Bombshell FOI Emails: Will Theresa Tam Finally Face a Reckoning?

Emails Expose Secret No-Consent RSV Palivizumab Vaccine* Experiments on Inuit Children.

What Else Are They Hiding?

by Donald Best   February 25, 2025

For three years, Canadian officials used Inuit children as guinea pigs for an experimental RSV Palivizumab vaccine* injections program – without parental consent and without the knowledge or involvement of the Inuit population. This shocking revelation, buried in newly uncovered Freedom of Information (FOI) emails, is completely unrelated to COVID-19 – yet it raises damning questions about the government’s approach to public health experiments on Indigenous communities and all Canadians.

Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, knew about the ethical concerns. So did other top public health officials. In a December 16, 2019, email to Tam and others, Dr. Tom Wong, Director General of the Office of Population & Public Health at Indigenous Services Canada, explicitly warned them that health care workers had raised serious red flags.

“Some ethical concerns were raised by health care workers regarding the guarantee of a free and informed consent from parents or caregivers, as well as the absence of involvement of Inuit population in the decision and implementation process.” Dr. Tom Wong to Dr. Theresa Tam and others, December 16, 2019

Yet rather than halt the program, the government pressed forward. Parents were kept in the dark, as were Inuit leaders and the broader community. Worse, the experiment had already failed – the RSV Palivizumab vaccine* injections didn’t work as intended. But officials concealed this and continued using an Indigenous population as unknowing test subjects.

December 16, 2019 email confirms ‘No-Consent’ Medical Experiments on Inuit Babies

This isn’t the first time Canada’s medical establishment has used Indigenous children as test subjects without consent.

From the 1940s-50s nutritional experiments in residential schools, where researchers deliberately starved Indigenous children to study malnutrition, to the 1933 tuberculosis vaccine trials on 600 Indigenous children in Saskatchewan, where nearly 20% died, history has already proven that officials were willing to sacrifice Indigenous lives for so-called “science.” (ref **)

“The difference between medical research’s clinical trials and human experimentation is patient consent. Given the very unequal power relationships between medical staff and patients, coupled with often perplexing language barriers, and the widespread perception that many Aboriginal people would not willingly accept treatment, patient consent for treatment was often simply taken for granted.” (Lux, M. Separate Beds, University of Toronto Press, 2016, p.112)

Canada’s medical establishment deliberately starved Indigenous children in secret experiments.

The RSV Palivizumab vaccine* injection experiments on Inuit children are not an isolated incident – Canada has a documented history of using Indigenous children as non-consenting test subjects in government-run medical experiments. One of the most shocking examples took place in the 1940s and 1950s, when Canadian scientists deliberately starved Indigenous children in residential schools to study malnutrition.

Newly uncovered historical research confirms that the Canadian government and top nutrition scientists saw Indigenous children not as victims, but as research opportunities.

“Two separate long-term studies that went so far as to include controlled experiments conducted, apparently without the subjects’ informed consent or knowledge, on malnourished Aboriginal populations in Northern Manitoba and, later, in six Indian residential schools.” (Mosby, 2013, p. 145-146) (ref**)

The experiments were brutal in their design:

•Some children were fed vitamin-enriched food, while others were deliberately left malnourished as a “control group” to see how they deteriorated.
•Researchers withheld dental care, believing that “improving dental health might skew the results.”
•Some Indigenous children were subjected to these experiments for up to five years, without their knowledge or consent.

“From the perspective of Tisdall, Kruse, and the other nutrition experts involved in the study, it was clear that the levels of malnutrition witnessed… were a tragedy, but also an unprecedented research opportunity.” (Mosby, 2013, p. 152)

This wasn’t a one-time crime—it was a blueprint. Before the government starved Indigenous children in the 1940s-50s, it had already run tuberculosis vaccine trials on Indigenous children in Saskatchewan in 1933—without their parents’ knowledge.

Page References from Mosby (2013) (Available below for download)**

•Lack of Consent & Secret Experiments: p. 145-146
•Children as Test Subjects: p. 151
•Researchers Saw a ‘Scientific Opportunity’ in Malnutrition: p. 152
•Children Were Denied Treatment for Study Integrity: p. 163

These horrific practices set a clear historical precedent – one that makes the secretive RSV Palivizumab vaccine* injection experiments on Inuit children even more alarming.

If the Canadian government has done it before, what else have they done – and what are they still hiding? One thing is certain: During the COVID-19 vaccine mandates, Informed Consent wasn’t just ignored – it was obliterated.

