Bombshell FOI Emails: Will Theresa Tam Finally Face a Reckoning?

Emails Expose Secret No-Consent RSV Palivizumab Vaccine* Experiments on Inuit Children.

What Else Are They Hiding?

by Donald Best   February 25, 2025

For three years, Canadian officials used Inuit children as guinea pigs for an experimental RSV Palivizumab vaccine* injections program – without parental consent and without the knowledge or involvement of the Inuit population. This shocking revelation, buried in newly uncovered Freedom of Information (FOI) emails, is completely unrelated to COVID-19 – yet it raises damning questions about the government’s approach to public health experiments on Indigenous communities and all Canadians.

Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, knew about the ethical concerns. So did other top public health officials. In a December 16, 2019, email to Tam and others, Dr. Tom Wong, Director General of the Office of Population & Public Health at Indigenous Services Canada, explicitly warned them that health care workers had raised serious red flags.

“Some ethical concerns were raised by health care workers regarding the guarantee of a free and informed consent from parents or caregivers, as well as the absence of involvement of Inuit population in the decision and implementation process.” Dr. Tom Wong to Dr. Theresa Tam and others, December 16, 2019

Yet rather than halt the program, the government pressed forward. Parents were kept in the dark, as were Inuit leaders and the broader community. Worse, the experiment had already failed – the RSV Palivizumab vaccine* injections didn’t work as intended. But officials concealed this and continued using an Indigenous population as unknowing test subjects.

December 16, 2019 email confirms ‘No-Consent’ Medical Experiments on Inuit Babies

This isn’t the first time Canada’s medical establishment has used Indigenous children as test subjects without consent.

From the 1940s-50s nutritional experiments in residential schools, where researchers deliberately starved Indigenous children to study malnutrition, to the 1933 tuberculosis vaccine trials on 600 Indigenous children in Saskatchewan, where nearly 20% died, history has already proven that officials were willing to sacrifice Indigenous lives for so-called “science.” (ref **)

“The difference between medical research’s clinical trials and human experimentation is patient consent. Given the very unequal power relationships between medical staff and patients, coupled with often perplexing language barriers, and the widespread perception that many Aboriginal people would not willingly accept treatment, patient consent for treatment was often simply taken for granted.” (Lux, M. Separate Beds, University of Toronto Press, 2016, p.112)

Canada’s medical establishment deliberately starved Indigenous children in secret experiments.

The RSV Palivizumab vaccine* injection experiments on Inuit children are not an isolated incident – Canada has a documented history of using Indigenous children as non-consenting test subjects in government-run medical experiments. One of the most shocking examples took place in the 1940s and 1950s, when Canadian scientists deliberately starved Indigenous children in residential schools to study malnutrition.

Newly uncovered historical research confirms that the Canadian government and top nutrition scientists saw Indigenous children not as victims, but as research opportunities.

“Two separate long-term studies that went so far as to include controlled experiments conducted, apparently without the subjects’ informed consent or knowledge, on malnourished Aboriginal populations in Northern Manitoba and, later, in six Indian residential schools.” (Mosby, 2013, p. 145-146) (ref**)

The experiments were brutal in their design:

•Some children were fed vitamin-enriched food, while others were deliberately left malnourished as a “control group” to see how they deteriorated.
•Researchers withheld dental care, believing that “improving dental health might skew the results.”
•Some Indigenous children were subjected to these experiments for up to five years, without their knowledge or consent.

“From the perspective of Tisdall, Kruse, and the other nutrition experts involved in the study, it was clear that the levels of malnutrition witnessed… were a tragedy, but also an unprecedented research opportunity.” (Mosby, 2013, p. 152)

This wasn’t a one-time crime—it was a blueprint. Before the government starved Indigenous children in the 1940s-50s, it had already run tuberculosis vaccine trials on Indigenous children in Saskatchewan in 1933—without their parents’ knowledge.

Page References from Mosby (2013) (Available below for download)**

•Lack of Consent & Secret Experiments: p. 145-146
•Children as Test Subjects: p. 151
•Researchers Saw a ‘Scientific Opportunity’ in Malnutrition: p. 152
•Children Were Denied Treatment for Study Integrity: p. 163

These horrific practices set a clear historical precedent – one that makes the secretive RSV Palivizumab vaccine* injection experiments on Inuit children even more alarming.

If the Canadian government has done it before, what else have they done – and what are they still hiding? One thing is certain: During the COVID-19 vaccine mandates, Informed Consent wasn’t just ignored – it was obliterated.

The Sears FOI Releases: A Crack in the Wall

Bret Sears

This chilling discovery is only the beginning. Credit goes to Bret Sears, a relentless New Brunswicker who pried 1,818 pages of internal government emails loose through FOI requests – 447 pages of which are now public. Many of these emails shift focus to COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines, hinting at what officials knew as the crisis unfolded.

Over the next year, hundreds of thousands more pages are set to be released – a potential goldmine that could expose hidden deals, suppressed risks, or even darker truths.

A New Age of Citizen Investigators

Thanks to Bret Sears (X = @Bret_Sears), everyday Canadians are now tearing into these documents at unprecedented speed. Over the past three days, I joined citizen groups using AI tools like ChatGPT and Grok to analyze hundreds of pages of the emails, associated news stories, regulations, and government policies. This isn’t like past whistleblower leaks: this is crowdsourced investigative journalism on steroids with A.I. instantly making connections that usually take weeks or months to discover.

