Donald Best honoured to have work referenced by National Self-Represented Litigants Project

by Donald Best, former Sergeant, Detective, Toronto Police

by Donald Best, former Sergeant, Detective, Toronto Police

I was surprised, delighted and honoured to discover that the National Self-Represented Litigants Project’s latest publication references my article Advice for self-represented litigants, Part 1: Walking away is sometimes the best decision.

The NSRLP updated edition of ‘Access to Justice Annotated Bibliography’ is a resource for law students, researchers and SRLs themselves.

Here is an excerpt from the NSRLP’s article Updated Edition of our Access to Justice Annotated Bibliography and a link to download the Bibliography…

Updated Edition of our Access to Justice Annotated Bibliography

We are proud to announce the latest – Version 4 – edition of our Access to Justice Annotated Bibliography. Designed as a resource for students, researchers and SRLs themselves, the NSRLP Access to Justice Annotated Bibliography is now over 50 pages and includes almost 100 summaries in 3 sections (Canada, US and the rest of the world).


We are constantly pruning and adding to keep the Bibliography as current and as useful as possible (we welcome all your suggestions for items to include). We are gratified to see more academic writing being done on this topic area than when the Bibliography was first launched in 2013, as well as wider coverage in news reports, both on-line and print, for us to choose from.

Important upgrade: this latest version of the bibliography includes hyperlinks (just hover over the title) for every source that has an on-line location. We hope that this will greatly improve the usability and accessibility of this resource.

The Access to Justice Annotated Bibliography is offered as a free downloadable community resource, and we shall continue to update and revise this at regular intervals to keep it up-to-date.