The Sears FOI Releases: A Crack in the Wall

Bret Sears

This chilling discovery is only the beginning. Credit goes to Bret Sears, a relentless New Brunswicker who pried 1,818 pages of internal government emails loose through FOI requests – 447 pages of which are now public. Many of these emails shift focus to COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines, hinting at what officials knew as the crisis unfolded.

Over the next year, hundreds of thousands more pages are set to be released – a potential goldmine that could expose hidden deals, suppressed risks, or even darker truths.

A New Age of Citizen Investigators

Thanks to Bret Sears (X = @Bret_Sears), everyday Canadians are now tearing into these documents at unprecedented speed. Over the past three days, I joined citizen groups using AI tools like ChatGPT and Grok to analyze hundreds of pages of the emails, associated news stories, regulations, and government policies. This isn’t like past whistleblower leaks: this is crowdsourced investigative journalism on steroids with A.I. instantly making connections that usually take weeks or months to discover.

Someone spots a red flag – “Look what I found!” – and instantly, others connect the dots, “That ties to this!”

“The truth is coming together faster than ever before. This level of synergy is something I’ve never before witnessed. Tam and her colleagues should be terrified.” Donald Best

Indigenous children in Canada’s residential schools—many of whom were subjected to secret government medical experiments without consent.

The Big Question: Could This Lead to Criminal Charges?

As a former Toronto Police Sergeant (Detective), I have one question…

If these emails or the flood still to come prove that Theresa Tam and other officials knew the mRNA injections caused significant harm and fatalities, yet continued pushing them on the public and Indigenous communities while concealing the truth – could this support criminal charges?

The answer could be yes. Potential charges could include Criminal Negligence Causing Injury or Death – and that’s just the start.

The Truth Is Breaking Free – Join the Hunt

The Tam FOI emails are now searchable.

NOTE: See Tam FOI for all released files RIGHT HERE

Below, you’ll find the first two .pdf files as released by Bret Sears. (Bret Sears can be found on X: @Bret_Sears)

Original Documents:

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part1

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part2

Since the government released these files as non-searchable PDFs, I have used Adobe Acrobat OCR to make them fully searchable. Now, you can use the ‘find’ function of your computer to quickly scan for key terms and find critical information.

Searchable OCR Versions:

🔍 ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part1 OCR

🔍 ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part2 OCR

The December 16, 2019 email from Dr. Wong to Dr. Tam is on page 410 / 1818 and is located in the second file (Part 2).

New Find – Report downloaded from a link shown on page 410 – OCRd and searchable:

‘Evaluation of new palivizumab immunoprophylaxis
recommendations in Nunavik infants : results for 2014
to 2017’

report_palivizumab_immunoprophylaxis_nunavik_infants_cor OCR

Now It’s Your Turn

These emails are just the beginning. With each new release, the full scale of government deception may finally come to light.

Were Theresa Tam and other officials knowingly complicit in secret medical experiments on Indigenous children—without consent, without oversight, and without accountability? Did they push dangerous COVID-19 vaccines while concealing the risks?

The truth may be buried in these documents—but not for long.

Dig in. Expose what they never wanted you to see. Your work, your analysis, could be the discovery that shatters the official narrative and triggers criminal investigations into Theresa Tam and other government officials.

Good hunting.

Donald Best – February 25, 2025

NOTE: See Tam FOI for all released files RIGHT HERE

* References – RSV Palivizumab Vaccine* Injections

I had used the colloquial term ‘vaccine’ for the RSV Palivizumab Injections to communicate that these were ‘no-consent / no-knowledge’ injections, but as with the mRNA COVID-19 injections – the Palivizumab Injections are not true ‘vaccines’.

A reader and medical professional asked me to clarify that the injections were of ‘monoclonal antibodies’ and not a true vaccine. As he said…

“The real issues as you’ve identified are the ethics when parents have no knowledge of, and did not consent to, having their children injected with anything in a secret medical experiment.”

I am informed by ChatGPT… Palivizumab (brand name: Synagis) is a monoclonal antibody used to prevent severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections in high-risk infants and children. It is not a vaccine but works by providing passive immunity against RSV.

** References

Canada has a documented history of conducting unethical medical experiments on Indigenous children without consent. Two of the most notorious cases include:

1. Nutritional Experiments in Residential Schools (1940s-1950s):

Between 1942 and 1952, Canadian government researchers deliberately starved Indigenous children in residential schools to study the effects of malnutrition. Essential nutrients, vitamins, and even dental care were withheld from at least 1,300 Indigenous individuals—about 1,000 of them children—without informing the children or their families.

