Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus Not Allowed Any Defense Witnesses

Dr. Eric Payne, Dr. James Thorpe, Dr. Gregory Chan, Ottawa Police S/Sgt (retired) Peter Danyluk, Lawyer Shawn Buckley – Ottawa Police Tribunal Rejects Every Defense Witness!
Hearing Officer Chris Renwick refuses to allow testimony from any of the five defense witnesses proposed by Detective Grus’s legal team.
Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus is charged with ‘Discreditable Conduct’ under the Ontario Police Services Act for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants.
“Why even pretend to have this sham trial? The verdict’s already been decided. The fix is in.”
(Ottawa Police Staff Sergeant ‘B’ commenting to journalist Donald Best)
Detective Grus was investigating any potential connection between the vaccination status of the mothers and the sudden deaths of breastfeeding babies. Ottawa Police shut down her investigation, ordered her to stop, and charged her with an internal disciplinary charge.
In a decision dated November 26, 2023, Hearing Officer Renwick rejected all five defense expert witnesses – three medical doctors, a retired Ottawa Police Staff Sergeant, and a Regulatory lawyer.
Let me paraphrase the legalese of Renwick’s decision with the truth…
Renwick essentially found that he doesn’t require the testimony of the witnesses as they are biased and will present evidence in favour of Detective Grus.
Oh… he says it a little differently but the core of his decision is evident to anyone with any sense of justice.
For instance, Dr. James Thorpe had expressed an opinion that “the Ottawa Police Service should be investigated for their political prosecution of Detective Grus.”
So no testimony from Dr. James Thorpe.
“S/Sgt. Danyluk, in written response to a questionnaire, provides his respectful opinion that the disciplinary system is being used against Cst. Grus where leadership should have been applied and there was a failure in not investigating the media leak.”
So no testimony from retired Staff Sergeant Peter Danyluk – a recognized expert in police ethics.
Lawyer Shaun Buckley “was a moderator at the April 26, 2023 National Citizen’s Inquiry who put questions to a witness, former RCMP Corporal Daniel Bulford, on Cst. Grus’ actions and subsequent PSA charges – whereas Dr. Eric Payne and Dr. Gregory Chan were witnesses at the Inquiry.”
So no testimony from Shawn Buckley, Dr. Eric Payne, or Dr. Gregory Chan.
And there you have it folks…
The Ottawa Police Tribunal will not allow Detective Grus to call any defense witnesses.
Dr. Eric Payne, Paediatric Neurology – NOT ALLOWED
Dr. James Thorp, Obstetrics and Gynecology – NOT ALLOWED
Dr. Gregory Chan, Family Medicine – NOT ALLOWED
Ottawa Police Staff Sergeant (retired) Peter Danyluk – NOT ALLOWED
Lawyer Shawn Buckley. – NOT ALLOWED
A sham trial by a sham tribunal.
Ruling on Proposed Expert Witnesses for Defence
This is the November 26, 2023 ruling by Ottawa Police Hearing Officer Superintendent (retired) Chris Renwick.
Having attended every day of the Grus Hearing in August and October/November, 2023 – I can assure each of my readers that there is NO WAY that Hearing Officer Renwick wrote the attached Ruling. Not a snowball’s chance. Never happened.
Which raises the question… Do Ottawa Police Hearing Officers have independent legal counsel to assist in crafting their decisions? If not, the obvious writer of this decision is at best a lawyer employed by the Ottawa Police, and at worst the prosecutor herself.
Here is the Tribunal decision in .pdf format…
Grus Case Ruling on Proposed Expert Witnesses for Defence
Grus Expert Witness Decision scanned
The Memo Book Scandal
Hearing Officer Chris Renwick also won’t allow Detective Grus to examine her own handwritten memo book notes for the very date and event she is charged with. (I’ll be covering that part of the story in more detail later this week.)