hearing dates to be confirmed on or about February 14 / 15, 2024 – but no date has yet appeared on the Ottawa Police hearings website.

News Media Articles about the latest chaos in the Detective Grus Hearing

January 13, 2024 – (Jason Unrau – True North) Witness intimidation accusation mires misconduct hearing for Ottawa cop who probed child deaths

January 12, 2024 – (Vlad Tepes Blog) A few words about the Helen Grus hearings in Ottawa

January 11, 2024 – (Robert Kraychik – Rebel News) Ottawa cop facing discipline tribunal warned not to cite police docs minutes before testifying 

January 11, 2024 – (Matthew Horwood – The Epoch Times) Chaos Erupts at Hearing of Ottawa Detective as Lawyers File Report Accusing Superior of Witness Intimidation

January 10-11, 2024 – (Vlad Tepes – RAIR Foundation) Exclusive Trial Update on Helen Grus: Canadian Police Target Own Detective for Daring to Question Role of ‘Covid Vaccines’ in Death of 9 Babies

January 10, 2024 – (Matthew Horwood – The Epoch Times) Lawyers Accuse Officer of Witness Tampering, Intimidation of Detective Who Looked Into COVID Vaccine, Child Deaths

For more, see the ‘Detective Grus Case’ tab at the top of my website.

Donald Best

January 24, 2024 – 1045am Eastern Time

RCMP and Crown prosecutors illegally distribute Senator Mike Duffy’s email password to the public

In the Duffy case, the RCMP and Crown prosecutor committed a criminal offence under section 402.2(2)

A cynic might say that the corruption trial of suspended Senator Mike Duffy has produced no surprises, but that does not do justice to most ordinary Canadians who, despite all the standard jokes about politicians, expect and demand that laws, rules and standards should apply equally to all; including to those in positions of power and authority such as police, lawyers and Crown prosecutors.

As Ezra Levant points out in the above video, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Crown prosecutors released to the public, an unredacted version of Senator Duffy’s personal diary; including intimate communications with his wife, personal medical details and some of Senator Duffy’s Identity Information (as defined in the Criminal Code), including his email password.

Notwithstanding how disgusting it is that Canada’s national police agency and Crown prosecutors should have engaged in an act that is so obviously designed to embarrass and punish Mr. Duffy and his close family members, the release of Mr. Duffy’s email password is a criminal act, specifically prohibited by law in Canada. The fact that the reckless distribution happened in court documents is no excuse in law. Some would say the abuse of the court process makes the act even more reprehensible.

Best v Ranking civil lawsuit alleges prosecuting lawyers recklessly distributed to the public tens of thousands of documents containing Identity Information

As terrible as the actions of the police and the Crown are in the Duffy case, the amount of Identity Information illegally distributed pales in comparison with another case currently before the Ontario Superior Court.

In the Donald Best vs Gerald Ranking civil case, the plaintiff Donald Best alleges that defendants Gerald Ranking, Paul Schabas, Lorne Silver and others deliberately released and recklessly distributed to the public tens of thousands of unredacted privileged legal documents containing vast amounts of Identity Information and other personal and confidential information for Mr. Best, his family members and dozens of other persons who had nothing to do with the case before the courts.

In his March 31, 2015 affidavit asking the court to issue an injunction against the defendants, Mr. Best alleges:

“The defendants previously placed into the public domain, and recklessly distributed, tens of thousands of documents containing Identity Information and other private, confidential information for me, my family members and my company’s witnesses; and also for dozens and dozens of persons and entities who have nothing to do with me or my case.

As just one egregious example of thousands, defendants unlawfully took from the Orillia, Ontario law office of my company’s lawyers, the medical file of my lawyer’s dying mother, including end-of-life ‘do not resuscitate’ instructions to medical staff. The defendants and their ‘John Doe’ co-conspirators recklessly distributed this to members of the public, published it on the internet, and then filed it as ‘evidence’ with the court without notifying the judge. The defendants and their co-conspirators are still recklessly distributing this medical file in 2015. The defendants refuse to stop.”

Further, Mr. Best states:  Read more

Ottawa Police Promote Neglectful Officer Who Failed to Prevent Domestic Murder – Sgt McMullan is Prosecution Witness in Grus Case

Hanadi Mohammed – Murdered after Detective McMullan’s neglect of duty

Detective Erin McMullan, prosecution witness in the Detective Helen Grus case, promoted despite her record of neglect in a domestic violence case that ended in murder.

Ottawa Police Detective Erin McMullan’s promotion to Sergeant is raising questions, given that her neglect and inaction in a domestic violence case contributed to a tragic outcome. An October 17, 2024, CBC article details how McMullan’s failures may have played a role in the murder of an abused wife – a case that continues to raise concerns about Ottawa Police’s accountability in handling domestic violence situations.