Source: Mosby, I. (2013). Administering Colonial Science: Nutrition Research and Human Biomedical Experimentation in Aboriginal Communities and Residential Schools, 1942–1952. Histoire Sociale/Social History. PDF download

2. Tuberculosis Vaccine Trials (1933):

In 1933, Canadian researchers conducted tuberculosis vaccine trials on 600 Indigenous children in Saskatchewanwithout parental consent. Nearly 20% of the children died from preventable illnesses like gastroenteritis and pneumonia, exacerbated by the poor conditions of Indigenous reserves.

Source: Lux, M. (2016). Separate Beds: A History of Indian Hospitals in Canada, 1920s-1980s. University of Toronto Press.


  • Today: Thursday, March 6th the National Citizens Inquiry hearings held in Edmonton titled Are Children safe in Canada? featured on Rebel News (Google) has Dr. Martian, (second speaker) is educating ‘general public’ about COVID-19. Due to your efforts and the Ottawa Officer (Grus) addressing infant death issues this is a must for you both to review for your case and has potential for case support. The disclosure the Dr. offered has pertinent education and information, rare, difficult to discover, professional. A must to review, not ignore or over look I found powerful and amazed to hear the calibre featured in Canada, most powerful.

  • Grace Joubarne

    Anonymous: did you know that 3 pharmaceutical CEOs were prosecuted for corruption in China, and now pharma sales people are not permitted to visit any medical office?

  • Grace Joubarne

    Hello Gerald,
    you sound as though you have rebounded somewhat…that’s great. You can message me if you like.

  • Gerald Landry

    Hello Grace, I’m Blessed to find you active as it’s been almost a decade! We had a bit of interaction after the Kingston confiscation. I went a couple year’s without InterNet resulting from Court imposed poverty! Since o4 I’ve been involved with Injured Worker’s Support Group’s and in 011 I had to focus on Family Court corruption! I haven’t haven’t had an Edress since December 6th so try the following as it came up in my brother’s options a coupleDay’s ago, as it’s one I had but never used since buying apple back in o8.

  • Tragic stories of abuse by those in authority. Kudos for this investigation and I see that it’s being talked about everywhere on social media. In fact they are now investigating in the USA the dangers of big pharmaceutical paying doctors as that can create bias that interferes in proper healthcare. They should as the American OB/GYN were given $11 million and then said it’s safe for pregnant females. Same in Ontario Canada. How much did Canadian OB/GYN get? How could it be called safe when no trials were done using pregnant females. Definitely blood money.

    On the subject of Blood Money another great investigative book is Blood Money Why the Powerful.Turn a Blind Eye as China Kills Americans by Peter Schweizer. For 2 years he and his team scoured Chinese documents and financial trails of US political leaders and their families and investments as the CCP covertly infiltrated the US drug trade, the social justice movement and the medical establishment with doctors. That would include universities and colleges. Detective Grus legal team should follow this trail as Canada under Trudeau covered up the Winnipeg Lab 4 theft by 2 Chinese scientists where the one scientist is pictured with a CCP Military General . Trudeau gave millions for a covid vaccine to China. My guess the stolen stuff by these 2 Chinese scientists would enrich Trudeau with the savior vaccine. I wonder why it collapsed and Chinz refused to return the monies? The RCMP have covered it up for years now. Even CSIS have outed this. We need a Blood Money book for Canada following the financial ties of the political leaders to China. Mark Carney has the Desmarais family as a main financial backer and they have ties to China. Just like the USA they turn a blind eye to killing Canadians with fentanyl and heroin and cocaine and enriching doctors in our medical establishments interfering in un biased Healthcare and the covid vaccine especially for pregnant females is a bombshell investigation needed.

  • Human Rights abuses in Canada continue. Fantastic investigations.

    Is it true the candidates for the Liberals stated they would stop protection of the border to teach Trump a lesson? Did we hear that correctly?

    Human trafficking signs in washroom at Montreal International. For years they have outed this major problem. They wrote it in their media. Dif the RCMP just catch 2 human traffickers recently. What have they accomplished the past decade without Trump telling them to get tough. The solution is to stop protecting the border to shut up Trump. To teach him a lesson.

    So just like ignoring human rights to our indigenous for decades and hurting the children they want to penalize the children caught human trafficking and adults as well in order to penalize Trump who knows human trafficking is huge especially in Quebec Ontario and BC and it’s connected to drug cartels and chinese triads and terrorists all connected together in a well organized crime ring attached to crooked cops politician government employees s judges and lawyers.

    Make it make sense. Abhorrent! Human trafficking is a crime against humanity and your morons debating believe committing crimes against humanity is acceptable in order to teach Trump a lesson.