Someone spots a red flag – “Look what I found!” – and instantly, others connect the dots, “That ties to this!”

“The truth is coming together faster than ever before. This level of synergy is something I’ve never before witnessed. Tam and her colleagues should be terrified.” Donald Best

Indigenous children in Canada’s residential schools—many of whom were subjected to secret government medical experiments without consent.

The Big Question: Could This Lead to Criminal Charges?

As a former Toronto Police Sergeant (Detective), I have one question…

If these emails or the flood still to come prove that Theresa Tam and other officials knew the mRNA injections caused significant harm and fatalities, yet continued pushing them on the public and Indigenous communities while concealing the truth – could this support criminal charges?

The answer could be yes. Potential charges could include Criminal Negligence Causing Injury or Death – and that’s just the start.

The Truth Is Breaking Free – Join the Hunt

The Tam FOI emails are now searchable.

NOTE: See Tam FOI for all released files RIGHT HERE

Below, you’ll find the first two .pdf files as released by Bret Sears. (Bret Sears can be found on X: @Bret_Sears)

Original Documents:

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part1

ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part2

Since the government released these files as non-searchable PDFs, I have used Adobe Acrobat OCR to make them fully searchable. Now, you can use the ‘find’ function of your computer to quickly scan for key terms and find critical information.

Searchable OCR Versions:

🔍 ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part1 OCR

🔍 ReleasePackage – A-2021-000114 – 2025-02-21_Part2 OCR

The December 16, 2019 email from Dr. Wong to Dr. Tam is on page 410 / 1818 and is located in the second file (Part 2).

New Find – Report downloaded from a link shown on page 410 – OCRd and searchable:

‘Evaluation of new palivizumab immunoprophylaxis
recommendations in Nunavik infants : results for 2014
to 2017’

report_palivizumab_immunoprophylaxis_nunavik_infants_cor OCR

Now It’s Your Turn

These emails are just the beginning. With each new release, the full scale of government deception may finally come to light.

Were Theresa Tam and other officials knowingly complicit in secret medical experiments on Indigenous children—without consent, without oversight, and without accountability? Did they push dangerous COVID-19 vaccines while concealing the risks?

The truth may be buried in these documents—but not for long.

Dig in. Expose what they never wanted you to see. Your work, your analysis, could be the discovery that shatters the official narrative and triggers criminal investigations into Theresa Tam and other government officials.

Good hunting.

Donald Best – February 25, 2025

NOTE: See Tam FOI for all released files RIGHT HERE

* References – RSV Palivizumab Vaccine* Injections

I had used the colloquial term ‘vaccine’ for the RSV Palivizumab Injections to communicate that these were ‘no-consent / no-knowledge’ injections, but as with the mRNA COVID-19 injections – the Palivizumab Injections are not true ‘vaccines’.

A reader and medical professional asked me to clarify that the injections were of ‘monoclonal antibodies’ and not a true vaccine. As he said…

“The real issues as you’ve identified are the ethics when parents have no knowledge of, and did not consent to, having their children injected with anything in a secret medical experiment.”

I am informed by ChatGPT… Palivizumab (brand name: Synagis) is a monoclonal antibody used to prevent severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections in high-risk infants and children. It is not a vaccine but works by providing passive immunity against RSV.

** References

Canada has a documented history of conducting unethical medical experiments on Indigenous children without consent. Two of the most notorious cases include:

1. Nutritional Experiments in Residential Schools (1940s-1950s):

Between 1942 and 1952, Canadian government researchers deliberately starved Indigenous children in residential schools to study the effects of malnutrition. Essential nutrients, vitamins, and even dental care were withheld from at least 1,300 Indigenous individuals—about 1,000 of them children—without informing the children or their families.

Source: Mosby, I. (2013). Administering Colonial Science: Nutrition Research and Human Biomedical Experimentation in Aboriginal Communities and Residential Schools, 1942–1952. Histoire Sociale/Social History. PDF download

2. Tuberculosis Vaccine Trials (1933):

In 1933, Canadian researchers conducted tuberculosis vaccine trials on 600 Indigenous children in Saskatchewanwithout parental consent. Nearly 20% of the children died from preventable illnesses like gastroenteritis and pneumonia, exacerbated by the poor conditions of Indigenous reserves.

Source: Lux, M. (2016). Separate Beds: A History of Indian Hospitals in Canada, 1920s-1980s. University of Toronto Press.

Vincent Gircys – Case Update Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus

Detective Grus believes Police Officers should challenge unlawful orders

by Vincent Gircys – OPP (retired)

I had the opportunity to chat with Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus following her police disciplinary hearing final submissions. This historic case involves one of Ottawa Police Service’s finest members noticing a spike in infant deaths.

Helen took action where others failed. While following a hypothesis based on the best available evidence, her preliminary inquiry was shut down, as the consequences of exposing the truth became unacceptable to the national narrative. She was subsequently silenced and charged with bringing discredit to the organization.

First and foremost, Helen is so grateful for the prayers and support she’s received throughout the process.

