Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus faces an internal Police Act charge for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers.
SHOCKER: Official CDC VAERS data confirms serious side effects and deaths of breastfed infants whose mothers received the COVID-19 vaccine
SHOCKER: Study proves mRNA vax in mothers’ breast milk. Vaccine manufacturers said this wouldn’t happen.
Next Online Hearing Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 – Noon.
Online Public Hearing: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 – noon.
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Will Ottawa Police Withdraw the Charges against this Diligent Detective?
As seen in the Notice of Disciplinary Hearing below, Detective Helen Grus is charged with ‘Discreditable Conduct’ under the Police Services Act for…
1/ “you self-initiated an unauthorized project, wherein you accessed nine child and/or infant death cases in which you had no investigative role/responsibility and failed to then record your involvement or findings in the files” and…
2/ “on or about January 30th, 2022, you interfered in an investigation of an infant death, without the lead detective’s knowledge or authorization, by contacting the father of the deceased baby to inquire about the COVID vaccination status of the mother.”
What a deep hole the Ottawa Police Professional Standards Unit dug for themselves when they wrongfully, and politically, charged Detective Helen Grus. There’s no easy way out for the Ottawa Police.
Detective Grus Proven 100% Correct
A tsunami of reports, studies, and peer-reviewed studies by doctors and researchers confirms injuries and deaths from the mandated mRNA Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ injections. Most are available on the internet, although the mainstream news outlets have been censoring the stories as much as possible.
The latest news is that the Surgeon-General of Florida, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, just released new mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Guidance documenting “an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination.”
Florida now “recommends against males aged 18 to 39 from receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.”
On top of that, the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics published a stunning report documenting that mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines are found in human breast milk.
Readers will recall that the vaccine manufacturers originally claimed that the ‘approved for emergency use only’ experimental mRNA gene therapies stayed at the injection site and did not travel throughout the body.
That the mRNA ‘vaccine’ gene therapy injections are now documented in mother’s milk – means that this is effectively human experimentation on breastfeeding babies without parental notice or consent.
You can read the September 26, 2022 JAMA Pediatric report here: ‘Detection of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk’
Then there is published analysis of the American Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) showing serious side effects and deaths of breastfed infants whose mothers received the COVID-19 vaccine…

Read the analysis at Real Time Magazine here: 648 cases of side effects were reported to the VAERS system on breastfed infants whose mothers received the Covid-19 vaccine
Pfizer Documents
On January 6, 2022 a United States District Court ordered the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to release hundreds of thousands of pages of previously secret documents concerning adverse events and deaths during trials of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Many Pfizer documents had already been obtained and released in 2021 by a group of anonymous hackers.
The Pfizer documents show adverse effects of the vaccine – including dozens of babies who died in the womb after their mothers were injected with the Pfizer vaccines.
It is noteworthy that so much reliable information about the potential harms of the Covid vaccines was publicly known by January 30, 2022 – the date when Detective Grus is alleged to have contacted the father of one of the nine SIDS babies.
All of the above and much more than can be shared here in this limited space proves that Detective Grus was 100% correct to suspect that the mothers’ vaccination status is a potential factor in the Sudden Infant Deaths.
This information also means that the original Ottawa Police ‘Lead Detective(s)’ should have considered the mRNA Covid ‘vaccine’ injections as a potential factor in the Sudden Infant Deaths – but failed to do so through incompetence, bias, or sloth. More on that below.

