Charge Against Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus Falling Apart

Over a year after Detective Helen Grus was suspended, Ottawa Police can’t or won’t produce the complete evidence against her.
The Internal Trials Officer is two months overdue with his Evidence Disclosure Decision.
Ottawa Police facing a tsunami of Medical Studies showing vaccine harm to breastfeeding infants.
“The suspension, investigation, and charge against Detective Helen Grus was a political act… The non-existence of actual evidence against Grus was a secondary consideration to the goal of stopping her investigation into nine Sudden Infant Deaths.”
Detective Helen Grus is charged under the Police Services Act with ‘Discreditable Conduct’ for allegedly conducting “unauthorized” investigations into nine Sudden Infant Deaths – where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers.
Ottawa Police (‘OPS’) launched an internal investigation and suspended Detective Grus in early February 2022. Grus was formally charged on July 26, 2022, and the case has been before the internal Trials Officer on several dates since then.
At the last hearing on December 6, 2022, Canadians learned of a dispute concerning the prosecution’s evidence disclosure. Defence lawyer Bath-Sheba Van den Berg was to file a written motion by December 29, 2022 to demand additional disclosure. The prosecution would then reply in writing.
Trials Officer (retired) Superintendent Chris Renwick stated he would issue a decision about the disclosure motion early in January.
It is now Tuesday, March 7, 2023 and still no decision.
The Internal Trials Officer is two months overdue with his Evidence Disclosure Decision.

Only two days ago, the Ottawa Police trials page changed from “Ruling on motion to be delivered first week of January” to “Ruling on motion to be delivered in March.”
The Grus Case: Ottawa Police have a Tiger By The Tail
How can it be that the Ottawa Police Trials Officer can’t produce a decision in a disclosure motion for over two months after he promised to do so?
And why is the OPS Prosecution unable to produce the full evidence of their case after more than a year?
The answer to these questions is simple…
The suspension, investigation, and charge against Detective Helen Grus was a political act intended to destroy an excellent police detective who questioned the legality, safety, and effectiveness of the COVID vaccines and the mandates.
The non-existence of actual evidence against Grus was a secondary consideration to the goal of stopping her investigation into nine Sudden Infant Deaths. Now, that lack of evidence is a glaring indication of the political intent of the charge.
Ottawa Police refuse to provide journalists with the written legal motions filed in the trial of Detective Helen Grus.
Most legal motions filed in real Canadian courts are public – to ensure transparency and promote public confidence in the legal process.
Seldom is an entire motion sealed and kept from the public, but when that happens it is as a result of an application and a court ruling that is publicly declared.
Motions are not just arbitrarily withheld from the public by the prosecution or a court clerk… but that’s what is happening in the Grus case.
“In the Grus case, Ottawa Police have chosen to arbitrarily and without explanation, conceal filed legal motions from the public and the news media.”
Four Key Reasons Why the Ottawa Police Must Drop the Charges against Detective Grus
1/ Detective Grus was under no orders to not initiate the investigation or to cease the investigation. Her badge and sworn office provides Grus with the authority and duty to initiate independent investigations without permission and without notifying other officers.
2/ Enough medical evidence exists to justify Detective Grus’ professional investigative concerns that there is a potential connection between the mRNA Covid ‘vaccine’ status of the mothers and the sudden deaths of the nine infants.
Detective Grus therefore acted diligently and responsibly in her investigations. Her professionalism should have been admired and rewarded – yet for reasons that need to be explained by the Ottawa Police, Grus was suspended, charged with ‘Discreditable Conduct’, and notified that she would be fired if found guilty.
3/ Detective Grus exposed a series of at least nine substandard and potentially biased Sudden Infant Death investigations by other Ottawa Police personnel.
4/ Evidence exists and is in the author’s possession that the case against Detective Helen Grus is an engineered politically-motivated ‘set-up’ by persons within the Ottawa Police Service who had detailed and specific knowledge of the internal investigation into Detective Grus. (*To be revealed in a future article.)
Background: Charges against Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus
Some of our previous articles for a quick background on the Helen Grus case…
February 5, 2023 – Ottawa Police Conceal Legal Motions in Detective Grus Case – Sudden Infant Deaths
December 6, 2022 – Ottawa Police Detective Charged With ‘Unauthorized’ Sudden Infant Death Investigations To Appear In Court Today
October 11, 2022 – Detective Helen Grus Ordered Back to Work. Hearing Adjourned to December 6, 2022
October 11, 2022 – Detective Helen Grus Proven Correct to Suspect Vaccine Harm to Breastfeeding Infants. Will Ottawa Police Drop the Misconduct Charge?
September 15, 2022 – Famed NYPD Detective Frank Serpico: Helen Grus Case “Breakthough in Police Transparency”
August 25, 2022 – Barry Bussey Interviews Donald Best about Ottawa Police Detecitive Helen Grus
August 23, 2022 – Worldwide Interest in Ottawa Police Detective’s Sudden Infant Death Investigations
There are similarities between what is happening in the Grus case and what happened (and continues to happen) in the case of Julian Assange.
Sidelined were/are the mechanisms set up to protect one’s freedoms, only to be replaced by a system so arbitrary that it becomes almost impossible to tie any one person down.
This practice is becoming the norm across Western culture, from the USA, to Sweden to the UK and now to Canada.
What we are witnessing if nothing short of the rise of Fascist-Totalitarianism. The criminal justice system is being abused by the rich and the powerful.
Should we be surprised? Not at all! Should we be concerned? Absolutely!
These are our hard-won freedoms we are losing, and we should be fighting tooth and claw to get them back in one piece