She is in this challenge because she believes in the principles of policing: preservation of peace, prevention of crime, and the protection of life and property. She knows there are countless amazing officers risking their lives daily to do just that.

Her heart and soul believe that when unlawful orders are given by police supervisors, officers must challenge them respectfully using the authority all officers are granted by law. It is clear that this challenging time in Helen’s life, dealing with the allegations against her, will not break her.

Although the financial costs of a legal defense are tremendous, she understands the implications this case will have on the entire Canadian police community if the truth and investigative process associated with this remain buried.

One underestimation in the attempt to silence and set an example of her was that whoever concocted the ridiculous, unprecedented Discreditable Conduct charge against Helen simply doesn’t know her. Perhaps they thought she’d take a plea and hunker down quietly. They didn’t realize that Helen doesn’t worship money; she worships God. She doesn’t love money; she loves life!

Regardless of the outcome of this disciplinary hearing, Helen seems convinced that Truth, Love, and Compassion will prevail.

This is far from over, and I have no doubt that the full version of her story will eventually become mandatory reading in every police academy across Canada, as Helen knows that Courage, Integrity, and Truth in law enforcement must and will prevail.

Ottawa Police Detective Grus Warned Chief Sloly in 2021 About Pfizer, Vaccine-Linked Myocarditis, Unexplained Infant Deaths, Evidence of Criminal Activity

Neglect of Duty: Deputy Chief Patricia Ferguson, Chief Peter Sloly, Chief Steve Bell

Neglect of Duty at the Highest Ottawa Police Ranks

During December 2021 and January 2022 meetings, Detective Helen Grus warned Chief Peter Sloly, Deputy Trish Ferguson, and other senior officers that the Pfizer vaccine had never been tested on pregnant women. As a police detective, she expressed concern for the welfare of pregnant women receiving these experimental COVID vaccines.

In the context of widespread vaccine mandates and public health policies, Detective Grus highlighted that adverse effects were going unreported, and that persons were not being informed of potential adverse effects – which she described as potentially criminal. As an example she told the senior officers of an Ottawa motorist who had a medical event and collision when driving home from being vaccinated. The motorist died 2 days later.

This from evidence presented during the internal trial of Detective Grus – who in July 2022 was charged with one count of ‘discreditable conduct’ for allegedly initiating an ‘unauthorized’ investigation into nine unexplained infant deaths. She was exploring the possibility that the vaccination status of the mothers might be a factor in the fatalities.

The internal trial resumes January 6, 2025, almost 3 years after Detective Helen Grus was suspended.

Toronto Hospital for Sick Children Advisory

In the December 2021 meeting, Detective Helen Grus also informed the Command Officers of an August 6, 2021 Toronto Hospital for Sick Children advisory* that documented a troubling pattern of child myocarditis cases associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, including the following findings:

“Since April 2021, there are increasing reports of cases of myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 vaccine and Moderna mRNA-1233 vaccine).”

“International and national reports of myocarditis/pericarditis following vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have emerged.

These reports indicate that:

• Cases have been seen after the first dose of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, but are more commonly reported after the second dose

• Symptom onset was typically within several days after vaccination, with most cases being reported within 7 days after vaccination

    • Cases were mainly adolescents and young adults
    • Cases were more often males compared to females”

A Cluster of Unexplained Infant Deaths

Detective Helen Grus

During the second meeting with Chief Sloly, Detective Grus informed him of how the Sexual Assault and Child Abuse unit had noticed an increase in unexplained infant deaths. Grus urged that COVID vaccines be examined as a potential contributing factor, citing them as a significant and recent variable.

So the Chief of Police and other Command officers were directly briefed by Detective Grus in December 2021 and January 2022 that medical authorities and others were already reporting serious injuries and deaths associated with the new vaccines.

The Command officers knew that there was a recent increase in unexplained infant deaths noticed by the Ottawa Police unit responsible for investigating such occurrences.

Yet – these Command officers neglected their duty and public safety. No investigation was launched.

Then when Detective Grus continued to follow the evidence to determine if there could be a connection between the experimental injections and the unexplained infant deaths – the Ottawa Police Command shut down her investigation, suspended her from duty and eventually charged her with ‘Discreditable Conduct’.

Ottawa Police Given Pfizer Documents in May 2022

During a May 12, 2022, compelled interview with Sgt. Jason Arbuthnot of Professional Standards Unit (‘PSU’), Detective Grus submitted her entire file of evidence, including Pfizer documents that revealed the manufacturer and health authorities had documented vaccine-related harms and deaths over a year earlier.

During her statement Grus further informed PSU that the clinical trials were incomplete and would not conclude until 2024. These trials explicitly excluded pregnant women and breastfeeding infants – rendering the injections experimental and untested for this vulnerable population.

Detective Grus explained that Pfizer sought to suppress its clinical trial results for 75 years, but a U.S. court ordered the reports released. The documents revealed ten pages of known side effects, including myocarditis, hepatitis, and multi-inflammatory syndrome.

She stated that knowing these serious side effects exist and suppressing or using misleading information to encourage people to get vaccinated is criminal negligence.

Neglect of Duty: Sergeant Jason Arbuthnot

Sergeant Arbuthnot didn’t follow up on the evidence. Instead he placed it in a drawer never to be looked at again. His failure to act on this evidence represents not just neglect, but a willful disregard for public welfare and justice.