  • What an eye opening investigative report. Truly mind blowing. It is being discussed by an American investigative journalist indicating the story is reaching beyond Canadian borders

    Very sad history of Canada. Quite embarassing to see such evilness of the past and lessons never learned. Peter Henderson Bryce was ousted from Public Service and he wrote his book called “The Story of a National Crime” where he published his report on Residential Schools. No concrete changes and Canada continued to harm indigenous children. The record of the 40s and 50s experimentation on our indigenous proves these despicable people learned nothing from Nazi Germany. In fact Canada allowed Nazi war criminals /collaborators into Canada protecting them and my guess many of them got roles in government. Organized crime flourished in areas where nazi collaborators settled. Very unsettling and there is a lawsuit to name the nazi war criminals in Canada.

    The news media on the Truth and Reconciliation day failed to highlight how the Canadian government fired Peter Bryce. They do not seem to report properly and ask questions.

    Evilness appears to come in gang stalking of individuals and I remember the story of a mother stalked by her abusive husband who appeared to be a Ottawa cop and she spoke of events happening like a commentator spoke of on here and there is a crime network from Toronto to Ottawa of bad cops politicians and military surveillance. Any police investigate these allegations of gang stalking, attempted murder theft destruction of documents ,attacks on body with waves ? Probably not. If they can use our indigenous as Guinea pigs and all our children of Canada as pin cushions and Guinea pigs for an experimental shot what else do they do? They obliterated informed consent and human rights. Very great use of a word to describe everything that has transpired. Obliterate is to destroy and wipe out. The Nuremberg Code and real life shocking stories in Nazi occupied countries was ignored in Canada as seen by these experiments on our indigenous children. There is no magical number attached to a genocide. It is the mentality of evil at play. You cannot use saved lives by a vaccine but killed lives by the vaccine in the same sentence. There is no proof it saved lives but lots of proof it killed and harmed and the vaccine compensation fund for the covid vaccine indicates this. Healthy people killed or harmed by this vaccine is criminal.negligence as they knew. They knew but mandated it anyways using consequences in the criminal coercion . Auto immune is a long term condition and healthy children have been subjected to this condition for the rest of their lives . They knew these covid vaccines could cause autoimmune conditions. They didn’t care just like they did not care about our indigenous especially the children.

    Keep up the great investigative work. Emails from Theresa Tam and office indicate they knew ivermectin could work for covid. Yet it was ridiculed in the media and by doctors. Doctors who called it safe to give out as Halloween candy were silent. Cowards. One of those doctors was in the Ivory Coast looking for parasites in the rivers. I guess he was looking for himself. A parasite on public health. A doctor who loved the limelight. Tracking the conflicts of interest of Doctors is necessary as to motives regarding lockdowns masks and vaccines advice and they ignore warnings regarding big pharma and the medical doctors causing problems to real patient care.

    There is a honest police officer investigating a smear campaign against Dr. Byram Bridle by people at Guelph University so let’s hope the people responsible face the music. Let’s hope those who gang stalk like Grace states are penalized. Let’s hope the anonymous victims are helped.

    Reading through some of the emails I see they realize green spaces and forests which is the great outdoors is necessary for mental and physical health. They obliterated this in lock downs shutting parks and forests and even crown land camping was forbidden. What a total disgrace by so called health. They know nothing of health. No kind words to them. They haven’t earned it. They obliterated trust in them and made a mockery of health and human rights and I encourage everyone to read up on the UN Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights . Zero in on Bioethics of which these so called health obliterated. Compassion and kindness forms part of bioethics and attacking and viciously smearing the unvaccinated and firing them or denying them travel.on a train or plane is far from.kindess and compassion especially to our indigenous and people of color who had reason for mistrust due to experimentation on them and as seen with our inuit children and the RSV vaccine it was not so long ago they were usdd as guinea pigs. We expect a full on investigation of all this and heads to roll and the cowards to do their jobs.


  • How is information on page 410 of either file when neither file has 410 pages?

    • There is one release of 1818 pages in 11 different and sequential pdfs. These are the first two that go from page 1 to page 447. Part 3 will start at page 448. Check the lower right corner of each page for the sequential page number.

  • I think the entire COVID thing could be seen as a plus in some ways.

    Now we know exactly who is dangerous and treacherous, and who should be removed from our landmass. They popped their heads up and now they cannot say they were not involved.

    Prior to COVID we didn’t really know who was ordering our demise … now we know. We also know that there is a lot of work to be done so that the future generations understand socialism and communism and how deadly they are.

    We must teach our youth that anyone who promotes socialism or communism is against society, not for it.