Adding to the complexity, McMullan also appeared as a prosecution witness in the high-profile case of Detective Helen Grus. The Ottawa Police Professional Standards Unit charged Grus in July 2022 with conducting an ‘unauthorized investigation’ into a cluster of nine unexplained infant deaths. Detective Grus had suspicions that the vaccine status of the mothers could possibly be a factor in the deaths of breastfeeding babies.

On October 30, 2023, Sergeant McMullan testified that Detective Grus should not have self-initiated an investigation into a potential link between the Covid Vaccines and the deaths of breastfeeding infants.

Considering McMullan’s record of neglect of duty, her opinion that Detective Grus should not have initiated an investigation is noteworthy…

After all, unlike Detective Grus who is being persecuted for doing her duty, Sergeant McMullan neglected her sworn duty but was promoted nonetheless.

Detective McMullan assures Hanadi “If I don’t do anything and I have this information and something happens to you, then I’m in big trouble for not protecting you.”

Fear. Hope. Neglect. Murder.

On October 1, 2013, terrified mother of two Hanadi Mohammed came to the Ottawa Police begging for help. Her brutal husband Hamid Ayoub had threatened her with a knife in front of the children because she had reported his abuse to the police. A few weeks earlier she had run from her husband at Ottawa airport, called 911 and taken the children to a friend’s home.

Detective Erin McMullan (then Erin Lehman) of the Intimate Partner Violence Unit interviewed Hanadi and assured her “From what it sounds like right now, I definitely have enough grounds that I have to charge him. In Ontario, if we get information like this, we have to lay a charge. We don’t have any choice,”

“… if I don’t do anything and I have this information and something happens to you, then I’m in big trouble for not protecting you.” Ottawa Police Detective Erin McMullan to abused wife Hanadi Mohammed

McMullan promised the desperate Hanadi that the very next day she would arrange assistance for her, schedule another officer to interview the two children, and would personally call to update her.

But the next day Detective Erin McMullan did nothing.

McMullan didn’t arrange assistance for Hanadi, didn’t call her, and failed to arrange the interview of the children.

Hanadi trusted McMullan. What else could the poor woman do? But Detective Erin McMullan’s promise to help her and charge her husband was a sham.

Like many abused women with limited English and no support, Hanadi ended up returning to her violent husband for years of further terror and violence. This according to sworn testimony.

In August 2020 Hanadi again took the children and fled from her husband Hamid Ayoub – but by November 2020 he had planted a secret tracking device and began to plot her murder.

In May 2021 Ayoub found Hanadi at a shopping plaza and threatened her – as she told police at the time.

But again, Ottawa Police officers failed to protect her.

On June 15, 2021, Hamid Ayoub used the tracking device to find his estranged wife and daughter at their home – attacking and stabbing Hanadi 39 times and his daughter 12 times. Hanadi died in front of her home. Her daughter survived by playing dead.

Hamid Ayoub – Murderer

Sergeant Erin McMullan testified during Ayoub’s 2024 murder trial that she couldn’t recall why she didn’t follow through with her promises and duty to Hanadi in 2013. McMullan said that Hanadi left her a message after about 10 days and that the officer returned the call only to be told that Hanadi was now back home with her loving husband, and everything was fine.

That purported call sounds very convenient for Erin McMullan. There’s no indication in the news articles if McMullan had such an entry in her memo book or in the Ottawa Police reporting system. Sources told this journalist that McMullan made no record of the purported call anywhere.


There is also the question of language. If Hanadi needed a translator for the interview, did McMullen call in a translator for the purported phone call? The call where, according to McMullen, the abused wife purportedly said everything was now fine?

McMullan also acknowledged during the murder trial questioning that it was her duty in 2013 to lay criminal charges against Ayoub – but she did not.

The Ottawa Police promoted Erin McMullan to Sergeant despite her record of neglect, poor judgment and failure in the Hanadi Mohammed case.

Ontario’s Domestic Violence Mandatory Charging Policy

First introduced in 1994 in the Ontario Policing Standards Manual, the Mandatory Charging Policy requires that charges must be laid in domestic violence situations if there is reasonable and probable evidence that a criminal offense has occurred, irrespective of the victim’s wishes – exactly as then Detective Erin McMullan told Hanadi Mohammed.

Although the policy has been revised and adjusted over the years, the core principles that Detective McMullan violated are still in place.

My currently-employed sources at Ottawa Police confirm that when Detective McMullan failed to investigate, followup, and lay charges in a situation where the husband threatened his wife with a knife – the officer not only failed to perform her duty, she violated several regulations.

McMullan could have (and I say SHOULD HAVE) been charged with:

  • Insubordination (Failure to obey a lawful order)
  • Neglect of Duty
  • Disreputable Conduct

It is fair to say that a wife and mother was murdered, and a daughter severely injured because Detective Erin McMullan neglected her duty.

It is also fair to say the Detective McMullan’s negligence undermined public confidence in the Ottawa Police – and most critically, undermined women trapped in abusive / violent situations. Abused women learned from the Hanadi Mohammed murder that the Ottawa Police have fine words and policies about domestic violence – but the reality is that abused women and children are on their own.