Now, three years later, a growing body of reports and peer-reviewed studies validate the link between mandated mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and serious injuries and deaths.

Yet, the Ottawa Police persists in prosecuting and persecuting Detective Helen Grus, a committed officer who acted in defense of vulnerable mothers and their infants. Despite fulfilling her sworn duty, uncovering the truth, and working to safeguard public welfare, her actions have been met with systemic retaliation—an alarming reflection of an institution prioritizing self-preservation and coverups over accountability.

Mother’s Day on Parliament Hill – Honouring Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus

Courthouse Prayers for Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus

An Ottawa grandmother will spend Mother’s Day on Parliament Hill collecting messages of appreciation and encouragement to be delivered to Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus. All are invited to attend at noon, Sunday May 12th. Messages and e-cards can also be emailed to [email protected]

Meela Melnik was initially skeptical about Detective Grus when in early 2022 CBC News broke the story and claimed the officer had violated rules by initiating an ‘unauthorized’ investigation into the unexplained deaths of nine Ottawa infants.

But after paying close attention to detailed reports of the case, and attending at the hearing herself, Melnik told this reporter:

“I’m spending Mother’s Day honouring Detective Grus because of my conscience and the evidence I’ve seen at her trial. Detective Grus was doing her duty investigating these nine infant deaths.

They stopped her from asking questions. They laid charges to intimidate Grus and other police officers from investigating possible connections between the Covid vaccines and injuries and deaths. It was Detective Grus’ duty to ask these questions.

Canadians should be demanding to know why the Ottawa Police interfered with Detective Grus and stopped her investigation into infant deaths. We should also be demanding to know the full story of outside influences upon the decision to prosecute Detective Grus.”   Ottawa Grandmother Meela Melnik

Melnik describes herself as “pretty ordinary, a grey-haired grandmother”. It was obvious during our interview that she is uncomfortable with taking a public stand but feels she has a duty to alert her fellow Canadians about the Ottawa Police stopping Detective Grus from continuing her investigation into the unexplained infant deaths.

Further, her attendance at the Grus Hearing convinced Melnik that the process is unjust and biased against the officer. Melnik will be attending again when the Grus Hearing reconvenes on Monday, May 27, 2024.

“I’m a police officer; I’m there to solve and help solve if somebody dies. Especially an innocent little baby … I don’t want more babies to die. Whether it’s vaccine-related or not … I’m not okay with babies dying and not getting any answers.” Detective Helen Grus during police questioning

Detective Grus Mother’s Day Cards Available Online and at Parliament Hill

Melnik will bring pre-printed and blank Mother’s Day cards to her Mother’s Day vigil on Parliament Hill so that passersby can send a Mother’s Day message to Detective Grus.

Messages and e-cards can also be emailed to: [email protected]

These will be delivered directly to Detective on the morning of Monday, May 27, 2024 when she arrives for the continuation of her Disciplinary Hearing.

“The eternal Golden Rule of Pregnancy for millennia has been you never ever introduce a novel substance in pregnancy.” Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Fetal Medicine Physician Dr.James Thorp.

Here is the Information Poster for the Detective Grus Mother’s Day Event

Grus Mothers Day Event Parliament Hill Flier

Mother’s Day Origins and Detective Helen Grus

Meela Melnik’s poster of the Mother’s Day Event for Detective Grus quotes from the 1872 Mother’s Day Proclamation ‘Appeal to womanhood throughout the world’ by Julia Ward Howe.

Melnik says that Detective Grus is a mother who should be honoured for her integrity and strength, for doing her duty in investigating sudden infant deaths and so to trying to prevent future tragedies for parents.

Maria Gutschi: Health Canada’s change to the definition of ‘Safe and Effective’ Smells of Big Pharma Intimidation

How can they keep saying “safe” and “effective”?

Because the meaning and standards used were changed

I knew from the very beginning that criticizing the “safe” and “effective” narrative using data and facts were doomed to fail. I have spent many years convincing doctors that their safe and effective drugs are not as advertised but outcome data from studies and trials can be massaged. So you end up in the battle of the experts. So I concentrated on manufacturing, and quality and we did get some traction using this approach.

However, to get at the root cause of this narrative, we need to really understand how the national regulatory authorities actually assessed these products. My colleague David Wiseman has been following the FDA process for 3 years and dissects how the FDA went off the rails. He talks about it here:

David Wiseman on Trial Site News start at 39:45 or thereabouts

I will attempt to do the same for Health Canada.

Safe and Effective is a Term Defined in Law and Regulation

Interim Order

Canada did not have existing legislation that could be applied to authorization of a drug product in the context of a pandemic. The FDA used their existing EUA developed for a pandemic, and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) used a “fast track” or accelerated pathway used many times before and just adaped to the pandemic. I think this is why the EMA’s review is the most complete.

Canada therefore, introduced a temporary emergency authorization as a new legal rule, the Interim Order (IO), for a specific one-year time period, promulgated September 20, 2020. The IO was also designed to support “intellectual property considerations” so that there would be no delay in access to COVID-19 treatments for Canadians.

“Seriously? I think there is another rabbit hole there. I worked for the patent regime in Canada as a scientific officer and this smells of intimidation by Pharma to me.”

