Ottawa Police Promote Neglectful Officer Who Failed to Prevent Domestic Murder – Sgt McMullan is Prosecution Witness in Grus Case
Detective Erin McMullan, prosecution witness in the Detective Helen Grus case, promoted despite her record of neglect in a domestic violence case that ended in murder.
Ottawa Police Detective Erin McMullan’s promotion to Sergeant is raising questions, given that her neglect and inaction in a domestic violence case contributed to a tragic outcome. An October 17, 2024, CBC article details how McMullan’s failures may have played a role in the murder of an abused wife – a case that continues to raise concerns about Ottawa Police’s accountability in handling domestic violence situations.
Adding to the complexity, McMullan also appeared as a prosecution witness in the high-profile case of Detective Helen Grus. The Ottawa Police Professional Standards Unit charged Grus in July 2022 with conducting an ‘unauthorized investigation’ into a cluster of nine unexplained infant deaths. Detective Grus had suspicions that the vaccine status of the mothers could possibly be a factor in the deaths of breastfeeding babies.
On October 30, 2023, Sergeant McMullan testified that Detective Grus should not have self-initiated an investigation into a potential link between the Covid Vaccines and the deaths of breastfeeding infants.
Considering McMullan’s record of neglect of duty, her opinion that Detective Grus should not have initiated an investigation is noteworthy…
After all, unlike Detective Grus who is being persecuted for doing her duty, Sergeant McMullan neglected her sworn duty but was promoted nonetheless.

Detective McMullan assures Hanadi “If I don’t do anything and I have this information and something happens to you, then I’m in big trouble for not protecting you.”
Fear. Hope. Neglect. Murder.
On October 1, 2013, terrified mother of two Hanadi Mohammed came to the Ottawa Police begging for help. Her brutal husband Hamid Ayoub had threatened her with a knife in front of the children because she had reported his abuse to the police. A few weeks earlier she had run from her husband at Ottawa airport, called 911 and taken the children to a friend’s home.
Detective Erin McMullan (then Erin Lehman) of the Intimate Partner Violence Unit interviewed Hanadi and assured her “From what it sounds like right now, I definitely have enough grounds that I have to charge him. In Ontario, if we get information like this, we have to lay a charge. We don’t have any choice,”
“… if I don’t do anything and I have this information and something happens to you, then I’m in big trouble for not protecting you.” Ottawa Police Detective Erin McMullan to abused wife Hanadi Mohammed
McMullan promised the desperate Hanadi that the very next day she would arrange assistance for her, schedule another officer to interview the two children, and would personally call to update her.
But the next day Detective Erin McMullan did nothing.
McMullan didn’t arrange assistance for Hanadi, didn’t call her, and failed to arrange the interview of the children.
Hanadi trusted McMullan. What else could the poor woman do? But Detective Erin McMullan’s promise to help her and charge her husband was a sham.
Like many abused women with limited English and no support, Hanadi ended up returning to her violent husband for years of further terror and violence. This according to sworn testimony.
In August 2020 Hanadi again took the children and fled from her husband Hamid Ayoub – but by November 2020 he had planted a secret tracking device and began to plot her murder.
In May 2021 Ayoub found Hanadi at a shopping plaza and threatened her – as she told police at the time.
But again, Ottawa Police officers failed to protect her.
On June 15, 2021, Hamid Ayoub used the tracking device to find his estranged wife and daughter at their home – attacking and stabbing Hanadi 39 times and his daughter 12 times. Hanadi died in front of her home. Her daughter survived by playing dead.
Sergeant Erin McMullan testified during Ayoub’s 2024 murder trial that she couldn’t recall why she didn’t follow through with her promises and duty to Hanadi in 2013. McMullan said that Hanadi left her a message after about 10 days and that the officer returned the call only to be told that Hanadi was now back home with her loving husband, and everything was fine.
