Internet Expert: DonaldBest.CA visitor stats ‘astonishing’

Website Visitor Stats-SAN20.1% of first-time visitors spend over an hour at DonaldBest.CA

An additional 10.8% of first-time visitors spend from 5 minutes to an hour.

by Donald Best

by Donald Best

Last week an Internet Expert examined the visitor statistics and records for DonaldBest.CA and became visibly excited about some of his observations.

My personal website has been online since July of 2014, but all this is new to me so I never really looked at anything other than the number of daily visitors, along with making notes of visits from some of the law firms and other defendants that I am suing in the civil lawsuit known as ‘Donald Best v. Gerald Ranking et al’. (Superior Court of Justice, Central East Region: Barrie, Court File No. 14-0815)

The fact the expert finds ‘most astonishing’ is that 20.1% of first-time visitors to DonaldBest.CA spent over an hour clicking through the website and downloading documents and exhibits. Apparently this is first-time visitor behaviour that major websites would kill for; but what did I know about this?

Add to that an additional 10.8% of first-time visitors that spent from 5 minutes to an hour and, according to the expert, you have an “astonishing” 30.9% of first-time visitors spending major time to examine my website in detail.

This is, I am told, visitor performance that major websites would gladly pay through the nose for if it were that simple.

What is the reason for this visitor behaviour? The expert has a few theories.

Cassels Brock Lawyers-private

Law Firms are Major Visitors to DonaldBest.CA

Some of the most dedicated visitors to my website are the Canadian law firms that are defendants in my civil lawsuit Best v. Ranking. These defendant law firms have visited my website hundreds of times in the past year; sometimes spending hours on each visit reading articles and downloading legal documents and photographs. Of course, I have a list of the files they have downloaded, and the time they spent on the website each day.   Read more