Poll: Detective Sergeant Jim Van Allen should resign or be stripped of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces
A one day reader poll at DonaldBest.CA asked: Should Jim Van Allen resign from the Order of Merit of the Police Forces?
The result was a tsunami of votes that James (Jim) Arthur Van Allen (twitter @JimVanAllen1 ) should either resign from the Order voluntarily or that the Governor General should terminate his award.
Of the 258 participants, 96 voted to allow Van Allen to resign, while 161 voted that the Governor General should not wait for his resignation. Only 1 person voted that Van Allan should be allowed to remain a Member of the Order.
The now retired Ontario Provincial Police Detective Sergeant was invested into the Order by Governor General Michaëlle Jean on May 26, 2010.
What the then Governor General of Canada did not know was that during the nomination and selection period over the Fall and Winter of 2009-2010, Van Allen was illegally working ‘on the side’ as an unlicensed private investigator for the Toronto law office of Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP.

Fasken Martineau lawyer Gerald Ranking (left) illegally hired OPP Sergeant Jim Van Allen to perform an illegal investigation to benefit Ranking’s clients. Section 120 (1)(a)(i) & (ii) of the Criminal Code calls that ‘Bribery of a Peace Officer’
Van Allen broke several provincial and federal laws including the Police Services Act, the Ontario Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005, S.0. 2005, c. 34, and the Criminal Code, Section 120 (Bribery of Officers) and/or Section 122 (Breach of Trust).
The detailed court documents and supporting evidence are posted on this website so readers can fully examine all the evidence themselves and make up their own minds. A good place to start is the following document filed February 11, 2014 in the Court of Appeal of Ontario:
The fresh evidence shows, inter alia, that the Respondents’ primary witness below, Jim Van Allen, was in fact a serving Ontario Provincial Police officer, unlawfully hired by counsel and illegally working ‘on the side’ as an unlicensed private investigator. To date, Detective Sergeant Van Allen’s true status and primary expertise have been concealed from the Applicant, from the court below, from the Court of Appeal and from the individual Justices who have heard various motions including Justices Goudge, Tulloch, MacFarland, Feldman. and Blair.
(from page 11, para 25, of Court of Appeal Motion Record Donald Best and Richard Ivan Cox et al, Amended Notice of Motion dated February 11, 2014 – pdf 7.3mb )
Further reading about Van Allen at DonaldBest.CA
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We have to start somewhere and there was a huge cover up of this corrupt cop by OPP and then the courts continued the cover up so the bigger question is… will someone have the guts to charge him. A cover up cannot have a statutes of limitations attached to it…cover ups can take years to come to light therefore which police force will stand up for the people and charge this corrupt cop. The law enforcement agency that represents the true interests of the people will have the guts to charge him and any crown that would refuse to do so is participating in that cover up and should be removed. That is what the citizens of Ontario demand. I would hope that perhaps the OPP would help tarnish their credibility by doing so.
This police officer’s corrupt activities were bad but worse was the coverup by the Ontario Provincial Police and the courts. Has the Governor General said anything about removing Van Allen’s award yet?
I read your documents. Officer Van Allan should hand back the Governor Generals award even if he is now retired.
Mr. Van Allen should resign from the Order of Merit of the Police Forces. His continued membership brings the order into disrepute and is starting to reflect badly on the committee that oversees the process.
Has the Governor General been made aware of the Van Allen situation? Has any citizen written to the GG?
Whatever the circumstances of Van Allen’s misconduct the one fact that can’t be denied is that it was illegal for him to act as a private investigator without a provincial license. That one fact means that Van Allen broke three provincial statutes, and that means that when he took money for breaking the law he ran afoul of the criminal code. Whether his police pals gave him a pass or not, he broke the law and therefore should resign from the order.