That purported call sounds very convenient for Erin McMullan. There’s no indication in the news articles if McMullan had such an entry in her memo book or in the Ottawa Police reporting system. Sources told this journalist that McMullan made no record of the purported call anywhere.
There is also the question of language. If Hanadi needed a translator for the interview, did McMullen call in a translator for the purported phone call? The call where, according to McMullen, the abused wife purportedly said everything was now fine?
McMullan also acknowledged during the murder trial questioning that it was her duty in 2013 to lay criminal charges against Ayoub – but she did not.
The Ottawa Police promoted Erin McMullan to Sergeant despite her record of neglect, poor judgment and failure in the Hanadi Mohammed case.
Ontario’s Domestic Violence Mandatory Charging Policy
First introduced in 1994 in the Ontario Policing Standards Manual, the Mandatory Charging Policy requires that charges must be laid in domestic violence situations if there is reasonable and probable evidence that a criminal offense has occurred, irrespective of the victim’s wishes – exactly as then Detective Erin McMullan told Hanadi Mohammed.
Although the policy has been revised and adjusted over the years, the core principles that Detective McMullan violated are still in place.
My currently-employed sources at Ottawa Police confirm that when Detective McMullan failed to investigate, followup, and lay charges in a situation where the husband threatened his wife with a knife – the officer not only failed to perform her duty, she violated several regulations.
McMullan could have (and I say SHOULD HAVE) been charged with:
- Insubordination (Failure to obey a lawful order)
- Neglect of Duty
- Disreputable Conduct
It is fair to say that a wife and mother was murdered, and a daughter severely injured because Detective Erin McMullan neglected her duty.
It is also fair to say the Detective McMullan’s negligence undermined public confidence in the Ottawa Police – and most critically, undermined women trapped in abusive / violent situations. Abused women learned from the Hanadi Mohammed murder that the Ottawa Police have fine words and policies about domestic violence – but the reality is that abused women and children are on their own.
Nonetheless, the Ottawa Police promoted Erin McMullan to Sergeant – and ignored the body of Hanadi Mohammed.
Sergeant Erin McMullan Testifies Against Detective Helen Grus
On Monday, October 30, 2023 Sergeant McMullan took the stand as a prosecution witness against her former squad member Detective Helen Grus. McMullan was overtly hostile to Grus and argumentative with defense counsel as she actively sought to counter the defense position that police officers have both free will and a duty to investigate potential crimes.
Some observers at the hearing speculated that this hostility was because Detective Grus had looked into one of McMullan’s infant death investigations and found her work to be incomplete or even neglectful.
Lead defense counsel Bath-Shéba van den Berg cross-examined Sergeant McMullan and started with questions about Section 5.3 of the Ottawa Police Criminal Investigation Management Plan which states:
“There is no intent to limit, inhibit, the discretion of any uniformed member in response to criminal occurrence.”
In answer, McMullan outrageously took the position that police officers DO NOT have “free will to look into any criminal investigation.”
Astonishingly, McMullan also disputed that officers have the free will and duty to investigate crime – stating at one point that if she suspected a crime, she would file a police report and then have the investigation detailed to “the proper unit”.
As the cross-examination progressed, McMullan’s answers became ever more absurd as she so obviously attempted to provide whatever twisted logic and reasoning would better support a conviction of Detective Grus. In her usual style Prosecutor Vanessa Stewart assisted by objecting to just about every question asked by Defense Counsel.
Prosecutor Stewart reacted strongly when lawyer van den Berg asked McMullan…
“If there was a medical treatment that was not tested on human beings, prior to releasing it to the human population, and yet it was being distributed to – to human beings, and you suspected that – no, you came across deaths, say, which you know, could be linked to the Criminal Code offence of criminal negligence, what would you put in a report?” Lawyer van den Berg cross-examining Detective Erin McMullan
Stewart had the witness excused and then argued (as she did throughout the hearing) to exclude any defense evidence addressing the known adverse effects of the mRNA genetic injections – including serious injuries and deaths.
