Vincent Gircys – Case Update Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus

Detective Grus believes Police Officers should challenge unlawful orders
I had the opportunity to chat with Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus following her police disciplinary hearing final submissions. This historic case involves one of Ottawa Police Service’s finest members noticing a spike in infant deaths.
Helen took action where others failed. While following a hypothesis based on the best available evidence, her preliminary inquiry was shut down, as the consequences of exposing the truth became unacceptable to the national narrative. She was subsequently silenced and charged with bringing discredit to the organization.
First and foremost, Helen is so grateful for the prayers and support she’s received throughout the process.
She is in this challenge because she believes in the principles of policing: preservation of peace, prevention of crime, and the protection of life and property. She knows there are countless amazing officers risking their lives daily to do just that.
Her heart and soul believe that when unlawful orders are given by police supervisors, officers must challenge them respectfully using the authority all officers are granted by law. It is clear that this challenging time in Helen’s life, dealing with the allegations against her, will not break her.
Although the financial costs of a legal defense are tremendous, she understands the implications this case will have on the entire Canadian police community if the truth and investigative process associated with this remain buried.
One underestimation in the attempt to silence and set an example of her was that whoever concocted the ridiculous, unprecedented Discreditable Conduct charge against Helen simply doesn’t know her. Perhaps they thought she’d take a plea and hunker down quietly. They didn’t realize that Helen doesn’t worship money; she worships God. She doesn’t love money; she loves life!
Regardless of the outcome of this disciplinary hearing, Helen seems convinced that Truth, Love, and Compassion will prevail.
This is far from over, and I have no doubt that the full version of her story will eventually become mandatory reading in every police academy across Canada, as Helen knows that Courage, Integrity, and Truth in law enforcement must and will prevail.
Canadians need the Helen’s and you as well Donald in our police forces. I firmly believe Canada has had a COUP… “economic” by any definition. All by design. We are in big trouble as a Nation. This I believe. Be Blessed.
Former OPP Vincent Gircys is spot on. Bravo to him for connecting the dots on the set up of former RCMP Bill Majcher just like the railroading of Detective Helen Grus which is all political.
Sam Cooper has retracted a story he did on Bill Majcher and the foreign interference charges as he was mislead by fake intel. Yes where there is a set up using fake intelligence there is cover up of criminals especially in the political arena. Sam Cooper a respected journalist for Global News has retracted the story which attests to his credibility. His work online at The Bureau literally outs the criminals who have dirtied their hands with the CCP and drug cartels. We have a report from the Criminal Intelligence Service Canada that there are now 63 Canadian based organized crime groups with their tentacles to the USA Mexico and China. Even worse 235 organized crime groups are involved in the manufacturing or importation of fentanyl into Canada. The killer of far more than any virus did or could. Are you aware Myanamar has overtaken Afghanistan as the #1 producer of heroin brought to Canada by these same criminal groups. My guess the fake charges against Bill Majcher is to cover up these criminals to Canada and the true foreign interference. The true criminal groups covered up by government, We have over 70 criminal groups smuggling guns into Canada across the US border in Ontario Quebec New Brunswick and Manitoba. But lets make up fake charges against the former RCMP agent William Majcher with all the charges coming from corrupt Quebec and where the supposed victim states its all fake. Does everyone know they had secret wiretaps of the former dead head of the Rizzutto crime family Vito Rizzutto plotting revenge against those who murdered his father and son yet he was not arrested when he stepped off the plane from Cuba and the Dominican Republic . He had already served over 6 years in a Colorado prison for conspiring and having 3 men murdered so those wiretaps should have seen him arrested. Who stopped any warrants for his arrest? Same ones who faked charges against William Majcher and arrested him. Took his passport and wouldnt let him return to Hong Kong where he lives and to ger radiation for his cancer. Despicable people in Canada. Wolves in sheeps covering.
Kudos to all supporting Detective Helen Grus and William Majcher. Yiu are all correct, Ask exactly what was Canadas role in Myanamar really about and the crisis. Lets make Myanamar the #1 producer of heroin because that is great for refugees. NOT. I think a massive investigation is needed here. Both on organized criminals into Canada and set ups of innocent people who were former or present police. People are not dumb so stop acting dumb. People are not blind so stop wearing blindfolds. The politicians and crooked justice system and cops want you to wear blindfolds. They insult our intelligence daily. This scam saga of over 3 years of Detective Grus and her discredible conduct charge is insulting to honest people. We can see clearly what is at play.