Comparison of Interim Order to Notice of Compliance (NOC)

Here I compare in a draft document I am writing how a normal drug is assessed to receive what is called a Notice of Compliance (NOC) in order for the manufacturer to market and sell the product. This is also a ‘full approval.’ Canada does not have a separate authorization for vaccines or biologics vs regular drugs. These are all considered “drugs” under the Food and Drugs Act. The FDA grants a specific biologic authorization for biologics, vaccines and gene therapies called the Biologic License Application or BLA.


Do you see it?

In regulations for an NOC in C.08.002(2) you need to establish the safety of a new drug with detailed report (part 2g). And you need substantial evidence of clinical effectiveness (part 2h)

In the Interim Order the Minister MUST approve? Really? Sufficient evidence that the benefits outweigh potential risks. So no standard for establishing safety and efficacy THEN doing a benefit vs risk assessment like we do for a regular approval. Basically if a ham sandwich looked liked it did something, the Minister was required to approve.

Read more

How the Law Society of Ontario Sent an Innocent Man to Prison to Save Three Corrupt Lawyers

Ontario Solitary Confinement Prison Cell

The client most lawyers fear – and won’t represent at any price

by Donald Best (First published 2016)

There is a class of self-represented litigants that the legal profession does not talk about or even acknowledge, at least publicly. These are the people who are ready and willing to pay a lawyer, but are forced to represent themselves because the vast majority of lawyers refuse to litigate cases involving a claim of professional misconduct against another member of the Bar.

In the past year I have spoken with dozens of such individuals. I am not a lawyer, but they appear to have good civil claims against lawyers for unethical or even unlawful conduct – apparently supported by strong evidence and backed by case law. Yet these Canadians are unable to find legal representation at any price.

Some of these victims choose to self-represent, while others abandon any thoughts of seeking justice. Increasingly, self-represented litigants are assisted behind the scenes with legal research and document preparation by lawyers who are sympathetic, but fear backlash and opprobrium from the profession if they take the case themselves.

Corrupt lawyers Sebastien Kwidzinski, Gerald Ranking & Lorne Silver lied to the courts.

The perils of challenging a lawyer in court

I approached over one hundred lawyers to petition the court to overturn my conviction for contempt. This conviction resulted from a private prosecution that was led by two senior lawyers from large Bay Street firms. All refused to take my case, even as they acknowledged its validity and the strength of the evidence against the Bay Street lawyers.

In brief: I had been convicted of contempt of court in a civil matter while out of the country, and sentenced to three months in prison. My conviction in absentia was based upon the written and oral testimony of two Toronto lawyers who swore that, during a conference call with them, I had confirmed that I had received a copy of a certain court order.

Their sworn evidence also assured the court that they had served the order upon me in Ontario via courier. (The courier company however, stated that they had never received the court order from the lawyers, and no shipping documents, signature receipt, or tracking number have ever been produced by the lawyers). An affidavit by their “private investigator” provided an expert opinion that I was deliberately avoiding service – because I use a commercial mailbox as my address.

In fact, I had not received the court order, and stated this many times clearly during the conference call (as a forensically certified recording proved). Instead I asked, many times, for the lawyers to please send me a copy.

Despite this, I was held in contempt based on the lawyers’ assertion that I had received the court order and confirmed that receipt to them during the call.

Looking for representation

I returned to Canada and hoped to put the recording of the conference call and other evidence before the court. I knew that I would face prison time for contempt if I were unsuccessful.

So I searched for a lawyer to represent me.

Many of the young lawyers I approached were sympathetic and forthright, even admitting that they were ashamed to have to turn me down. They explained that they dared not take my case because they feared the professional and social sanctions that would certainly result. Some cited conflicts of interest involving past colleagues and law firms, while others explained that they regularly receive work from the large Bay Street firms, and could not afford to jeopardize that source of business.

A surprising number of lawyers told me that it was their firm’s policy not to litigate against lawyers, or to bring motions or evidence that would harm the careers of other lawyers.

“Yes, Mr. Best, the lawyers lied to the judge to convict you, but our firm simply does not handle this type of case.”

When I explained all of the above to Ontario’s Law Society of Upper Canada and asked for assistance in finding a lawyer willing to represent me, I received a form letter referring me to the list of lawyers on the Law Society’s website {the Lawyers Referral Service).

Trying to defend myself

Since no lawyer would represent me at any price, I was forced to represent myself.

The judge {the same judge who presided over the original hearing) would not listen to the conference call recording or consider any other fresh evidence that proved that I had never received the court order, and that for the lawyers to claim otherwise was perjury. The judge also refused me permission to cross-examine the lawyers and the “private investigator” all of whom provided testimony the court relied upon to convict and send me to prison.

The judge sent me to prison.

It was while I was in prison that I finally found and retained a lawyer willing to appeal my conviction.

Mv appeal: finally represented by a lawyer

Principled Lawyer Paul Slansky Represented Donald Best

I shall never forget this moment.

When my lawyer introduced himself at the appeal hearing, opposing counsel refused to shake his hand, saying that he would not shake the hand of a lawyer who filed a motion stating that a colleague had deceived the court. And so the social and professional sanctions began: against the one lawyer I found with the courage and integrity to act on his sense of duty.