Nonetheless, the Ottawa Police promoted Erin McMullan to Sergeant – and ignored the body of Hanadi Mohammed.

Sergeant Erin McMullan Testifies Against Detective Helen Grus

Detective Helen Grus

On Monday, October 30, 2023 Sergeant McMullan took the stand as a prosecution witness against her former squad member Detective Helen Grus. McMullan was overtly hostile to Grus and argumentative with defense counsel as she actively sought to counter the defense position that police officers have both free will and a duty to investigate potential crimes.

Some observers at the hearing speculated that this hostility was because Detective Grus had looked into one of McMullan’s infant death investigations and found her work to be incomplete or even neglectful.

Lead defense counsel Bath-Shéba van den Berg cross-examined Sergeant McMullan and started with questions about Section 5.3 of the Ottawa Police Criminal Investigation Management Plan which states:

“There is no intent to limit, inhibit, the discretion of any uniformed member in response to criminal occurrence.”

In answer, McMullan outrageously took the position that police officers DO NOT have “free will to look into any criminal investigation.”

Astonishingly, McMullan also disputed that officers have the free will and duty to investigate crime – stating at one point that if she suspected a crime, she would file a police report and then have the investigation detailed to “the proper unit”.

As the cross-examination progressed, McMullan’s answers became ever more absurd as she so obviously attempted to provide whatever twisted logic and reasoning would better support a conviction of Detective Grus. In her usual style Prosecutor Vanessa Stewart assisted by objecting to just about every question asked by Defense Counsel.

Prosecutor Stewart reacted strongly when lawyer van den Berg asked McMullan…

“If there was a medical treatment that was not tested on human beings, prior to releasing it to the human population, and yet it was being distributed to – to human beings, and you suspected that – no, you came across deaths, say, which you know, could be linked to the Criminal Code offence of criminal negligence, what would you put in a report?” Lawyer van den Berg cross-examining Detective Erin McMullan

Stewart had the witness excused and then argued (as she did throughout the hearing) to exclude any defense evidence addressing the known adverse effects of the mRNA genetic injections – including serious injuries and deaths.

Vanessa Stewart – Prosecutor

Despite Prosecutor Stewart’s efforts to exclude all evidence of vaccine injuries and deaths from the record, Trials Officer Chris Renwick did hear that the causes of death of six of the seven infants investigated by Detective Grus are known adverse effects listed in the Pfizer’s internal documents – made public as the ‘Pfizer Papers’. *

Concerns of prosecution bias were compounded by reports of interference in the Grus case from officials at the Public Health Agency of Canada, a matter that appeared on the House of Parliament Order Paper Questions in March 2024.

Since Grus’s suspension almost three years ago, there has been a tsunami of credible evidence that the officer was correct all along in her suspicions.

Authorities in many jurisdictions have admitted that manufacturers and authorities concealed from the public that the shots were DNA contaminated, that the formulas presented for approval were not the vaccines that were fraudulently delivered, that the vaccines were known to be ineffective, and that it was known the vaccines caused serious harms and even deaths – including to babies in the womb and breastfeeding infants.

Yet the Ottawa Police continue to prosecute Detective Helen Grus and have blocked her promotion to Sergeant. The prosecution also served ‘Notice of Increased Penalty’ indicating that Grus will be fired if convicted.

Grus Hearing Continues January 6, 2025

Trials Officer Supt Chris Renwick

The Ottawa Police prosecution of Detective Helen Grus is scheduled to resume on January 6, 2025 – although there is some doubt about the prosecution team because Vanessa Stewart has left the Ottawa Police and is now working as a Crown Attorney.

Sources at the Ottawa Police Association confirm that neither the OPA nor Detective Grus and her legal team have been informed if Stewart is still on the prosecution team – as of Friday, December 6, 2024.

As the case approaches its third year, observers question whether the Ottawa Police Service will continue to pursue the charges against Detective Grus. The author’s previous article lists three key factors fueling this speculation.

See Turmoil in Detective Grus Trial as Prosecutor Leaves Ottawa Police


Comprehensive coverage of the Detective Grus case with links to articles and sources since March of 2022 can be found at Donald Best’s website:


From the best selling book ‘The Pfizer Papers’ edited by Naomi Wolf…

The Pfizer Papers features new reports based on the primary source Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order and on related medical literature. The book shows in high relief that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial was deeply flawed and that the pharmaceutical company knew by November 2020 that its vaccine was neither safe nor effective. The reports detail vaccine-induced harms throughout the human body, including to the reproductive system; show that women suffer vaccine-related adverse events at a 3:1 ratio; expose that vaccine-induced myocarditis is not rare, mild, or transient; and, shockingly, demonstrate that the mRNA vaccines have created a new category of multi-system, multi-organ disease, which is being called “CoVax Disease.”

Despite the fact that Pfizer committed in its own clinical trial protocol to follow the placebo arm of its trial for twenty-four months, Pfizer vaccinated approximately 95 percent of placebo recipients by March 2021, thus eliminating the trial’s control group and making it impossible for comparative safety determinations to be made.