Are you aware there are MPs in Parliament in Ottawa who support jailing Canadians who speak out on fossil fuels. Would that be to intimidate those in our auto industry who are not supporting the government on EV and all the narratives any longer? Whats happening with the carbon tax now? Thats a lesson to watch. How laugheable these embarassing MPs are to Canadians and to human rights. We have madmen in Canada. True Nazi mentality. I agree with a lawyer that these madmen should be monitored and find out who funds them. This is unacceptable just like this scam police tribunal of Detective Helen Grus.
Vincent Gircys is connecting the dots and kudos to him. Research every judge lawyer cop or politician. Leave no “t “uncrossed or” i “undotted. The cowards are all there to find. The abuse against Canadians is massive.Dont forget the tariffs by Trump is to shut down the 63 criminal organizations in Canada that connect to the USA and the 235 fentanyl producers or importers and the 70 criminal groups smuggling guns into Canada that go with the drug traffickers and money laundering lawyers like convicted lawyer Simon Rosenfeld that William Majcher helped to get jailed. Anyone attacking Trump is covering up for these criminal groups endangering you and your families and putting a strain on healthcare that is in shambles in Canada. In our passport office we have people selling passports to these 63 organized crime groups so listen to Sam Coopers interview at The Bureau. The whistleblower was attacked smeared and lost his job. The criminals selling to criminals walk free. Why is that? Anyone with lawsuits for refusal of these experimental covid vaccines would do well to incorporate all that is in this comment in their lawsuit. Leave nothing out. The rant by Trudeau against the unvaccinated and the ban on aircraft travel needs to highlight all the dangerous criminals in Canada and those who are enriched by them.
The fact is that they know that we know, and they know we can’t do a single thing about anything in a corporate-style government, which is what we have in Canada at all levels. They even legalized lying to the public just before the COVID scam, which is why they think they can lie with impunity!
Until and unless we install the Constitutional Republic that we have been legally entitled to since 1931, and restore the death penalty, NOTHING can be done. Period!
They write their own corporate laws, change them on a whim. That is not government, that is prison.
All politicians are 100% imposters, for there never was any Confederation, any Consitution of the People, any Charter and any legislation ‘assented to’, because as Queen E II said herself in her first public address in 1957, she did not make law or assent to it (she was 100% fictitious, so she knew she could not assent to anything).
We could be so free and happy if only I could get people to listen and look at the evidence. EVERY province is sovereign — we just need to claim our right to this legal status and stop acting like we are owned.
The only reason people want to join the US is because they like the access to law, the death penalty, the election of all Judges, Sheriffs, etc with recall and referendums. To join the States we would have to first become a Constitutional Republic just as are every US State.
Why not do it now, and rebuild Ontario (or any othe rprovicne that wants their freedom)? Don’t talk to me about Danielle Smith — she has sworn a life-time oath to the globalists and that is why she is an ‘Honourable’. That is why she is supporting and protecting convicted pedophiles in the AHS, and the extremely corrupt politicians and bureaucrats in her government.
Please listen to me folks; I and a few others have sacrificed 22 years of our lives to uncover the real truth. We do not have to suffer like this.
I noted yesterday that the animal rescue groups make sure that not a single dog or cat is sleeping outside, and step over hundreds of Canadians sleeping on sidewalks to rescue the dog and cats.
Our moral compass is broken…we need a new one.
Having been the proud wife of two retired officers (one RCMP and one Toronto Police), I know that what you Mr. Gircys, Mr. Best, and Detective Grus are, is the true embodiment of what it means to be a ‘hero’.
Few people realize what good law enforcment officers go through, not just at the hands of the public, but at the hands of the United Nations appointees (since 1985) that are devoted to the world government apparatus.
Once I started learning about the root of our problems in Canada, I started to realize that truthtellers and real patriots are not just up against the cult they are forced to work in, but are up against ruthless globalists and their brown shirts working for them in all our institutions.
You are a rockstar Detective. I’ve never been so proud of an officer of the law
in my entire life and I grew up with one.
May God pour His blessings upon you