I was eventually forced to abandon my appeal because of punitive costs (that I could not pay) awarded against me earlier, and returned to prison to serve the rest of my sentence {which, as a former police officer, I served in solitary confinement). No court ever heard my certified voice recordings of the phone call with the lawyers. I was never allowed to cross-examine the lawyers and other witnesses upon whose testimony I was convicted and sent to prison.

My lawyer believes that everyone deserves Access to Justice and fair legal representation – but for over one hundred other Ontario lawyers, Access to Justice apparently ends if a litigant has evidence of misconduct by a fellow member of the Bar.

Donald Best is an Access to Justice & Anti-corruption advocate. A former Toronto Police Sergeant (Detective), he worked on deep-cover investigations against organized crime, corrupt police, and public officials. His website is

University of Windsor Deletes Original Article, Cancels Author

The above article was originally published July 7, 2016 by the National Self-Represented Litigants Project at the University of Windsor Law School under the title The client most lawyers fear – and won’t represent at any price.

(The NSRLP article did not name the corrupt lawyers as this one does)

For the next seven years, the article was the #1 read article at the NSRLP website – a fact that was confirmed by both the NSRLP Director in a video presentation and in NSRLP Annual Reports.

In June of 2023, the National Self-Represented Litigants Project removed the article from its website and cancelled the author, Donald Best – removing all mention of him from the NSRLP website.

This was within a few days of Donald Best publishing a personal-website article featuring Lois Cardinal, a transsexual woman who self-identifies as:

“A sterilized Indian on a mission to save vulnerable children and young people from the predatory trans-industry that destroyed me.”

See Canada’s Largest Pharmacy Chain Quietly Deletes ‘Trans’ From Pride Month

NSRLP Executive Director Jennifer Lietch and many other members of the NSRLP refused to respond to written communications and phone messages from Donald Best – requesting the NSRLP to republish deleted article and about 50 public comments.

As of March 28, 2024, the University of Windsor Law School National Self-Represented Litigants Project is still banning and cancelling Donald Best.

Other Articles About The Corrupt Lawyers and Donald Best

December 24, 2018 – Cassels Brock website celebrates corrupt lawyer Lorne Silver who lied to jail a self-represented litigant

December 4, 2018 – Donald Best Receives the 2018 OCLA Civil Liberties Award

Vincent Gircys: Police Profession and Police Unions Self-Destructing Over Human Rights Violations, Woke Agendas

Four Years and Counting..

As a former police officer I’ve personally witnessed an abhorrent amount of suffering from those who lost their businesses, homes, and careers in the last four years. While a small minority of ultra wealthy gamed the system to the tune of billions, the vast majority of Canadians have not done well financially or otherwise – the result of tyrannical government decisions and those who supported the decisions by remaining silent.

“Beyond the financial losses – the Charter and Human Rights violations and Police Brutality are off the charts.”

What was once considered a noble profession no longer stands tall and true today. The trust has been broken with too many examples to list.

Guest article by Vincent Gircys

The result of that demise includes the loss of public trust, police morale decimated, replacement rates falling rapidly, an increase in sick time, and a lack of public interest in joining the profession. And, like every other civil service position, internal issues are contributing to the collapse.

One of the main issues is tribalism within the organizations based on hiring models that began almost 25 years ago. In an effort to comply with increasing international WEF commitments, policing organizations have accelerated the DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) component. The hiring and promoting those who scored highest in the employment and promotion processes is taking a back seat to an approach based on gender, race, and sexual preference.

The fallout from this process and others like it is the big fat lack-of-competency elephant in the room. Nobody is talking about it on the outside.

Today, police service social media accounts are lighting up with congratulatory messages celebrating the special days dedicated to some – while intentionally ignoring others. This is itself divisive and can’t be discussed by those in public service without retribution.

Discussion of divisive comments made by the Prime Minister or others in power is also taboo in our Police services. If that isn’t enough, Bill C-63 will make sure to silence the remainder.

I recently posted my thoughts to the PAO (Police Association of Ontario) on the proven value of meritocracy where performance takes precedence. I also noted the problems associated with tribalism.

PAO President Mark Baxter

PAO President Mark Baxter chose to respond, “I understand why you’re a former forensic investigator. No room for your divisive views in our police workplaces in 2024! Let’s use today to celebrate the accomplishments women have made in policing and in all workplaces, not diminish them with your 1950’s views #IWD.”

It seems Mr Baxter doesn’t actually know me, my service contributions spanning over 32 years, my awards or my experience.

What Mark Baxter knows is at all cost he needs to defend the narrative put before him – much like the Ottawa Police Service attempting to destroy Detective Helen Grus.

Detective Grus failed to adhere to the narrative and chose to ask questions regarding the sudden and unexplained deaths of infants. No mention of that woman’s courage from Mark Baxter while celebrating Women in Policing Day.

“The response toward Detective Grus has revealed just how corrupt our Police Services and Police Associations are, and how far they are willing to go to keep specific information from surfacing.”

Many working within the Police service are aware and this fact adds to the everyday stress. I started my career in 1982 at a time when my recruiter explained only the best would be hired to complete a career exceeding 30 years of experience that most could not handle.

