Ottawa Police Inspector Hugh O’Toole Resigns Amid Witness Tampering Accusations in Detective Grus Case

Source: Former Professional Standards Unit commander given ultimatum over emailed threat to witness… “You should retire for the good of everyone. The sooner the better.”

After allegations of Criminal Intimidation of a Witness and Obstruct Justice – Ottawa Police Inspector Hugh O’Toole resigned and now works as a lawyer at a Kemptville legal firm. (photo above)

On January 10, 2024, spectators at the internal disciplinary hearing of Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus were shocked when defense lawyers alleged that Inspector Hugh O’Toole that day committed criminal offenses against Grus, including…

  • Intimidation of a Witness
  • Obstruction of Justice

Detective Grus had been scheduled to testify that day for the first time in her defense. Her lawyers told Hearing Officer Chris Renwick that shortly before Grus was due to take the witness stand Inspector O’Toole sent her a criminally threatening email.

The lawyers read parts of the email into the court record documenting how O’Toole threatened Grus that if she testified about certain evidence and used certain exhibits, Professional Standards would re-investigate her with the obvious penalty of additional charges.

Outrage in the Court

Defense counsels Bath-Shéba van den Berg and Blair Ector were outraged and put the facts onto the record.

In almost 50 years in and around the courts, this reporter has never witnessed anything like we saw at the Grus hearing on January 10-11, 2024.

“It has come to my attention that Inspector Hugh O’Toole sent an e-mail to my client stating that she cannot rely on any OPS documents. That is witness tampering. That is intimidation. That’s obstruction.

This Tribunal should be outraged. I’m trying to hold back my seething anger. This is beyond unconscionable.”   Grus Defense Lawyer Blair Ector – January 10, 2024

“A crime committed by the head of the Professional Standards Unit of the Ottawa Police by threatening and intimidating our client before she’s due to give testimony.” Grus Defense Lawyer Bath-Shéba van den Berg – January 11, 2024

“I’m a witness to a crime. I’m an officer of the court. I’m going to make a police report right now.” Grus Defense Lawyer Blair Ector – January 11, 2024


The Ottawa Police Professional Standards Unit charged Detective Helen Grus in July 2022 with conducting an ‘unauthorized investigation’ into a cluster of nine unexplained infant deaths. Detective Grus had suspicions that the vaccine status of the mothers could possibly be a factor in the deaths of breastfeeding babies.

“The Ottawa Police shut down the investigation, suspended Detective Grus, and buried the evidence she had collected.”

Hugh O’Toole oversaw the investigation, charges, and prosecution of Detective Grus – and was undoubtedly part of the illegal wiretapping of Detective Grus and her family in February 2022.

Further, when two rogue Ottawa police officers criminally revealed confidential police information to CBC reporter Shammini Yorgaretnam in March of 2022, Inspector O’Toole refused a written demand to investigate the crime.

Hugh O’Toole protected corrupt cops and covered up a crime while unleashing his unit upon Detective Grus for investigating the deaths of infants.

‘Advised’ to Retire

The history and public attention upon the Grus case meant that when Hugh O’Toole committed the criminal offenses of Intimidating a Witness and Obstructing Justice, it was (according to my internal Ottawa Police sources) the final straw. O’Toole’s position was no longer tenable, and he was ‘advised’ to retire.

According to my sources, O’Toole had been ‘on the list’ for further promotion even to Command level (Deputy Chief). Officers in charge of Professional Standards / Internal Affairs are highly trusted by the command level. It is common knowledge that such officers are considered on their way to ‘flag rank’.

Almost Deputy Chief now Criminal Defense Lawyer

But that’s all done for O’Toole – who now works as a Real Estate and Criminal Defense lawyer with the Connie Lamble Law Office, a Real Estate and Wills specialty firm. Hugh O’Toole is starting their fledgling Criminal Law practice.

No doubt prospective clients will view O’Toole’s police background as a plus, but the truth is that though he was called to the Ontario Bar in 2014, he is a ‘newbie’ at practicing defense law. Hopefully his clients will not be at a disadvantage due to his lack of defense experience in the criminal courts.

The persecution and trial of Detective Helen Grus has been marked by perjury, the exclusion of all five defense expert witnesses, withholding of evidence, and cover-ups of criminal conduct by rogue police officers including Inspector Hugh O’Toole himself.

Legendary NYPD Detective Frank Serpico said of the Hugh O’Toole cover-up in the Grus case…

“Incompetence or criminality will go to any length not to be exposed even at the cost of innocent infant lives.” Retired NYPD Detective Frank Serpico

It is therefore the height of irony that the Connie Lamble Law Office website says about Hugh O’Toole:

“With his unique background, Hugh understands the complexities of the human experience and the fundamental right to accessible legal representation and procedural fairness.” Connie Lamble Law Office

O’Toole’s Resignation No Victory

Some may view Hugh O’Toole’s forced exit from policing as a victory in getting rid of a corrupt cop who spit on the Rule of Law, illegally wiretapped Detective Grus and her family, and charged a diligent officer to cover-up vaccine deaths and injuries.

I don’t view this outcome as a victory for justice.

Hugh O’Toole escaped criminal liability for his despicable actions and landed a cushy job to supplement his excellent pension. The message to the public and to Ottawa Police officers is that the system protects its own – even to cover-ups of criminal acts.

Donald Best – July 12, 2024

Donald Best is a former Toronto Police Sergeant (Detective) with over 45 years experience in law enforcement and intelligence operations in both the public and private sectors.

He is now an accredited independent journalist and broadcaster focusing human rights, law enforcement, and corruption issues.

Donald was the sole recipient of the 2018 Ontario Civil Liberties Award, which reads in part…

“Donald Best is a former Sergeant (Detective) with the Toronto Police responsible for investigating Canadian police, lawyers, and politicians involved in organized crime, and a leading Canadian anti-corruption whistleblower and activist.

In his ongoing legal cases and public advocacy, Mr. Best has exposed corruption in the Canadian legal profession including secret orders and investigations by judges, the submission of false evidence in court by lawyers, and the failure of disciplinary bodies such as the Law Society of Ontario and the Canadian Judicial Council to investigate complaints against judges and lawyers.

Mr. Best’s tireless efforts to create integrity and accountability in the Canadian legal system make him an exemplary leader in the fight for equality before and under the law of all Canadians.”

Donald Best website: DonaldBest.CA

Donald Best X / Twitter: @DonaldBestCA

Donald Best Substack

Detective Helen Grus News Articles & Background