  • Why did Toronto remove that ad attacking the unvaccinated? Was it because of public outrage? . So Toronto and their Public Health Officer have no confidence in what they push.. If you are confident in your choices as public health why remove the ad? Peter Bryce was fired as a whistle-blower supporting the indigenous especially children. A good health official fired as he exposed the government. Bad public health glorified praised and shielded. This thread truly exposes the horrors of Canada and is it any different from the Nazis who experimented on children including twins. They would leave them in the cold after experimenting on them and bring them in to revive them just before death overtook them. Disgusting.

  • I am gang stalked and it’s paid by those the poster anonymous listed in his comment and it’s done in order to cover up their corruption. Corruption that links right to America and crooked politicians of Canada Criminal elites. Gang stalking includes much more as Anonymous wrote. The eyes and ears as a microphone is involved. Think of phones with their heart monitors and blood pressure monitors apps and apps that pick up your breathing and think what else can be done.

    I just make fun of those who stalk and I control my own life free of garbage medication that they would love to get you to use to try and play with your brain. Laughter is the best medicine and indulge in that for your health. Many amazing natural health care products vs big pharma junk.

    Read up.on Peter Allen Bryce who advocated for the indigenous as a health minister in Ontario and they fired him. Make America healthy again is being done by American leadership. The mask touting social distancing ten dosed covid vaccine takers yelled it’s for your health but attack the Make America Healthy again. Laughable fools. Mindless cowards who made tons of money off of abusing you and hurting your health.

    Theresa scam Tam is retiring so hopefully she runs back to Hong Kong and Interpol arrests her there. The fake Reconcilliation Day is just that. Fake as it comes from the abusers of our indigenous to cover up everything done to them and of course its all political. They love to bestow awards on the criminals and call them heroes. That’s a sign of cover up.

    Democracy Watch is trying to get Trudeau arrested for criminal obstruction of Justice and Breach of trust for the SNC Lavalin scandal. It’s a private prosecution as the RCMP who engage in gang stalking falsifying documents destruction of documents covered up to protect Trudeau and crooks who.engaged in criminal bribery extortion money laundering and dealings with a terrorist dictator. The Charbonneau commission was a sham scam. It was to deal with organized crime links to politicians in construction contracts . The same scammers are getting contracts again.

    Canadians should be disgusted and outraged to hear of slap.on wrists to drug traffickers for years who are now known as terrorists thanks to Trump pushing to re label them or even the let out of jail free cards given by Judges in Canada to criminal drug cartels in spite of one criminal being found with 27000 fentanyl pills because the drug sniffer dog didn’t sit during the arrest and seizure of these large quantity of fentanyl pills. That’s what his lawyer used to get this criminal off. The attacks on the Trump administration is to cover up the real criminals in Canada. The real threats to health and homeland security. The massive amounts of Google search for criminal lawyers in Washington DC recently is interesting. The pardons by Joe Biden to Tony scam Fauci and others won’t stand up to the smell test or legality and you can’t pardon what was put into people’s bodies.

    Thank you for this exceptional thread shining the light on these evil characters and for these great comments. Hope is always necessary for health and welfare. Hope for accountability along with expose can move mountains.

    If you should buy Canadian and avoid America well less see what you should avoid. CNN fake news you pay for in your cable service. Post media is 80% American so no more bribery monies from tax payers to their news media like Toronto Sun Toronto Star etc. What about all the food chains that are American. Is it true 40% of the Canada Pension is invested in American companies? So attack your investments then. Kind of like shooting yourself in the neck. But again let’s reiterate. The attacks on America is by criminals attached to an organized crime network to cover up. Criminals who engage in obstruction of Justice Breach of Trust Abuse of Power Conflicts of Interest Foreign Interference Drug Trafficking Investment Fraud Money Laundering Human trafficking Gun running Terrorist Financing Fraudulent bankruptcies etc. Shout out to those on my electronic devices. The India international call at 11:55 is priceless. Did you just theasten me while writing this? Remember TD Bank received a $3 billion dollar fine for money laundering drug proceeds and human trafficking proceeds. That was in America. Where is the Canadian criminal prosecution for a similar massive fine as they money laundered on Canadian soil at the same time they froze Canadian bank accounts for giving a few dollars for human rights abuses. Shout out again to those who steal this like anonymous tells you.

  • Rosemary: First, no one needs to ‘ask’ for statehood. We already have it. We need only use it.

    Second, you will have lost ‘statehood’ the instant you ask a fictitious corporation for permission to have it. The corporations masquerading as government have never had and never will have unless we consent, power over us. The problem for us is that WE think they are legitimate and that we elected them. We didn’t.

    If you are to get free, you must NEVER, EVER think that the corporate system is where you go to acquire it.

    There is a perfect metaphor to describe our stuckedness and inability to see that the corporations running this landmass are nothing but criminal cartels with great PR departments.

