Barry Bussey Interviews Donald Best About Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus

Ottawa Police shut down SIDS investigation by Detective Helen Grus

“If other (Ottawa Police officers) did not consider whether the vaccine could have had an impact in these nine Sudden Infant Deaths, then I say that their investigations were incomplete, maybe even shoddy.”

“This Detective Grus case is going to be far more important, and garner far more public interest than the Ottawa Police ever thought possible… Thousands and thousands of people have seen the articles I’ve written. (Many) contacted me and discussed it. And that’s from all over the world. Because this is a police officer whose investigation has been shut down.”

Former Toronto Police Sergeant Detective Donald Best in conversation with lawyer Barry Bussey on August 11, 2022.

Posted below are the video and transcript of my conversation with Ontario lawyer Barry W. Bussey of the First Freedoms Foundation.

For those interested in how three corrupt Ontario lawyers fabricated evidence, lied to the court, and bribed police to convict me of Contempt of Court and imprison me in solitary confinement for 63 days… that’s covered in the first ten minutes.

We then discuss how there is a Canada-wide tolerance by judges, lawyers, and law societies, of corruption in the legal profession.

At 15 minutes, we start to discuss the case of Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus, who faces internal charges for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into sudden deaths of nine infants – where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers.

Barry and I have a wide-ranging discussion about Detective Grus – and some of the recent developments that might impact the prosecution’s case against this officer.

Transcript PDF is here: Barry Bussey – Donald Best Interview 2022Aug11 V2

Video at First Freedoms Foundation.

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PLUS – the transcript also appears after this embedded video…


Previous Posts about Detective Helen Grus



Barry Bussey – Donald Best Interview

August 11, 2022 • Recording length: 1:01:33

Transcript first pass. Check against recording. Not suitable for court.


Donald Best, Barry Bussey


Donald Best  00:00

During the initial trials of the Pfizer vaccine, 28 out of 29 babies in the womb, didn’t survive the vaccine. And all that was hidden from millions and millions of people who were forced into taking these vaccines. They can say it’s your, it’s your choice. All you have to do is… not feed your family, lose your job, lose your home, and be destitute. So hey, it’s your choice! That has undermined, I think, faith in institutions and in the government.


Barry Bussey  00:45

Welcome, everyone to Freedom Feature. I’m your host Barry Bussey. today. Our special guest is Donald Best. Donald Best is a former Sergeant Detective with the Toronto Police. And he was responsible for investigating Canadian police, lawyers and politicians involved in organized crime, and is a leading Canadian anti-corruption whistleblower, and activist. Welcome to our program, Donald.


Donald Best  01:11

Thanks, Barry. Great to be here. I just want to say I’ve read some of your pieces in Law Times and Epoch Time. Tough to disagree with any of it. So it’s good to be on your show.


Barry Bussey  01:11

Well, thank you so very much. You know, Donald can, can you just share with our audience a little more about your background and what’s motivated you and your work?

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Worldwide interest in Ottawa Police Detective’s Sudden Infant Death Investigations

Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus faces internal Police Act charges for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants – where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers.

The world wants to know what’s going on.

From August 9th to 17th, 2022 I published a series of twelve tweets and one article about the case of suspended and charged Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus.

Almost two weeks and over 400,000 views later, I am stunned by the level of interest from around the world: Canada, United States, Mexico, United Kingdom, Australia, India, Singapore, Brazil, New Zealand, Iceland, Germany, Spain, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Uzbekistan… the list goes on and on.

Over one hundred readers contacted me directly to comment, ask questions, or thank me for reporting the Detective Grus story.

Fourteen accredited journalists from as far away as Australia asked me to share my sources for Detective Grus’ September 2021 letter to Chief of Police Sloly and other information in my reports. (Thanks for your interest ladies and gentlemen of the media… not going to reveal my sources.)

The vast majority of comments and emails I received were supportive of Detective Grus. A few readers, however, supported the charges against Grus and were upset that she or anyone should question the safety of the ‘vaccines’ for pregnant women and nursing infants.

Whatever your thoughts, perspectives, and opinions about the charges against Detective Helen Grus – you are one of at least hundreds of thousands (probably more) who are interested in the case.

Next Court Appearance Open to the Public – September 15, 2022

The next appearance date in the Detective Grus case is September 15, 2022.

The Ottawa Police Service recently stated that the hearing would be open to the public.

During Covid, Ottawa Police internal hearings are conducted remotely, as was the first Detective Grus hearing in July, 2022. I will publish information about how members of the public can remotely attend the September 15, 2022 hearing as soon as it becomes available.

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