Just as importantly, The Pfizer Papers makes it clear that the US Food and Drug Administration knew about the shortfalls of Pfizer’s clinical trial as well as the harms caused by the company’s mRNA COVID vaccine product, thus highlighting the FDA’s abject failure to fulfill its mission to “[protect] the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices.”

Published by Donald Best

V1.3 December 29, 2024 11:53am ET  Confirmed correct spelling as McMullan and made changes throughout.

V1.2 December 9, 2024 4:13pm ET Spelling incorrectly posted as ‘McMullen’ after relying upon misspelled court transcripts.

V1.1 December 9, 2024 11:47am ET (Spelling correction ‘McMullen’ to ‘McMullan’ in photo caption.)

BREAKING: Canada’s Parliament Considers Detective Helen Grus Case

Order Paper Questions Government Health Authorities’ Influence Re Grus Investigation into Sudden Infant Deaths

MP Cathay Wagantall Demands Communications Mentioning: Deputy Chief Steven Bell, Superintendent Heather Lachine, Inspector Hugh O’Toole, Prosecutor Vanessa Stewart

The case of Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus and her investigation into a cluster of Sudden Infant Deaths in the Ottawa area is being raised in Canada’s Parliament. According to the rules, the Government must now provide a written answer within 45 days.

MP Cathay Wagantall (CPC)

Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus is charged with ‘Discreditable Conduct’ under the Ontario Police Services Act for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants. The next Hearing is on Monday, March 25, 2024.

Grus was investigating any potential connection between the vaccination status of the mothers and the sudden deaths of breastfeeding babies. Ottawa Police shut down her investigation, ordered her to stop, and charged her with an internal disciplinary charge.

My independent journalism revealed that Public Health Agency of Canada personnel sought to influence the Ottawa Police investigation of Detective Grus as early as March 2022, and even continuing after she was charged in July of 2022. (My April 27, 2023 article here)

Now a Conservative Member of Parliament is formally demanding answers about the Grus Case by placing questions on the Order Paper.

The just-published Thursday March 21, 2024, Order Paper includes the following question by MP Cathay Wagantall, Member for Yorkton-Melville, Saskatchewan…

Q-24332 — March 14, 2024 —  Mrs. Wagantall (Yorkton—Melville) — With regard to Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, National Advisory Committee on Immunization and Privy Council communications in 2022:

(a) were there communications between any of the entities or their personnel with the Ottawa Police Services Board or Ottawa Police Services personnel or the Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario;

(b) if the answer to (a) is affirmative, was any of the communication with respect to Detective Helen Grus, stillbirths or deaths of infants under one year;

(c) if the answer to (b) is affirmative, what are the details of each communication, including the (i) date, (ii) type of communication such as memorandum, telephone conversation, fax, or email, (iii) subject, (iv) reports produced as a result of the communication, (v) names of people included or copied on the communication;

(d) were any of the named entities above or their personnel included in communications involving one or more of the following individuals, Deputy Chief Steven Bell, Superintendent Heather Lachine, Hugh O’Toole of the Professional Standards Branch, Prosecutor Vanessa Stewart, or the Ontario Coroner’s office; and

(e) if the answer to (d) is affirmative, what are the details of each communication, including the (i) date, (ii) type of communication, (iii) subject, (iv) reports produced as a result of the communication, (v) names of people included or copied on the communication?

Question Q-2433 can be found at the Parliamentary Website here.

Here is the Order Paper in pdf: ordpaper293

More Coming Soon


MP Cathay Wagantall

Website – CathayWagantall.CA

Twitter / X


Windsor Police Constable Michael Brisco Punished to Reinforce Political Control Over Law Enforcement

The Ontario Civilian Police Commission has reinforced its position that policing organizations and individual police officers should obey political orders without question, and ignore our Constitution, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Rule of Law.

Windsor Police Constable Michael Brisco was convicted of Discreditable Conduct for anonymously donating $50 to the Freedom Convoy on February 7, 2022. The Ontario Civilian Police Commission just disallowed his appeal of the conviction and the outrageous penalty of 80 hours pay.

“The conviction of Constable Brisco for donating to a group that was in opposition to the government and its tyrannical and destructive political policies is just one of a series of recent events and decisions intended to solidify political control over law enforcement organizations and individual officers in Canada.”

At the time he donated to the Freedom Convoy, Constable Brisco was suspended without pay for refusing to be injected with the experimental mRNA COVID gene therapy that has since been shown to have caused millions of injuries and deaths.

Constable Brisco’s refusal to be injected with the experimental vaccines marked him as an independent and critical thinker. His donation to the convoy was, in my opinion, merely an excuse to punish Constable Brisco for his original sin of refusing the injections.

Just as we saw other professional regulatory bodies punishing and purging dissenting medical doctors, lawyers, pharmacists, and academics – policing organizations were quick to target critical thinkers who are a dangerous threat to effective top-down political control of the professions.