    If you take a bear, or any animal, raise them from young in a cage or enclosure into adulthood, guaranteed that if someone opens the door to the enclosure to set them free, they won’t leave.

    However, if they are prodded out of the cage/enclosure, they might take a few steps away from it, but soon run right back in. Eventually, with enough prodding, they stay out and start to run far away, never to come back.

    This is our situation. Many in Ontario, where my sights are set on making it the first to be a free, fully operational republic, are stuck in the cage, even though the door has been wide-open since 1931.

    However, our situation is normal — fear of the unkown is our Achilles Heel. There is a great story I use to share with my patients when they had emotional hardships:

    An Arab Chief tells the story of a spy who had been captured and sentenced to death by a general of the Persian army. The general had fallen upon a strange and weird custom. He permitted the condemned person to make a choice. He could either face the firing squad or pass through the Black Door.

    As the moment of execution drew near, the general ordered the spy to be brought before him for a short, final interview, the primary purpose of which was to receive the answer of the doomed man to the query: “Which shall it be – the firing squad or the Black Door?”

    This was not an easy question, and the prisoner hesitated, but soon made it known that he much preferred the firing squad. Not long thereafter a volley of shots in the courtyard announced that the grim sentence had been fulfilled.

    The general, staring at his boots, turned to his aide land said, “You see how it is with people; they seem to always prefer the known way to the unknown. It is characteristic of most people to be afraid of the undefined. And yet I gave him his choice.”

    “What lies beyond the Black Door?” asked the aide. “Freedom,” replied the general, and ” I’ve known only a few people brave enough to take it.”

  • Chris, re: WCB.

    The UN privatized WCB to become the horrific corporation called WSIB. People-United have been working on a major release of the corruption and inhumanity of this for-profit corporation.

    All of these greedy, communist-run corporations will be dismantled under a proper constitutional republic-style government, because a properly constituted republic is owned by the People and run for the People, not corporations and foreigners.

    • Gerald Landry

      Hello Grace, I’m Blessed to find you active as it’s been almost a decade! We had a bit of interaction after the Kingston confiscation. I went a couple year’s without InterNet resulting from Court imposed poverty! Since o4 I’ve been involved with Injured Worker’s Support Group’s and in 011 I had to focus on Family Court corruption! I haven’t haven’t had an Edress since December 6th so try the following as it came up in my brother’s options a coupleDay’s ago, as it’s one I had but never used since buying apple back in o8.

  • Anonymous: what you are talking about is called gang stalking. Often it is highly organized and well funded by outfits like the CIA, RCMP, etc.

    Often municipal officials and their lawyers are engaged in this sort of activity to silence a property owner exposing their frauds. Trust me I know, but cannot reveal just yet.

    Nothing can be done in any corporatocracy falsely promoted as a democracy. Democracy worked for the Greeks, because they had a dandy death penalty, especially for treason against the People. There is no ‘treason’ against the people in Canada, only against the Queen/King’s business interests. You can read that in the Criminal Code of Canada yourself. And as you know, politicians made sure they could not be hung for treason for what they are doing to us.

    Many who participate in these gang stalking operations are duped, but a great many are ‘rewarded’, so often you will learn your friends, family, co-workers and colleagues have been working behind your back.

    Fish rots from the top down. All fish can be caught and turned into fertilizer, if people work together to put in a proper republic free of gang (political party) criminality and control, the people behind the hardship we face are as good as fertilizer.

  • You are on the right track re: experiments. When you think or discover much be mindful there is more, the unknown yet to know. I find as an independent research scientist, myself and work identified, long ago placed on ‘the list’ with direct experience to enemies of the land, life undermined, proof and evidence minimized, the grey fire zone or invisible war taking place that in Canada there is no defense to strikes against person and property, roots run wide and deep from top down to bottom up. Integrated as neighbours tactics-spread vicious gossip and lies to turn others against to cause isolation. Monitoring, stalking, intrusive surveillance of computer and cell phones to see what is worked on and for gathering information includes access to government tax records, medical, education, etc. Alongside intrusive surveillance illegal resident entry, search and seizure of documents, contacts, business, finances, social, religious, family info- use of bump keys. No matter how well hidden, found…use of drug equipment? Info is assessed for psychological profiling and a type of warfare for strikes at moments of vulnerability when no witness is around. Sophisticated drugging campaign, food tampered with to cause illness or death or knocked out, limbs twisted, injuries caused. Systematic theft of low value property to send msg of fear part of the cruel oppression. Physical attacks (stranger danger) when out and about made to appear as isolated incidents. Direct and indirect terror and violence aimed. Check bolts on tires to prevent caused accidents. Blatant evil – strangers in cars stalking, park near by, stare or take photos a form of intimidation. Smear campaign, character assassination or criminalized Police files altered, dumped, evidence removed. A search to take something written or spoken, twisted, used against or manufacturing of proof and evidence for charges and arrest. Threats to family and friends. The thumb print is- if it’s evil, cruel, it’s them with intelligence-military or paramilitary skills and the stench of satanism plus use of psychotronic weapons can cause bumping sounds throughout home or hearing of vocal voice 2 feet above left ear.,When things get tough Canadians run. Security camera, catch the one or two while the many at large will do backlash. CSIS is inept and Police too alongside corruption. Well solidified, long established, organized, funded implies both political and organized crime and Corporate roots by those threatened highly likely making big$ who have a lot to loose if caught, fear not due to soft laws. They want to break down persons or cause suicide and have incorporated in the mix Drs as medical aids to do you in push for Mental health areas, as a form of capture, shut down, take out or botch on purpose operations Great at cover up, victimizing victims. Canada is a friggen mess, sold out with a pile of arrogant ignorant inept, opinionated , assumptions running things, lacking direct life experiences and real expertise needed. Given your interests vigilance highly likely is needed. In
    Canada there is no efffective help.