Despite Prosecutor Stewart’s efforts to exclude all evidence of vaccine injuries and deaths from the record, Trials Officer Chris Renwick did hear that the causes of death of six of the seven infants investigated by Detective Grus are known adverse effects listed in the Pfizer’s internal documents – made public as the ‘Pfizer Papers’. *
Concerns of prosecution bias were compounded by reports of interference in the Grus case from officials at the Public Health Agency of Canada, a matter that appeared on the House of Parliament Order Paper Questions in March 2024.
Since Grus’s suspension almost three years ago, there has been a tsunami of credible evidence that the officer was correct all along in her suspicions.
Authorities in many jurisdictions have admitted that manufacturers and authorities concealed from the public that the shots were DNA contaminated, that the formulas presented for approval were not the vaccines that were fraudulently delivered, that the vaccines were known to be ineffective, and that it was known the vaccines caused serious harms and even deaths – including to babies in the womb and breastfeeding infants.
Yet the Ottawa Police continue to prosecute Detective Helen Grus and have blocked her promotion to Sergeant. The prosecution also served ‘Notice of Increased Penalty’ indicating that Grus will be fired if convicted.
Grus Hearing Continues January 6, 2025
The Ottawa Police prosecution of Detective Helen Grus is scheduled to resume on January 6, 2025 – although there is some doubt about the prosecution team because Vanessa Stewart has left the Ottawa Police and is now working as a Crown Attorney.
Sources at the Ottawa Police Association confirm that neither the OPA nor Detective Grus and her legal team have been informed if Stewart is still on the prosecution team – as of Friday, December 6, 2024.
As the case approaches its third year, observers question whether the Ottawa Police Service will continue to pursue the charges against Detective Grus. The author’s previous article lists three key factors fueling this speculation.
See Turmoil in Detective Grus Trial as Prosecutor Leaves Ottawa Police
Comprehensive coverage of the Detective Grus case with links to articles and sources since March of 2022 can be found at Donald Best’s website:
From the best selling book ‘The Pfizer Papers’ edited by Naomi Wolf…
“The Pfizer Papers features new reports based on the primary source Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order and on related medical literature. The book shows in high relief that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial was deeply flawed and that the pharmaceutical company knew by November 2020 that its vaccine was neither safe nor effective. The reports detail vaccine-induced harms throughout the human body, including to the reproductive system; show that women suffer vaccine-related adverse events at a 3:1 ratio; expose that vaccine-induced myocarditis is not rare, mild, or transient; and, shockingly, demonstrate that the mRNA vaccines have created a new category of multi-system, multi-organ disease, which is being called “CoVax Disease.”
Despite the fact that Pfizer committed in its own clinical trial protocol to follow the placebo arm of its trial for twenty-four months, Pfizer vaccinated approximately 95 percent of placebo recipients by March 2021, thus eliminating the trial’s control group and making it impossible for comparative safety determinations to be made.
Just as importantly, The Pfizer Papers makes it clear that the US Food and Drug Administration knew about the shortfalls of Pfizer’s clinical trial as well as the harms caused by the company’s mRNA COVID vaccine product, thus highlighting the FDA’s abject failure to fulfill its mission to “[protect] the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices.”
Published by Donald Best
V1.3 December 29, 2024 11:53am ET Confirmed correct spelling as McMullan and made changes throughout.
V1.2 December 9, 2024 4:13pm ET Spelling incorrectly posted as ‘McMullen’ after relying upon misspelled court transcripts.
V1.1 December 9, 2024 11:47am ET (Spelling correction ‘McMullen’ to ‘McMullan’ in photo caption.)
These tragedies keep happening and incompetent people contiinue to be given free passes and honest good people who are competent are thrown under the bus.
