Detective Helen Grus ordered back to work. Hearing adjourned to December 6, 2022

Suspended Ottawa Police Detective Grus faces one internal charge of ‘Discreditable Conduct’ for allegedly conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants – where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers.
Grus now has a lawyer to replace the police union representatives
Hearing adjourned to Tuesday, December 6, 2022 10am
Ottawa Police ordered Detective Grus back to work!
Two big pieces of news from today’s internal hearing against suspended Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus…
1/ Ottawa Police ordered Detective Grus back to work!
Observers were surprised today to hear that Detective Grus has been ordered back to work. She has been suspended with pay since February 4, 2022 when an internal investigation commenced – leading to the current Police Services Act charge.
Lawyer Bath-Sheba van den Berg requested that the restrictions and conditions imposed upon her client Detective Grus be negotiated and put in writing prior to her return to duty. A meeting to discuss the terms of Grus’ return to work will be arranged.
So why should the Ottawa Police order Detective Grus back to work? What’s changed since the officer was suspended in February and then formally charged in July?
In short… absolutely nothing.
The Ottawa Police Service were concerned enough about Detective Grus investigating any potential connection between the mandated vaccines and the deaths of babies that they suspended her right away in February. Then when a formal charge was filed in July, the police served Grus with a Notice that she would be fired if convicted.
Now the Ottawa Police want her back to work.
What’s changed?
Somebody with common sense has realized that the Ottawa Police have a big fat nothing case against Detective Grus… and that she was charged for political reasons.
And besides… if the Grus case goes ahead, then all the evidence and arguments will happen in public. They can’t have that.
If the Ottawa Police can’t convince Grus to take a plea deal, they will drop the case. That’s my prediction and I’m sticking to it.
2/ Grus now has legal representation – Bath-Sheba van den Berg of Foster LLP, Calgary, Alberta
For the last nine months Detective Grus has been without legal representation. In her last appearance before the Trials Officer on September 15, 2022 she was represented by Pam Twining, a non-lawyer who is a Director with the Ottawa Police Association (‘OPA’), and a Civilian Director with the Police Association of Ontario (‘PAO’).
The use of a non-lawyer raised questions not only about the competence and effectiveness of the Grus legal representation, but also about potential conflicts of interest.
Ottawa Police Association Conflict of Interest over COVID Vaccine cases
Both the OPA and the PAO have consistently been in favour of experimental mRNA gene therapy injections for police personnel. Both organizations failed to stand up for their members’ personal health autonomy and medical privacy.
Like the Ottawa Police Service that mandated the experimental injections for all employees, the OPA and PAO are defacto supporters of mandatory mRNA injections and therefore have a real conflict of interest in anything to do with the legal and medical issues surrounding the vaccines.
It would not be in the interest of the Ottawa Police, the Ottawa Police Association, or the Police Association of Ontario if evidence in the Grus Internal Hearing revealed that the mandatory mRNA vaccine injections cause injuries or deaths…
…and that is an actual (not just ‘potential’ or ‘apparent’) Conflict of Interest.
So it is good to see that Detective Grus is now represented by a lawyer.
Donald Best – October 11, 2022
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