December 16, 2019 email confirms ‘No-Consent’ Medical Experiments on Inuit Babies

Tam Emails – Obtained by Bret Sears under Freedom of Information FOI

Check back often for more newly released Tam FOI documents and analysis

On Friday, February 21, 2025, Canadian independent researcher Bret Sears (X = @Bret_Sears) announced that he had received the first batch of ‘The Tam Emails’ from the Canadian Government – obtained under a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.

Sears stated that the government had committed to delivering to him 450,000 pages of emails from Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam – with the first batch from December 2019 being 1,818 pages. He pledged to release the documents publicly and to February 27, 2025 had released the first 870 pages – causing Canadians from all over to dive into researching every facet of the emails.

Many of these emails shift focus to COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines, hinting at what officials knew as the crisis unfolded.

Over the next year, hundreds of thousands more pages are set to be released – a potential goldmine that could expose hidden deals, suppressed risks, or even darker truths.

Searchable Documents for Downloading

The government provided the documents in .pdf format, but only image scans of the documents which are not machine readable. I’ve used Adobe Acrobat to ‘OCR’ (Optical Character Recognition) the documents to add a layer of text that makes them searchable using pdf readers that come standard on most computers.

This page will contain every release by Bret Sears, OCR’d for searching – as well as links to  various articles and findings by myself and others.

Documents as Received from Bret Sears

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part1

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part2

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part3

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part4

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part5

Documents as Made Searchable (OCR’d) by Donald Best

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part1 OCR

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part2 OCR

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part3 OCR

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part4 OCR

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part5 OCR

Index and Database (pages 1-200)

Here is an Index and Database I’ve compiled of the first 200 pages of the Bret Sears ‘Tam FOI’ emails and documents.

CAUTION: This database was made using a.i. without human intervention. It has not been checked for accuracy or completeness. There are a few information gaps.

Nonetheless it’s a good starting point and I’ll be adding to it as I have time.

This took about five days of learning curve and failures testing three a.i. engines: Grok3, ChatGPT 4o, and Claude 3.7 Sonnet. This is the product of Claude – the only engine of the three I tested that was capable of the detail work required.

It takes about 1 hour of solid work to index 200 pages. This is to go from the Sears pdf files as released – to process the documents in 50 page batches and then amalgamate them in a database.

In a few days I’ll be publishing a detailed explanation of the process for everyone to build on.

Meanwhile, here are the first 200 pages in various formats:

Excel Spreadsheet: Tam Docs 1-200

Comma Separated Values (.csv): Tam Docs 1-200

FileMaker Pro (.fmp12) via Dropbox download

Let me know if you prefer some other type of export files for your purposes.

Published Articles and Analysis by Donald Best and Others*

February 25, 2025 – Donald Best – Bombshell FOI Emails: Will Theresa Tam Finally Face A Reckoning?

February 23, 2025 – Jessica Rose – The Tam emails

*If you can recommend additional articles for this list, let me know via email [email protected] or via direct message at X: @DonaldBestCA