“I don’t subscribe at all to the dark days of 50’s style policing as Mark Baxter suggests. I also don’t subscribe to the current cult beliefs of cutting off your genitals, demanding the use of gender pronouns, tampons in men’s washrooms, men in woman’s washrooms, giving up your Charter Rights, or hiring people to perform dangerous duties with less than outstanding skills.”

If I’m in need of Police Services I’m not looking at race, gender or sexual preference. I want to know that the responding police officers are the best possible.

Ultimately our cultural changes will be decided by Canadians over a much longer time period than envisioned by those pushing the Woke Cult Agendas in the Police Service and Police Unions.

Vincent Gircys


About Vincent Gircys

Vincent Gircys was a serving member of the Ontario Provincial Police for 32 years. As a police Constable in one of Canada’s largest police services, he was a member of the
Emergency Response Team and later became a Forensic Reconstructionist adopting the principles of science to determine contributing factors leading to death.

Vincent was a recipient of several awards for service including the distinguished Exemplary Service Medal. He retired from law enforcement in 2015.

He has been active in fighting government and police overreach, and stands against the unjust suspension of Human and Constitutional Rights.

Vincent Circys is also a plaintiff in a civil lawsuit against Canada’s financial institutions, Justin Trudeau, several Cabinet Ministers, and others who unlawfully “identified individuals, provided financial information, interfered with private property, and seized financial products, information services of the plaintiffs including but not limited to their bank accounts and credit cards.”

Editor’s Notes

This article is based upon a major X post by Vincent Gircys on March 9, 2024.

The editor, Donald Best, made changes for grammar and clarity – that have not yet been seen or approved by Vincent Gircys. If Mr. Gircys wishes any changes, I will make them and post the revision notice.

Donald Best

Questions, Doubts, Lack of Accountability Undermine Coutts Fundraising

Coutts Four Fundraising Chaos

Declaration by Donald Best

I, Donald Best, am the sole author of this Investigation Report concerning Fundraising for the accused men commonly known as the ‘Coutts Four’: Anthony Olienick, Chris Carbert, Chris Lysak, and Jerry Morin.

I verily believe that everything in this report is accurate and true to the best of my professional abilities, and considering the sources and information available to me at the time.

Should the need arise or be required, I am willing to create a sworn affidavit based upon this report and / or testify under oath if subpoenaed.

If any person or group objects to anything in this report or that I have published or broadcast anywhere regarding the subjects and issues at hand, I can be contacted via email at:

[email protected]

I will professionally consider all communications and especially any relevant evidence or exhibits sent to me. Should new evidence disprove anything in this report or cause me to change any reported fact or my analysis, I will prominently publish that evidence and a revised report at my website: DonaldBest.CA

This report is the result of requests from almost a hundred people (witnesses) who contacted me starting in July, 2023 and expressed concern with the fundraising activities of what I call ‘The Margaret MacKay Group’ or for brevity ‘The MacKay Group’. Some friends and family members of the four accused also contacted me.

I have never directly spoken with any of the four accused, although I have received messages through others.

The intent of this report is twofold:

1/ To document the Coutts Four joint fundraising controversy that is undermining the ability of the Coutts Accused to raise funds, and,

2/ To restore public confidence in fundraising through a recommended ‘Clean Start’ for the individual fundraising efforts of each accused. As detailed later, it is my belief that the current situation has destroyed the viability of joint fundraising for the foreseeable future.

Note: I will be further copying the text of the report into this post, but for now here is the full report in .pdf format…


Donald Best

Sunday, November 19, 2023

23:20 hours Eastern

Tom Marazzo – An Open Letter to Canadian Law Enforcement: The Crisis of Confidence

Canadian Police handcuff visibly pregnant mom behind the back for refusing to reveal her medical vaccination status while watching her son play hockey.

“If the trust between law enforcement and the public isn’t re-established soon, we will find ourselves in a society where the concept of policing by consent is a relic of the past”

Let’s have a real talk about a real issue that’s affecting our beautiful nation from St. John’s to Vancouver. I’m a part of a brave group of people—current and former EMS, military and police officers called Police On Guard For Thee, or POG for short.

We stand for the principles embedded in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. But what’s happening now in our nation is an affront to these principles.

“What do you do when the very institution that is designed to protect your freedom starts to erode it… When unchecked power becomes the gateway drug to corruption and government overreach?”

Make no mistake; this is not an isolated phenomenon. It’s widespread, and it’s terrifying. If our law enforcement officers can disregard the rule of law with zero repercussions, then what does that say about the state of justice in Canada? The POG Officers have seen this devolution and are vocal in their opposition to what they rightfully see as an abuse of power.

I pose a question to those in the ranks of our so-called “law enforcement”… If you disregard our Constitution, our Rule of Law, and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, then why should any Canadian citizen continue to respect your authority?

It’s simple: they shouldn’t.

To the virtuous officers who have been on the side of justice, I say this: Your time to be silent is over. If you truly honor your oath to serve and protect, then you must become vocal in your opposition to the unions and the managers who allow this to continue. You see, the silence of the good is more damaging than the brutality of the bad.

It’s time for a reckoning. If the trust between law enforcement and the public isn’t re-established soon, we will find ourselves in a society where the concept of policing by consent is a relic of the past. This is a reference to the Peelian Principles, the foundational ethical guidelines for law enforcement that stress the importance of a mutually respectful and consensual relationship between the police and the public.