  • Rosemary Malmgren

    How about people in each province demand a referendum on statehood of their province. How many signatures do you need for that?
    I would like to see what the People-United have. This is the first I have heard of this. Thankyou for sharing this

    • Rosemary: sorry, I forgot to answer your question re where to get People-United content.

      FROM a free protonmail account, email [email protected]

      In the subject line put your first name and postal code (so they can weed out bots etc) Also can put Ref: Grace

      Ask for the People-United content released to date (5 Series, with 5 more to come)

      If you don’t get it inside of a couple of weeks, contact me at gracejodance at protonmail dot com and I’ll see to it you get it. Everyone is a volunteer and there are not many, so things are not as fast as People-United would like.

      Be sitting down when you read this … it is shocking.

  • Grace Joubarne I agree with you

  • Darika Joyce Friesen

    My gratitude to you for all you have done to expose and continue to expose corruption in our Country.

    What is even more important is your diligence and effort in offering us inspiration to join you in your relentless search for solutions and justice.

  • Donald: Hope is a wasted emotion — that I have learned in my 70 years.

    The only people in true authority are ourselves. As long as we look to others, we are giving away control over our destiny. That’s not what God intended when he created us all equal.

    We can delegate some authority over our lives, so long as we ensure that we can revoke that authority. That’s the point of a proper Constitution ratified by the People who maintain authority while delegating some of it.

    I will personally download all 5 Series to USB drives and snail mail them to you. Note that because there was so much censorship going on, where there is a hyperlink in the content, there is a PDF or VID copy of the hyperlinked content, so it can never be lost again.

    It took a lot of hard work to find the censored material and in some cases we just could not recover them, but most are preserved forever now.

    I have said for 10 years now — since I was absolutely sure of our legal right to claim our statehood in every province — that all we need are 12 strong, courageous, determined, sensible, loyal Ontarians to get this done. I had approached you because I felt you were one of them.

    • Grace Hope is lost when you give up fighting. I’ve been around 66 years and one thing I figured out is they want you to think there’s no hope. They hide the truth and promote the lies. I fought WCB for 33 years. I’m not losing Hope.

      • Gerald Landry

        Hello, Chris, I’m wondering if you’re on the Tuesday Zooms for Injured Workers as sometimes there’s people on from British Columbia to Nova Scotia. It’s ONIWG who sponsors it.

  • Chris Tonner: but they do not see their work as ‘evil’ but as a gift to humanity. They believe they are superior because they have been ‘chosen’ by the UN/WEF/WHO to do this essential work. They do not see exterminating human beings as evil, but as a calling.

  • Its a disgrace. He who does not oppose evil-commands it to be done. Not to punish evil is equivalent to authorizing it.

  • My goodness Mr. Best. I am disappointed.

    You actually pretend that Tam and the other co-conspirators can be ‘charged’, when you should know, because People-United sent you the evidence, that no one who works for the United Nations can be charged or prosecuted with any crime. And none pay taxes.

    I sent you the evidence that the foreign corporation, the UN, has been the governing body since 1985. The fact that TAM had a secret contract with, and public health authorities all worked for, the World Health Organization (WHO) was all over alternative news. They cannot be prosecuted for their crimes because they were following orders of their government, the World Government.

    Since 1985, all officials sign a Declaration of Office (in the UN World Government apparatus), and not an Oath of allegiance to Canadians.

