Justice Keith M. Boswell dismisses Judicial Review of Canadian Judicial Council’s ‘Backroom Bryan’ Shaughnessy decision

Former President of the Progressive Conservative Association of PEI, card carrying Conservative for 30 years and current Federal Justice, Keith M. Boswell
Appeal of Boswell’s decision will cite gross errors.
Justice Keith M. Boswell dismissed my application for a Judicial Review of the Canadian Judicial Council’s decision about my complaint against Justice J. Bryan Shaughnessy. Justice Boswell also awarded costs against me to the tune of $30,000. He orders that I must pay Justice Shaughnessy and the Attorney General of Canada $15,000 each within 30 days. (See full decision below.)
One business day before the start of the Monday, November 20, 2017 hearing Justice Boswell also announced that he would not accept evidence from former Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police Julian Fantino – notwithstanding Fantino’s stunning evidence of criminal and / or other offences by lawyers, police and Justice J. Bryan Shaughnessy.
Justice Boswell then elected to go ahead with the judicial review application hearing notwithstanding that Julian Fantino had appealed the court’s rejection of his application to intervene in the judicial review hearing.
Other than stating that Justice Boswell’s decision contains gross errors and that I will be appealing, I will not be commenting further on Justice Boswell’s decision and reasons at this time.
Readers are, however, able to discuss Boswell’s decision and whatever else their hearts desire in the comments section.
About Justice Keith M. Boswell
Mr. Justice Keith M. Boswell was appointed to the Federal Court as announced on about June 15, 2014 by then Attorney General Peter MacKay of the Harper Conservative government.
According to the Prince Edward Island Guardian Newspaper, Keith Boswell was a practicing insurance lawyer with the large Stewart McKelvey law firm.
“At the time of his appointment to the Federal Court, Keith Boswell had been a card-carrying Conservative for nearly three decades and past president of the Progressive Conservative Association of P.E.I.” … PEI Guardian Newspaper
Full Decision of Justice Keith M. Boswell
The full decision of Justice Boswell can be downloaded here. (.pdf 1.5mb)
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Donald Best
Barrie, Ontario, Canada
The incompetence of many judges are highlighted when searching them online. We have the case of retired Ontario Judge John Hamilton who was scolded on many occasions for his antics in court. Then when he was hired to oversee an inquury for a police officer involved in the G20 summit fiasco outrage was sounded at his appointment. Thus the question is to be asked who is overseeing the competence of judges in doing a thorough and fair job in our courts. Based on research the OMAG is failing the citizens of Ontario . The Donald Best case exposes flaws in the judicial system and the fact that the OMAG took sides to protect a judge accused of judicial misconduct indicates that they are breaching the publics trust and any federal judge that makes a tax paying citizen pay the OMAG who is failing the province by not serving the public interest proves a massive cover up and conspiracy. For this we will liken the judicial system to the leaning tower of pisa. Continual cover up of corruption will finally make it collapse.
The retired Judge Hamilton ruled in the Dangelo apple juice magnate rape case where 2 Jr crowns were seen dining with Dangelo and we’re removed and a crooked OPP cop wad involved who came under the radar of the RCMP with associates of the Rizzutto crime family. The case against the crooked cop Mike Rutgliano fizzled in a Brampton court. Why??? Yet the case against David Simetic a honest hard working Canadian frustrated by corruption resulted in charges and house arrest. Please readers do your research of all comments on this website and watch as corruption slaps hard working Canadians in the face. Journalists keep pushing for accountability with your articles. It’s courageous people like Officer X and Mr. Snowdy and Donald Best Paul Manning David Simetic that make you proud to be Canadian. Not these crooked lawyers and judges and those who cover up for corruption. A padded jail cell is needed for Mr. Van Allen as they strip him of his medal of Honor and give it to officer X and all whistle blowers.
Justice in Ontario and Canada is based on back room deals and who they can milk for legal fees. A case is won by who you know at the court house and not on the evidence.
I have been targeted by lawyers and judges and I am a witness the judgements are not written by the judge. The judgement is hand delivered and given to the judge . This scam is happening in every legal proceeding and right into the Court of Appeal in Ontario.
You are a loser regardless of the evidence at the legal proceedings. I have had lawyers and my lawyers have not handed any judgement to the judges. Your own lawyer participates in the frauds.
Can you imagine you are paying to be victimized in a legal proceeding. Case law is fraudulent.
Thats why you represent yourself and do your research and never be afraid to go after the crooked in court. You see a bullying judge or lawyer call in 911 and demand the police attend the court to arrest the bullies. You see back room deals and hand delivered judgments call 911 and demand police attend the court. Start hitting back at the corrupted.
Of course your own lawyers may participate in frauds. Ask some wrongful dismissal lawyers if they get paid money to steer the wronged employee. Im sure they do not claim it as income so they are tax evading as well. Would anyone like to know the name of one of these types of lawyers
This is criminal cover up by the OMAG office as Mr. BEST can’t as an Ontario citizen be forced to pay costs in bringing forth a hearing to demand a review for a civil servant paid by Ontario tax payers namely their office and the Judge Shaughnessey. Both the OMAG and the judge are paid public servants who are to perform their jobs competently and in the case where judicial misconduct is alleged the OMAG will cover the bill as an Ontario government entity to protect the interests of Ontario citizens in receiving competent judicial services which in this case was fir Mr. Donald Best. What a farce furthered carried on by this federal court judge. The 30000 legal fee for costs levied against Mr. BEST can be construed as extortion to silence and cover up. All legal experts out there get those legal brains churning as we have now opened up a serious breach of the charter of rights caused by the OMAG and furthered by the federal Judge.
This judge Boswell has committed judicial misconduct himself by not waiting for Julian fantinos appeal as intervener so right here it begs to question bias on the part of this federal court judge towards the disgraced judge and seeing that this judge used to sit on as a committee member in the PEI law society furthers shows prejudice against Mr. Best who has exposed cover up by the Ontario and Canadian law society. Another question too is why are costs levied against Mr. Best. Judge shaughessey is a paid public servant being questioned for judicial misconduct against a citizen therefore the province picks the tab up for legal costs as Mr. Best is a citizen of Ontario entitled to competent judicial process Mr. Best is acting on behalf of all Ontario citizens pushing for fair judicial leadership performed by a paid public servant judge shaughbessey. So why is this federal court making Mr. Best pay 30000
Prime minister has no power,if he starts speaking little loudly ,they slap on his face right away by bringing his vacation issues etc..,the most of these judges are left over from Harper’s government.This organisation has been placed in those years.
Remember Rob Ford;when he acted against casino in the city,organisation brought his pictures and published on news papers.
This problem is a lot bigger then prime minister.
We can all join together and demand audience with the Prime Minister and when we get there we name all the judicial crooks in an organised way.
I was in court at the hearing and I truly regret more persons did not attend to hear the arguments from the other side. For instance just about everyone present jumped when one of their lawyers argued that a judge breaching Constitutional law would not be enough for the person to get judicial review. Folk they made some stupid arguments that were not funny at all. It was frightening and I came away saying to myself our governments have no clue that these lawyers and judges are making their own laws
I wonder if NSRLP is taking note that having a lawyer makes no difference when it comes to the abuse in our courts. Our courts need purging
If can not get fair justice, what we can do? We get fair outside the court by ourselves? I do not think the justice want to force us to get fair by traditional way like happened in the movies?