There was no admission or apology from either the Windsor Police or the Ontario Civilian Police Commission about how the vaccine mandates violated the Nuremburg Protocols, or that there was no informed consent throughout the population because the manufacturers and government concealed known vaccine adverse events including deaths and life-changing serious injuries.

Neither the Windsor Police nor the Ontario Civilian Police Commission acknowledged the fact that – according to the Pfizer Documents – the vaccine manufacturer and government officials knew that in the initial trials the vaccine killed 28 of 30 babies in the womb. Yet the Windsor Police and Ontario Government continued to mandate the injections that Constable Brisco refused.

The Windsor Police did not and will not launch a criminal investigation into the pile of injured and dead that grows daily – a political decision that flies in the face of the facts.

So the Windsor Police and government targeted Constable Brisco – even using criminally obtained stolen data to prove their case. The prosecutors and the Ontario Civilian Police Commission discarded the legal concepts of ‘Fruit of the Poison Vine’ and Rule of Law to do what they wanted to do.

The Windsor Police Tribunal Hearing Officer talked of “the harm Constable Brisco caused to the reputation of the (Windsor Police Service). This factor is particularly linked to the important objective of maintaining confidence in policing.”

“Maintaining confidence in policing.”

Both the Windsor Police and the Ontario Civilian Police Commission remain silent on the fact that the Windsor Police were recently shown to have illegally and brutally arrested citizens for lawfully protesting while standing off the roadway on a sidewalk. The Crown had to drop those charges.

No mention was made of how Windsor and other police brutalized Canadians for four years, shut down small businesses while allowing Costco and Walmart to remain open, barricaded churches, arrested Christian pastors – and brutally handcuffed visibly pregnant women for the egregious offenses of watching their children play hockey while unvaccinated, pushing a child on a swing in a closed park, or simply walking down the street in the open air without a mask.

The unquestioning political obedience, brutality, and overreach of Canadian Police in the last four years destroyed the public’s faith in law enforcement and brought the reputation of policing into disrepute.

Principled officers like Constable Michael Brisco are the last hope of restoring public confidence in law enforcement, but instead of acknowledging the ongoing public-confidence disaster of policing in Canada, the Ontario Civilian Police Commission chose to further entrench political control over law enforcement organizations and individual police officers.

Constable Brisco’s Appeal and Decision

June 14, 2023 – Notice-of-Appeal-Brisco-14JUN2023_Redacted (pdf)

February 14, 2024 – 2024oncpc24 Decision (pdf)

Other Sources

Epoch Times – Matthew Horwood: Windsor Police Officer Who Donated $50 to Freedom Convoy Loses Tribunal Appeal

Windsor Star – Doug Schmidt: Windsor cop’s discreditable conduct appeal dismissed

Canada Frees Two of Its Political Prisoners As International Attention Grows

An International Audience Learns That Canada Has Political Prisoners – Lot’s of them!

After two years of torture, isolation from loved ones, deteriorating health, and financial ruin – two of Canada’s political prisoners finally signed a coerced confession as required by the tyrannical Alberta and Federal governments.

Only two days ago Chris Lysak and Jerry Morin were said to be terrorists and too dangerous to release on bail under any circumstances…

… but once they signed their confessions they were free to go. Thus the courts and both governments admitted that denying bail to the Coutts accused was a political decision and act – nothing to do with public safety.

Canadians already knew that truth, just as they knew that the RCMP and the prosecutors have no evidence to convict these men of the main charge of Conspiracy to Murder Police Officers.

“Chris Lysak and Jerry Morin were political prisoners. Anthony Olienick and Chris Carbert remain political prisoners. The battle for justice continues.”

IF the police and prosecutors had the evidence to convict of Conspiracy to Murder Police Officers, these accused would still be in remand jail. It’s as simple as that. There will be no outrage from serving police officers about this failure to prosecute because the police know THERE NEVER WAS SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE TO CONVICT.

I don’t believe that there was even sufficient evidence to lay the charge. A Grand Jury would probably have tossed the charge to begin with. (See my article Denying Bail To The Coutts Four Is a Political Decision and Act)

Chris Lysak and Jerry Morin stood tall for two years because they knew they were innocent. They refused previous deals because they knew they were innocent. But after two years of resisting the politically-imposed torture, and having maintained their innocence, they did what was necessary to survive. Canadians owe each of them prayer, respect, and welcoming support as they regain their lives.

Chris Lysak and Jerry Morin were political prisoners. Anthony Olienick and Chris Carbert remain political prisoners. The battle for justice continues and the International Press are paying attention.

