Mother’s Day on Parliament Hill – Honouring Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus

Courthouse Prayers for Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus

An Ottawa grandmother will spend Mother’s Day on Parliament Hill collecting messages of appreciation and encouragement to be delivered to Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus. All are invited to attend at noon, Sunday May 12th. Messages and e-cards can also be emailed to [email protected]

Meela Melnik was initially skeptical about Detective Grus when in early 2022 CBC News broke the story and claimed the officer had violated rules by initiating an ‘unauthorized’ investigation into the unexplained deaths of nine Ottawa infants.

But after paying close attention to detailed reports of the case, and attending at the hearing herself, Melnik told this reporter:

“I’m spending Mother’s Day honouring Detective Grus because of my conscience and the evidence I’ve seen at her trial. Detective Grus was doing her duty investigating these nine infant deaths.

They stopped her from asking questions. They laid charges to intimidate Grus and other police officers from investigating possible connections between the Covid vaccines and injuries and deaths. It was Detective Grus’ duty to ask these questions.

Canadians should be demanding to know why the Ottawa Police interfered with Detective Grus and stopped her investigation into infant deaths. We should also be demanding to know the full story of outside influences upon the decision to prosecute Detective Grus.”   Ottawa Grandmother Meela Melnik

Melnik describes herself as “pretty ordinary, a grey-haired grandmother”. It was obvious during our interview that she is uncomfortable with taking a public stand but feels she has a duty to alert her fellow Canadians about the Ottawa Police stopping Detective Grus from continuing her investigation into the unexplained infant deaths.

Further, her attendance at the Grus Hearing convinced Melnik that the process is unjust and biased against the officer. Melnik will be attending again when the Grus Hearing reconvenes on Monday, May 27, 2024.

“I’m a police officer; I’m there to solve and help solve if somebody dies. Especially an innocent little baby … I don’t want more babies to die. Whether it’s vaccine-related or not … I’m not okay with babies dying and not getting any answers.” Detective Helen Grus during police questioning

Detective Grus Mother’s Day Cards Available Online and at Parliament Hill

Melnik will bring pre-printed and blank Mother’s Day cards to her Mother’s Day vigil on Parliament Hill so that passersby can send a Mother’s Day message to Detective Grus.

Messages and e-cards can also be emailed to: [email protected]

These will be delivered directly to Detective on the morning of Monday, May 27, 2024 when she arrives for the continuation of her Disciplinary Hearing.

“The eternal Golden Rule of Pregnancy for millennia has been you never ever introduce a novel substance in pregnancy.” Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Fetal Medicine Physician Dr.James Thorp.

Here is the Information Poster for the Detective Grus Mother’s Day Event

Grus Mothers Day Event Parliament Hill Flier

Mother’s Day Origins and Detective Helen Grus

Meela Melnik’s poster of the Mother’s Day Event for Detective Grus quotes from the 1872 Mother’s Day Proclamation ‘Appeal to womanhood throughout the world’ by Julia Ward Howe.

Melnik says that Detective Grus is a mother who should be honoured for her integrity and strength, for doing her duty in investigating sudden infant deaths and so to trying to prevent future tragedies for parents.


  • It appears that the day at Parliament Hill was a success for Detective Grus and bringing awareness to her silly police state show trial.

    Just to highlight your tweet on a Canadian Police state using a breathalyzer at any police stop really empathizes how out of control our corrupt governments are and it was quite enlightening. Yes we definitely want to stop impaired driving but this invasion of privacy is becoming so KGB or iron curtain tactics and will be abused as seen by police abuse during COVID. Hopefully the police perhaps being charged in Victoria Australia for unlawful.abuse of anti lockdown protesters and the protesters being freed of all charges will reverberate across the world especially in Canada and highlight the unlawful charter violations against the citizens The Judge chastised the police there in Australia and their abhorrent behavior.

    Thank you for highlighting the serious threat to body autonomy which forms part of body integrity under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and shine a light on true communist dictatorship already in Canada that is stealing your rights each and every day and the serious threat to security of a person that is part of the 10 basic human rights and how theft of these basic human rights brings chaos abuse mental health crisis and economic instability. Weaklings are leading us along with cowards running wild with a gun and a badge. Honorable police like you were Donald are few and far between and we need people with integrity to hold the criminals accountable.

    Like past leaders who were considered honorable men we need common sense and respect to reign in those who believe they can abuse basic human rights and are on the same level as the slave owners those responsible for segregation of American people of color and Nazis of Germany. There is not a struggle between Blacks or White it is a struggle between Good and Evil. Each individual is responsible for determining if they are good or evil. They are responsible in either being loving compassionate and empathetic and doing good to neighbour backed up by action or evil like we saw in the past and during COVID in our modern times. We have the past history of evil to reflect on and one’s character is the determining factor in never repeating those grave errors.

  • André R. Boucher

    💙🍁💙Respect for her determination to find the truth. Respect for her endurance and strength to push through for answers. A sister with ethics. The voice of reason and commitment. I have nothing but admiration for her courage.💙🍁💙💯%.

  • Helen: We had a brief encounter at a dinner attended by visiting and local members of POG. I am proud to belong to an organization which is composed of so many who showed their integrity in these difficult times. Among those, you stand tall and I truly hope that your verdict reflects your your true devotion to duty and to what is right and true. May God bless you now and always.
    Dean J

  • Great news when skeptics analyze the evidence and see the truth.

    The Detective Grus police services act charges and show trial to intimidate other police officers from taking on these types of investigations is a disgrace and has tainted the reputation of police forces across Canada and it is broken beyond repair.

    Read Dr William Makis substack where he has s whistle blowers outing the horrendous results of these vaccines including babies born with no ears and 20 to 30 fetal demise per month in one California hospital after the vaccines came out. Truly heartbreaking and these evil cops of Ottawa are continuing the level of evilness brought by the Nazis of Germany. Thalidomide came from the Nazis and you see the devastation it did to the unborn. Covid 19 vaccines have caused more harm then that.

  • Detective Grus

    There’s nothin worse this world than a lousy or worse, corrupt cop. They can destroy ppl’s lives, as you’re living today. Conversely, there’s nothing better in this world than a really really good police officer!! I’ve dealt with both over the years. I know the difference when I see it. We all know which one you are.
    You have our undying support.