Canada, we are at a crossroads.

For the police who still hold a sense of duty and righteousness, the time is now. Take a stand, be heard, and act in a manner that reflects the principles upon which our great nation was built. We need you now, more than ever.


Guest Column by Tom Marazzo

Tom Marazzo was a volunteer for the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy 2022 and was integral in helping to coordinate truck movements and logistics, as well as negotiations with Police Liaison Teams from the city of Ottawa. A retired officer of the Canadian Army, his advice on how to safely and responsibly achieve the objectives of the Convoy was instrumental in the success of the Convoy which can be measured by the mandates removed in the province of Ontario. Tom acted as the main spokesperson, doing press conferences, almost daily, on behalf of the Freedom Convoy.

Witnessing Canadians losing their inalienable human rights is not something to ignore or abide by. Tom’s unwavering commitment to Canadians is the reason he’s written a highly person and detailed account of his life experiences leading up to, during and in the after math of the Freedom Convoy.

Tom’s Book – The People’s Emergency Act: Freedom Convoy 2022
 – Available on Amazon Now

Famed NYPD Detective Frank Serpico Slams Ottawa Police Cover-up In Grus Case

“Incompetence or criminality will go to any length not to be exposed even at the cost of innocent infant lives.

Legendary New York Police Detective and Medal of Honor recipient Frank Serpico has slammed the Ottawa Police Service for covering up an investigation into the potential connection between mRNA ‘vaccines’ and Sudden Infant Deaths.

Detective Serpico says this cover-up is proceeding even though it puts “innocent infant lives” at risk.

OPS Detective Helen Grus faces internal Police Act charges for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants – where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers in January, 2022.

Detective Serpico’s powerful comment highlights the ongoing Ottawa Police cover-up that is operating at several levels:

1. Detective Grus’s inquiries into potential connections between mRNA and nine Sudden Infant Deaths (SIDS) ended when she was suspended and charged for ‘unauthorized’ investigations. Her investigation was stopped cold and the cover-up began.

2. During the April 28, 2023 hearing, citizens and journalists heard confirmation that the original Ottawa Police investigations into the nine SIDS deaths were substandard – even shoddy – with incomplete reports and sloppy investigations. The original assigned detectives did not even consider the possibility that the mothers’ Covid vaccine status could impact the baby in the womb, or through breastfeeding. This, despite numerous studies (including CDC VAERS data) confirming injuries and deaths of breastfed infants.

3. The Ottawa Police refuse to release written decisions in the case made by the Trials Officer Superintendent (Retired) Chris Renwick. The OPS also refuses to release the motions made by the prosecution or defense counsel. In effect, a good portion of the trial is being conducted secretly and out of the public view and knowledge.

4. The Ottawa Police falsely informed the public and journalists that Trials Officer Renwick had not made a decision on a certain motion, when he had in fact made the decision some two months previously in January.

5. The Ottawa Police cancelled the ‘Teams’ internet broadcast of the Grus case – despite continuing to broadcast other disciplinary cases scheduled as far in the future as November 29, 2023. This limits the ability of citizens to view the Grus case, and limits the news media to only those journalists who are able to personally attend the hearing. This is a deliberate Ottawa Police strategy to limit transparency and media coverage.

Ottawa Police cancelled broadcast of Grus Trial – while continuing to broadcast others.

Detective Serpico had earlier praised the Ottawa Police for internet broadcasting the Grus hearings as a “breakthrough in police transparency” – but now suspects that a cover-up is in progress and says “innocent infant lives” are at risk due to the Ottawa Police failure to investigate the potential connection between mother’s vaccine status and the SIDS deaths of newborn and breastfeeding infants.

The only Ottawa Police Detective to properly investigate these infant deaths now faces charges for doing so.

Whether the Grus Trial is broadcast on the internet or not, the world will be watching this most important legal event.

Detective Frank Serpico testifies at the Knapp Commission into Police Corruption

New York Police Detective Frank Serpico

Retired NYPD Detective Frank Serpico rose to fame with his whistleblowing on widespread police corruption in 1970. His testimony before the Knapp Commission resulted many indictments against corrupt New York police officers. He also testified in court to convict corrupt police officers.

In 1971, Detective Serpico was shot in face during a drug raid that had the hallmarks of a set-up by corrupt cops as revenge for his testifying against fellow officers.

Contrary to public belief, Detective Serpico was not awarded the Medal of Honor for his anti-corruption work, but for bravery during a shootout where he was wounded, and then shot the man who attempted to murder him.

A best-selling biography by author Peter Maas (Serpico, The Valachi Papers, King of the Gypsies, Underboss) brought Serpico’s story of police corruption to the world. In 1973 actor Al Pacino – fresh off his success in The Godfather – played the role Serpico in the award-winning movie of the same name.

At 87 years of age, Frank Serpico continues his decades of activism – speaking out about civil liberties, police brutality and corruption.

Detective Serpico inspired an entire generation of young police officers to stand against corruption and was probably single-handedly responsible for the end of general ‘beat collections’ in New York City and throughout North America – including in Toronto, Canada where I was sworn as a Police Constable in 1975. (And yes, Toronto once had corrupt ‘beat collections’ from shop owners.)

NOTE: This article is available in French here.

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