Check out the latest Newsweek USA coverage of the Coutts accused by Gord Magill…

No Canadian Is Free. Justin Trudeau’s Political Prisoners Are the Proof | Opinion

Ottawa Police Tribunal Biased To The Core Against Detective Helen Grus

Natural Justice Denied: The Fix is In

Hearing Continues January 8, 2024

  • Detective Grus Not Allowed to See Her Own Handwritten Duty Book
  • Tribunal Refuses to Allow Expert Defense Witnesses
  • Tribunal Allows Prosecutor’s Conflict of Interest: Sister-in-Law is Prosecution Witness.
  • Tribunal Allows Dishonest Prosecution Strategy of Preventing Cross-Examinations

There is little doubt that “The Fix Is In” for the trial of Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus – who is charged with Discreditable Conduct for conducting an alleged ‘unauthorized’ investigation into a potential connection between mothers’ mRNA injections and the deaths of breastfeeding infants in a cluster of nine infant deaths.

For many observers, the final straw occurred when Hearing Officer Chris Renwick refused to allow Grus to examine her own hand-written duty book for January 30, 2022.

The prosecution alleges that Detective Grus’s on-duty investigative phone call to the father of a deceased infant on January 30, 2022 was improper. Grus made notes that day in her Duty Memo Book – but the Tribunal refuses to allow the veteran Detective to see her own official notes she made on the very day that the prosecution alleges she committed an on-duty offense.

Please read the above paragraph again so you can fully comprehend the injustice and illegitimacy of process faced by Detective Grus and her defense lawyers.

Trials Officer Supt (Retired) Chris Renwick

While the Memo Book Decision is a prime example of the Hearing Officer’s bias and unfair conduct, it is only one of many biased and unfair decisions – major and minor – that Superintendent Renwick made during the initial ten days of the Grus disciplinary hearing. The hearing continues January 8, 2023.

Every day of the hearing so far has seen multiple instances where the Tribunal’s bias was so open that the public gallery often gasped or guffawed at the outrageousness of it all. Each day journalists and the public also witnessed institutional and personal biases that further stacked the deck against Detective Grus.

Natural Justice Denied

The principle of Natural Justice is a cornerstone of Canadian society. In short, Natural Justice means that a court has a duty to act fairly.

There are principles of Natural Justice that cannot be violated without bringing a legal process into disrepute. These principles include…

  • An unbiased court and decision maker.
  • Just and Fair procedures and rules, known and applied fairly.
  • The accused’s right to know the case against them.
  • The right to be heard, to be allowed to present an unobstructed defense, and to have access to information and evidence that might support a defense.
  • The right to cross-examine prosecution witnesses, and to not be unfairly obstructed.
  • The right to a decision and rationale for that decision.

To protect an accused’s fundamental right to a fair trial in our adversarial system of justice, both prosecution and defense must have equal footing. The court should not be biased in its decisions or in its application of court procedures.

In the Detective Grus trial, the hostile bias has been so open that the coming verdict is already evident to many observers – even before the defense rises to present its case on January 8, 2024.

Ontario Superior Court Denies Defense Motion – Refuses to Interfere Until Tribunal Finishes

I have obtained from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice certain public documents filed with the court by both Detective Grus’s defense lawyers and by the Ottawa Police Service lawyers.

To the extent that I can without violating bans on publishing names of involved families and other Identity Information, I will be publishing redacted copies of all publicly available court documents on my website at the Grus Case List.

Public observers and journalists await the continuation of the hearing on January 8, 2024 – for what promises to be the most biased and out-of-control legal procedure that most of us have ever seen.

Defense Counsel Bath-Sheba van den Berg

Defense lawyers had asked a Court for a Judicial Review and other relief, but as is the norm the Court refuses to interfere with a Tribunal that is in-progress. In short, the current outrageously-biased hearings will have to finish before Grus’s lawyers are allowed to take steps towards overturning the coming verdict that is now completely evident.

Here is a paragraph from a court document filed by defense on November 27, 2023…

“The disciplinary proceedings against the Applicant concerning one count of discreditable conduct have been riddled with procedural unfairness towards the Applicant from the outset. The Applicant has been subjected to constant and continuing denial of disclosure by both the Prosecutor and the Tribunal as well as partiality of the Tribunal, which has become apparent in a ruling made on November 26, 2023 with respect to the Applicant’s request for expert witnesses to support her defence.

This context is important because it sets the stage for understanding why this Judicial Review is not premature and should be allowed based on the exceptional circumstances of a breach of natural justice, apprehension of bias, and want of jurisdiction. Further, Christopher Renwick ought to remain as a respondent in the Judicial Review for the reason that his submissions will assist the Court in being fully informed.”


Future articles will publish extensive details of the Tribunal’s and Ottawa Police Service’s incredibly open bias against Detective Grus. The Tribunal’s open bias will undoubtedly form the foundation of an appeal that must be filed should Hearing Officer Renwick convict Detective Grus.

This week I’ll be bringing daily coverage of the continuation of the hearing where Detective Helen Grus is not allowed to effectively defend herself.

For now, I’ll leave you with this observation from the first ten days of hearings…

Hearing Officer Chris Renwick’s approval of Prosecutor Vanessa Stewart’s outrageous conflict of interest and weaponization of objections to protect her sister-in-law – a prosecution witness – brought the entire legal process and the Ottawa Police Service into disrepute.