    You should, more than anyone, know that getting any official charged and prosecuted in corporate Canada is impossible, as the courts are owned by the UN-CANADA regional government of the World Government since 1985, and are therefore fully protected by means of their own laws. They are also protected by the long-standing ‘in good faith’ provision in every piece of legislation that is not defined, but interpretated at the discretion of the appointed judges. Municipalities and officials cannot even be sued for ‘negligence’ anymore since the UN took over and amended most legislation.

    Both Brian Mulroney and Justin Trudeau stated on the record that the Charter was worthless and not worth the paper it was written on. People-United sent you the evidence to confirm this status of the fake Charter. And Trudeau told us often we are a post-national state, so how can a non-existing state now controlled by foreign corporations possibly be expected to prosecute their officials that they directed to do what they did?

    In Feb 2019, the UN-CANADA government amended the Criminal Code and repealed s. 181 that made all the lying and mispresentations to the public a crime subject to 2 years imprisonment…so lying to the parents and the Inuit community was no longer a crime.

    Maybe if you read what People-United sent you, you would awaken to the fact that these discoveries are only valuable if we can do something with them. WE collectively cannot do anything with this information until every province claims it’s legal right to Statehood, at which time a properly written and ratified Constitution can provide for the prosecution of all crimes without a statute of limitations.

    You are an amazintg individual and inspiration in many ways, but you still refuse to look at why all this happens and will continue to happen, as not a thing has changed since 2020 when the ‘pandemic’ started killing over 17 million world-wide in less than 3 years. Hospitals are still forcing people to wear masks, pharmacies are still encouraging vaccinations with deadly mRNA products. And the politicians are playing musical chairs in the same climate change wealth transfer game.

    If for some reason you did not receive a complete package from People-United, request it again or email me and I’ll make sure you get it all. The first 5 Series have been published and hopefully, some day, with some technical and funding help, they can be put up on a website.

    • Hello Grace,

      There are days when I still retain a glimmer of hope that some person in a position of authority will act – but as you know the last law enforcement officer who attempted to act was Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus and they are still attempting to destroy her.

      As to “If for some reason you did not receive a complete package from People-United, request it again or email me and I’ll make sure you get it all.” I’m not sure whether I just got busy or what happened, but I can tell you that if I receive it all, I will look at it with a view to publishing it on my website… which isn’t much but it’s something. Cheers from Thailand!

      • Hell canada is promoting the vaccine as safe and effective on pregnant women and babies 6 months and older. Dr Tam stared in commercials geared towards children.
        Commercials geared towards Children. Get your child vaccinated. They said was safe an effective on our children. The Experts say it is neither save nor effective for children and pregnant women. One childs death is one to many. Sean Hartman 17 years old dream of being a NHL hockey player, father were wiped away from the mandated vaccine they promote.
        Santa Clause Helper Dr. Tam Mrs Claus: Of course. I must say Dr. Tam, it just warms my heart to see everyone in Canada, especially kids, working so hard to keep the holidays safe and cheerful for all.
        Dr. Theresa Tam: So am I, Mrs. Claus! Every child in Canada has definitely earned their place on the nice
        Dr. Theresa Tam: list! Their parents and caregivers too! It’s been a tough season with lots of viruses making people sick.
        Mrs Claus: Thankfully, Santa and I are feeling as healthy as ever. We are both up to date with our vaccinations, including COVID boosters and flu shots
        That’s so good to hear!
        Mrs Claus: I always tell Santa to make a list! And check it twice!
        Stay up to date on your vaccinations.
        Wear a mask in crowded indoor places – and make sure it fits nice and snug.
        Wash your hands to the tune of Jingle Bells.
        Dr. Theresa Tam: Great advice! You can also be sure to:
        Stay home if you’re feeling sick.
        And – If you are gathering indoors with other people or elves – open a door or a window for a few minutes at a time to let in some fresh air.
        The more items you check off the list, the more protected you are!
        Another out of Toronto showed a 5 year old looking out the window at her friends playing. Her Mom says its not safe for you yet. It was a phizer commercial and was pulled.

  • Of ALL the offensive advertising and coercion campaigns paid for with our tax dollars during the scamdemic, the TV ad series featuring ‘Dr Tam’ played during NFLs Monday Night Football surely has to have been one of the most disasterous. It made many feel sick to their stomachs.

    And WHO could forget – Dr Tam promised citizens a book or similar educational material on the benefits of wearing a mask during sexual interaction! Well, upon hearing that, I put all my Christmas shopping on hold – WHO wouldn’t want to have something like that! Hopefully, it makes it to print; a rare keepsake of her tremendous professionalism! 😜

    (Insert barf emoji here)


    You’re a credit to your former profession, Mr Best. A real champion. Thank you.