The Detective Grus case is apalling to say the least and the fact that it still continues with another hearing scheduled in January after two people were forced out who showed absolute disrespect to fundamental justice and due process indicates how high the cover up is.
Glad to see you researched about the first polio vaccine in 1955 that was shoddy and was harming children and the Courts ruled the manufacturers liable because they called it safe when it was not and heads rolled and people were fired. I believe the covid vaccimes were called safe. The massive deaths and injuries speaks otherwise to the truth of these rushed products. The FDA were supposed to meet bi weekly after EUA given to monitor 20 plus adverse events that included myocarditis thrombocytopenia allergic reactions neurological and even death. Where are the bi weekly meeting notes indicating complete investigation of all world events to satisfy EUA requiremments and new biological products? To satisfy investment requirements? I believe doctors were threatened with losing their licenses for reporting vaccine adverse events. Opposite to legal ethical and moral obligations. The WHO confirmed in 2019 that polio cases were coming from the polio vaccines not the wild virus and investigations have asked if DDT and other chemicals were responsible for causing harm such as paralysis and not from the polio virus. The first shingles vaccine was found to cause people to get shingles just like the covid vaccine was bringing on shingles to both unvaccinated and vaccinated. Think seriously on this. The unvaccinated who never got covid got shingles from vaccine shedding from the vaccinated. Shingles is called a painful debilitating condition therefore healthy people who never got covid were subjected to this painful condition by no fault of their own and the vaccinated also got shingles after getting vaccinated so they too were caused this painful perhaps debilitating comdition. Is there any sense to this scenario that did happen and data shows this to be true. Its absolutely horrendous what was done to mankind with these novel products. The money being made off of vaccines like the polio vaccine which is causing polio in third world nations is a crime to say the least. At what point can you say you solved a problem by creating new ones? Well when money is to be made they create new problems to profit off of. Bill Gates bragged about a 100 to 1 profit off of vaccines. Bill Gates is being sued in the Netherlands for misinformation on the covid vaccines causing vaccine injury and he couldnt get out of appearing in Court.
At which point can you mandate a product with consequences for refusal at the same as adding more money to a compensation fund for vaccine injuries and death and not call it criminal negligence? I dont know which planet your on if you think this was OK. It is not and telling otherwise is nazi mentality of evil like an Italian Judge stated in April 2022. We have had a multitude of examples of vaccine failures such as from one of the first yellow fever vaccine causing hepatitis to US military and sad stories of the thalidamide drug horror saga and yet people still do not learn. Why not? We had people speak regarding learning from the thalidamide tragedy but were pushing these experimental covid products. How come? Simple question to ponder.
The Detective Grus story is cover up. It is the thalidamide tragedy repeated with a different product. They prove they dont learn from tragedies and keep repeating them. Very sad for humanity. The write ups regarding the Republic of Congo and human rights abuses is there to research and learn lessons. Sadly money and love of it creates massive human rights abuses and health and safety issues that are killing and harming our fellow man.
“The Detective Grus story is cover up. It is the thalidomide tragedy repeated with a different product.”
So true Allen!
But on a massive scale never before seen.
This is a tragic story and shows how neglect of duty goes unaccounted for and these individuals get promoted instead of penzlized.
The Pfizer Papers are eye opening. The FDA is being forced to release another1000 pagesof hidden documents Any good Judge realizes if tge data was good showing safe andeffective then Pfizer and FDAwould not have tried to cover it up for 75 years.
Disease X is being hyped in the Congo. Perhaps simple mi ded canask if Disease X is being manipulated. Is cobalt poisoning causing massivve health issues in the Comgo. Cobalt is toxic and causes cancers respiratory issues neurological damage and damage to unborn children. Children as young as 5 or 6 are being forced to work in the cobalt mines in the Congo. All workers are exposed to cobalt toxins there while working in unsafe conditions.
In the Congo 4.5 million children are acutely malnourished and 25 million are in an emergency crisis situation for food. All the while working as modern day slaves.