Prosecutor Stewart continually interrupted the defense lawyers’ cross-examinations of prosecution witnesses – even objecting to questions before the defense even started to speak the question. This weaponization of objections was and is a purposeful strategy to deny Detective Grus’s right to cross-examine the witnesses against her.

During the first ten days of public hearings Stewart’s outrageous behaviour, theatrics, and visible contempt for defense lawyers – and occasionally even rudeness to the Hearing Officer -was unhindered. The transcripts I made from my recordings are unbelievable to anyone with any court experience.

Public observers and journalists await the continuation of the hearing on January 8, 2024 – for what promises to be the most biased and out-of-control legal procedure that most of us have ever seen.

Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus Not Allowed Any Defense Witnesses

Dr. Eric Payne, Dr. James Thorpe, Dr. Gregory Chan, Ottawa Police S/Sgt (retired) Peter Danyluk, Lawyer Shawn Buckley – Ottawa Police Tribunal Rejects Every Defense Witness!

Hearing Officer Chris Renwick refuses to allow testimony from any of the five defense witnesses proposed by Detective Grus’s legal team.

Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus is charged with ‘Discreditable Conduct’ under the Ontario Police Services Act for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants.

“Why even pretend to have this sham trial? The verdict’s already been decided. The fix is in.”

(Ottawa Police Staff Sergeant ‘B’ commenting to journalist Donald Best)

Detective Grus was investigating any potential connection between the vaccination status of the mothers and the sudden deaths of breastfeeding babies. Ottawa Police shut down her investigation, ordered her to stop, and charged her with an internal disciplinary charge.

In a decision dated November 26, 2023, Hearing Officer Renwick rejected all five defense expert witnesses – three medical doctors, a retired Ottawa Police Staff Sergeant, and a Regulatory lawyer.

Let me paraphrase the legalese of Renwick’s decision with the truth…

Trials Officer Supt (Retired) Chris Renwick

Renwick essentially found that he doesn’t require the testimony of the witnesses as they are biased and will present evidence in favour of Detective Grus.

Oh… he says it a little differently but the core of his decision is evident to anyone with any sense of justice.

For instance, Dr. James Thorpe had expressed an opinion that “the Ottawa Police Service should be investigated for their political prosecution of Detective Grus.”

So no testimony from Dr. James Thorpe.

“S/Sgt. Danyluk, in written response to a questionnaire, provides his respectful opinion that the disciplinary system is being used against Cst. Grus where leadership should have been applied and there was a failure in not investigating the media leak.”

So no testimony from retired Staff Sergeant Peter Danyluk – a recognized expert in police ethics.

Lawyer Shaun Buckley “was a moderator at the April 26, 2023 National Citizen’s Inquiry who put questions to a witness, former RCMP Corporal Daniel Bulford, on Cst. Grus’ actions and subsequent PSA charges – whereas Dr. Eric Payne and Dr. Gregory Chan were witnesses at the Inquiry.”

So no testimony from Shawn Buckley, Dr. Eric Payne, or Dr. Gregory Chan.

And there you have it folks…

The Ottawa Police Tribunal will not allow Detective Grus to call any defense witnesses.

Dr. Eric Payne, Paediatric Neurology – NOT ALLOWED

Dr. James Thorp, Obstetrics and Gynecology – NOT ALLOWED

Dr. Gregory Chan, Family Medicine – NOT ALLOWED

Ottawa Police Staff Sergeant (retired) Peter Danyluk – NOT ALLOWED

Lawyer Shawn Buckley. – NOT ALLOWED

A sham trial by a sham tribunal.

Ruling on Proposed Expert Witnesses for Defence

This is the November 26, 2023 ruling by Ottawa Police Hearing Officer Superintendent (retired) Chris Renwick.

Having attended every day of the Grus Hearing in August and October/November, 2023 – I can assure each of my readers that there is NO WAY that Hearing Officer Renwick wrote the attached Ruling. Not a snowball’s chance. Never happened.

Which raises the question… Do Ottawa Police Hearing Officers have independent legal counsel to assist in crafting their decisions? If not, the obvious writer of this decision is at best a lawyer employed by the Ottawa Police, and at worst the prosecutor herself.

Here is the Tribunal decision in .pdf format…

Grus Case Ruling on Proposed Expert Witnesses for Defence

Grus Expert Witness Decision scanned

The Memo Book Scandal

Hearing Officer Chris Renwick also won’t allow Detective Grus to examine her own handwritten memo book notes for the very date and event she is charged with. (I’ll be covering that part of the story in more detail later this week.)

Full Listing of Detective Grus News Stories Here

Lies, Defamation, & Hypocrisy: CBC, Ottawa Citizen, CTV Reporting of Ottawa Police Settlement in Detective Grus Parental Complaint

Ottawa Police strategically settle a parental compliant the day before Detective Grus’s Judicial Review Hearing

CBC, Ottawa Citizen, CTV deliberately lied to public, Defamed Detective Helen Grus


* CBC, Ottawa Citizen, CTV know that court evidence showed Detective Grus did NOT access the ‘vaccination records’ of the deceased infants – but the outlets nonetheless reported this falsehood on December 7, 2023.

