Big Puff Podcast Covers Detective Helen Grus Story

“So this Helen Grus is a conscientious police detective, right? Who is doing her job trying to to get to the bottom of these infant deaths.
But because she tried to investigate whether there’s a link between these sudden infant deaths and vaccines, she got cancelled. She’s suspended. And now her name is being dragged through the mud. But check this man… All the charges did was shine a light on what she was doing. And this story is going worldwide, bro.”
… The Big Puff Podcast
Lex and Beach of The Big Puff Podcast spent only the first 5 minutes of their show talking about Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus – who faces internal Police Act charges for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers.
… but then they had me for the entire 47 minutes. Lex and Beach were so interesting, topical, fun, and irreverent that their Big Puff Podcast stole almost an hour from me in the middle of a busy day.
Here are the subjects and times into the August 23, 2022 Big Puff Podcast…
00:00 Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus
03:23 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood.
05:14 Normalizing SIDS, Childhood dementia
06:39 Government discontinues record-keeping re Covid vaccination statistics
10:00 Government narrative shifts from Covid to Climate Change
11:00 Co2 credit card
13:18 Patrick Moore & Greenpeace.
14:15 Patrick Moore Polar Bear book vs government Climate Change narrative.
26:21 Tennis pro Novak Djokovic
28:21 VAIDS – Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
30:00 Autism causes, theories.
35:00 Observed psychological and personality changes in Vax’d persons.
39:39 Roundup & glyphosate.
43:00 Line City in Saudi Arabia
Big Puff Podcast – Spotify Link…
BigPuff004 Big Puff Podcast
August 23, 2022 • Running time: 47:33
Auto transcribed. Not suitable for court.
Lex, Beach
Lex 00:01
Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. You’re listening to the dopest podcast from the root to the fruit. The Big Puff Podcast. Coming to you from the shadow of the bomb, Quebec Canada. My name is Lex and my co-host is Beach. What’s up Beach?
Beach 00:20
Hey, what’s going on? Weekly hang. Man, loving it.
Lex 00:25
Me too man. Wouldn’t miss it.
Beach 00:29
So dude, what’s going on, man? I’m ready for a little conversation. You know, I’m talking about the conservation of conversation,
Lex 00:37
My man. Well, let’s kick things kick things off with this, bro. This is an article from Donald Best is a former Sergeant Detective from Ontario, turned investigative journalist and whistleblower. And this guy has been killing it on and on Twitter throughout the plandemic.
Lex 01:01
And this story is a recent one from today I believe today or yesterday. And the title you can find it at DonaldBest.CA is called ‘Worldwide Interest in Ottawa Police Detective’s Sudden Infant Death Investigations.’
Lex 01:16
So check this my man. Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus – I think I’m pronouncing that right G R U S. – faces internal Police Act charges for conducting unauthorized investigations into the sudden death of nine infants where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers.
Lex 01:37
So this is a conscientious detective, right? Who is doing her job basically right? Trying to to get to the bottom of these deaths in infants. Right. But because she tried to investigate whether there’s a link between these sudden deaths and vaccines, she got canceled basically right. She’s suspended. Right. And now her name is being dragged through the mud. But check this man. All that did was shine a light on what she was doing. And this story is going worldwide, bro.
Beach 02:14
It’s like a little bit of a Erin Brockovich style or something like that.