Ontario’s Law Society of Upper Canada approved & licensed known pedophile to be children’s lawyer – with predictable results.
“Coon was given a licence to practice law in Ontario despite a history that included a prior criminal conviction for sexually assaulting a child.
According to the documents, Coon revealed in 2004 to the Law Society that he had been convicted of sexually assaulting a friend’s 12-year-old daughter in 1991.
… But the Law Society determined there was insufficient evidence to justify what is known as a “good character” hearing after Coon produced a “favourable” report from a psychologist who had treated him from 1990 to 1994…” (National Post)
Ontario Lawyer John David Coon is on the run. Arrest warrant issued.
Accused of sexually assaulting 4-year old girl while acting in his professional capacity as an Ontario lawyer.
Thought to be hiding in Thailand or Cambodia.
Far be it that I, or any ordinary Canadian, should attempt to define professional standards for Ontario’s Law Society of Upper Canada.
After all, the Law Society has arranged it so that lawyers are unaccountable to anyone but their fellow members of the Club. Ontario lawyers are only regulated and judged by the same people they went to law school with, worked with and attended office and family functions with.
These same members of the Club decided that a convicted pedophile met the ‘good character’ standards to be licensed as a lawyer in Ontario. Not to mention that the pedophile’s area of practice was ‘Child Protection Law’.
Well, if that’s the standard, who are we ordinary Canadians to disagree?
With the Club. Read more