For all the leades of the world and the doctors who said they cared about you and your families health and safety during covid and attacked the covid unvaccinated may I suggestyou take out your cellphone and look at it and remember the abused mining the minerals for that cell phone including young children and the toxins these people are being exposed to and hold your heads in disgrace until you actually affect change. Big talk no action eh whilepeople are being harmed.
Where is former Ottawa Police Chief P. J. Michael Sloly when we need him?
Keep up the good work! You are our only source of information and justice for this disgraceful prosecution of Helen Grus.
Having been married to two police officers (the first — since passed — was retired RCMP in NS, and the 2nd was a retired Toronto Police), I have to say I have been extremely disappointed in the behavior of some Ottawa Police Officers.
In early 2023, I had broken my hip in an accident, about 6 months after renting out my basement apartment in Ottawa. The tenant, about 60 years old, seemed reasonable when I had interviewed her, but it was not long after she moved in that it became apparent she was mixing alcohol, psychiatric drugs and pot — her volatility was on display 24/7.
Even when they had the proof in hand that she was lying about everything, and that she was threatening me with death, they were lethargic at best.
I audio-recorded her threatening to kill me 9 times! She was explicit about how she was going to do so, etc. I called the police for help, sent them the tapes, and a Detective was assigned. HEdecided that because she was in her apartment when she made the threats, she had a right to privacy. Had she made them from a phone in her apartment, well, that apparently is chargable.
She made several threats including about where she would bury me while I was outside, but I could not record those. The Detective brushed it off as a ‘she said, she said’.
Later on in the year I had to do the annual inspection, change the CO2 batteries, and filters, etc. She locked the door as soon as I got into the apartment and then started pushing me to make me fall. I reported all this and the police came out to tell me that it was a tenancy issue and they had no jurisdiction because the Landlord Tenant Board handled such matters. On another occasion, one Constable braced himself up against the door casing of my doorwaay and said that after talking with her for 5 minutes, he determined she was not dangerous.
Of course, the LTB responded to absolutely no communication and still hasn’t.
I tried to talk with the Chief of Police, but that was a waste of time, as I was stalled with every excuse staff could think of. I went to the Duty Counsel at the Ottawa Courthouse to get a restraining order and the Duty Counsel was excellent, but noted the process is long and arduous and does not provide immediate relief. He was surprised that the Detective would not charge her, given the recorded evidence.
One courthouse officer explained the process to follow, and this I noted in my report to the Detective as he had asked. The Detective’s Supervisor said he agreed with the Detective’s findings that nothing could be done about the 9 threats, etc and then misquoted me entirely about the information the courthouse officer and Duty Counsel had given me. When I tried to correct his obviously deliberate misquote, he said the file was closed and he wanted no further communication.
The Approved Application for the restraining order went to the AG and they decided I had to represent myself if I wanted the restraining order!
By that time, it became apparent to neighbors that she was doing something with her drugs because every day, one or the other of 2 men in the area would come to the fence, whisper and then exchange something. I reported this as potential drug dealing, to no avail.
Finally, she started harassing the neighbors and it was only because they intervened that I finally got her off the property.
The other thing that seems extremely bizarre is how many police cars will show up to a call. The neighbor across the street during the summer had an incident (no weapons, etc), just a minor dispute. SIX police cars with 2 officers in each showed up. One officer did the interviewing and the others stood on the street in a group, and they could be heard chatting about all sorts of unrelated things.
Our property taxes in Ottawa are extremely high, but as many of the neighbors have stated, we are not seeing the behavior and service that should go with such high taxes.
I remember a time when the actions taken by Detective Helen Grus would result in a commendation for initiative and investigative thoroughness. It is sad to see the point to which the police ethic has devolved.
Thanks for the update. Hoping for a positive outcome for Det. Grus.
(A former Toronto Police Officer – 1970 to 1982)