* CBC, Ottawa Citizen, CTV know that court evidence showed that in March 2022, rogue Ottawa Police officers illegally released confidential information to CBC reporter Shaamini Yogaretnam – who then presented an ultimatum to the Ottawa Police Service that the police had only 24 hours to contact the parents of the deceased infants before CBC broke the story.

* CBC, Ottawa Citizen, CTV know that court evidence has shown Detective Grus had absolutely nothing to do with the public release of any information about her investigation of the cluster of nine sudden infant deaths.

* CBC, Ottawa Citizen, CTV know that court evidence showed it was CBC and reporter Shaamini Yogaretnam and the news media’s reporting of stolen confidential police information that resulted in the current OPS settlement.

* CBC, Ottawa Citizen, CTV. also know that the family involved in the OPS settlement includes two Public Health Agency of Canada personnel who monitored and actively sought to influence the OPS investigation of Detective Grus from March, 2022, and even after she was charged in July 2022.

* CBC, Ottawa Citizen, CTV know that the Public Health Agency of Canada is part of the government group that advised and mandated experimental mRNA injections – even declaring that the injections were safe and effective for pregnant women and breastfeeding babies.

* Media Outlets defamed and attacked Detective Helen Grus, calling her ‘rogue’, and dehumanizing and degrading her in public – when those media outlets know that Grus had nothing to do with the illegal release of confidential police information. These media outlets know that court evidence showed the Ottawa Police refused to investigate the rogue police officers who illegally provided confidential police information to CBC reporter Shaamini Yogaretnam.

* CBC, Ottawa Citizen, CTV know that court evidence showed the Ottawa Police illegally, abusively WIRETAPPED Detective Grus and her family – yet they refuse to report this to the public.


Why Do Canadian Media Outlets Promote Lies, Corruption, Defamation, and Cover-ups?

Shaamini Yogaretnam CBC Reporter

Yesterday CBC, Ottawa Citizen, and CTV – all government-subsidized news outlets – published reports of a settlement between the Ottawa Police and mother of a deceased infant who complained of privacy violations but did not file a lawsuit.

The timing of this monetary settlement was clearly a strategic decision by the Ottawa Police Service (OPS). The OPS faces imminent embarrassment and exposure in today’s December 8, 2023, Divisional Court Judicial Review application filed by Detective Helen Grus’s defense lawyers.

The settlement, media release, and published news articles are clearly intended to impact public opinion on the day of a court hearing where Grus’s lawyers have filed court documents detailing extreme bias by both the prosecution and Hearing Officer Chris Renwick in the internal trial of Detective Helen Grus.

Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus is charged with ‘Discreditable Conduct’ under the Ontario Police Services Act for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants. Detective Grus was investigating any potential connection between the vaccination status of the mothers and the sudden deaths of breastfeeding babies.

In ten days of prosecution hearings in August and October / November 2023, this reporter witnessed firsthand many of the incidents of bias by the Hearing Officer, and outrageous behaviour by Prosecutor Vanessa Stewart. Among other excesses, Prosecutor Stewart weaponized ‘objections’ to prevent Grus’s defense lawyers from effectively cross-examining prosecution witnesses.

Trials Officer Supt. Chris Renwick

Prosecutor Stewart was so obviously attempting to protect the prosecution witnesses from impeachment – one of whom was her own family member sister-in-law Detective Renee Stewart. This conflict of interest was only revealed on the last day of the August hearings and shocked all public observers in the court.

More shocking, however, was that Hearing Officer Superintendent (Retired) Chris Renwick knew and approved of the conflict of interest.

Hearing Officer Renwick Refuses ALL Defence Expert Witnesses

In a decision dated November 26, 2023, Hearing Officer Chris Renwick DISALLOWED ALL FIVE DEFENCE WITNESSES.

Detective Grus’s lawyers sought to have three medical experts, one police expert, and one legal expert testify…

Dr. Eric Payne, Paediatric Neurology,

Dr. James Thorp, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Gregory Chan, Family Medicine

Ottawa Police Staff Sergeant (retired) Peter Danyluk

Lawyer Shawn Buckley

The biased Tribunal Hearing Officer Chris Renwick disallowed every defense witness.

December 7, 2023 Media Articles

CBC: Ottawa police board settles with family over invasion of privacy

CTV News: Ottawa police board settles with family over officer who accessed dead child’s vaccine records

Ottawa Citizen: Family settles privacy complaint with Ottawa Police Services Board

Much More to Come

This story broke late Thursday, December 7, 2023.

Tune in to The Lavigne Show on Friday, December 8, 2023 at 8am Eastern time when Vlad Tepes, Jason Lavigne and yours truly will provide full coverage.

You can see the show on X (Twitter) @donaldbestca

And on Rumble… The Lavigne Show – with Vlad Tepes and Donald Best

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