The Tell: Ottawa Police did NOT charge Detective Grus with ‘Disobeying an Order’
Informed observers of the Detective Grus disciplinary hearing are unsurprised that the officer is not charged with ‘Disobey an Order’….
Ottawa Police really needed that ‘disobey an order’ charge because – as they must realize by now – the single charge they laid is easily defended and bound to fail at trial.
Detective Grus did NOT disobey any oral or written orders, written procedures, standing orders, or rules and regulations of the Ottawa Police Service.
We know this is true because:
1/ Grus was not charged with ‘Disobey an Order’, and…
2/ As an experienced former police detective, I know that what Grus is alleged to have done is – simply diligent and intelligent police work at its best for which she had the authority and duty to perform.
In the absence of a direct, detailed order to not do something, any police officer has not only the authority, but the SWORN DUTY to independently initiate any investigation they want – without permission, and without notifying any other police officer or supervisor.
Every police officer – even a lowly 21-year-old fourth-class constable on their first day on the job – has the authority and duty to independently initiate investigations. Officers routinely initiate independent investigations every day without permission or notifying other officers.
Whether the decision is to investigate a speeding auto, a fraud, organized crime, or a homicide – any Canadian police officer has the authority to independently make that decision. It happens thousands of times every day across Canada.
Unlike some other societies where the actions of police officers are closely directed by politicians and government officials, Canada (and western civilization in general) established independence for individual police officers to ensure that police organizations serve the law and the community. This independence also assists to ensure that individual officers are not undermined or prevented from performing their sworn duty.
Part of the independence of police officers is to ensure that any person or authority who orders an officer to stand down from an investigation had better have a good and justifiable reason for doing so. I was once ordered to not investigate organized crime in Toronto’s Chinatown, but I continued to do so and discovered that the police supervisor who ordered me to stand down had a direct conflict of interest. He was in fact ‘on the take’. The story of that chapter in my police service can be found here.
But Detective Helen Grus was not ordered to stand down. Nobody ordered her to not independently initiate SIDS investigations – or any other independent investigations.
Nobody ‘owns’ a witness or an investigation
The courts have made it clear that “there is no property in a witness.” Nobody ‘owns’ a witness, so if Detective Grus desired to interview a witness that another officer had spoken with, or intended to speak with – in the absence of a direct and specific order, she did no wrong in talking with the father of one of the nine babies.
Similarly there is no ‘property’ in an investigation. No police officer or police organization ‘owns’ the right to investigate an event, a person, or a crime. It is not unusual for different officers and organizations to be investigating the same subjects or incidents – with or without notifying other law enforcement.
Once again, in the absence of a direct and specific order to not investigate the nine Sudden Infant Deaths, Detective Grus did no wrong.
The authority and duty of sworn law enforcement officers to initiate and conduct independent investigations is one of Four Key Reasons why the Ottawa Police must withdraw the charge against Detective Grus – or lose at trial.

Canadians want to know: Did the Ottawa Police ‘Lead Detective’ Properly Investigate the Nine Sudden Infant Deaths?
We are able to deduce the following from the charge sheet and news media reports…
1/ There was a group of nine Sudden Infant Deaths in Ottawa. The Ottawa Police Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Unit is routinely tasked with SIDS investigations.
2/ We do not know whether these deaths were in a cluster, or at a higher rate or different circumstances than is ‘normal’ over the years.
3/ Detective Grus was a member of the unit that routinely handles SIDS investigations, but was not ‘assigned’ as the Lead Detective for these nine cases. We do not know if there were multiple detectives ‘assigned’ to different cases or if only certain unit detective(s) regularly handle SIDS investigations.
4/ It is alleged that Detective Grus examined the police records of the SIDS investigations and THEN contacted one father of a deceased child to ask about the vaccine status of the mother.
5/ Because Detective Grus contacted the father AFTER she looked at the police records of the SIDS investigations, we can deduce that the assigned ‘Lead Detective’ had not considered the mRNA Covid injections as a potential factor in the Sudden Infant Deaths – and that this factor was absent from the investigation plan and police reports.
6/ News media reports also mention that Detective Grus may have contacted the coroner to determine the vaccine status of the nine mothers – a further indication that the ‘Lead Detective’ had not been diligent or competent in conducting the SIDS investigations. The information Detective Grus sought from the coroner presumably should have been contained in the Lead Detective’s reports for the nine cases – but was missing.
Bias and Conflict of Interest
7/ It may also be that the Lead Detective was biased in creating the investigation plans – leaving out consideration of the mother’s vaccine status as a potential cause of death. This bias might have been because the officer had injected the mandated mRNA gene therapies, and was therefore personally invested in, and convinced of the safety and efficacy of, the Covid mRNA gene therapy injections (the ‘vaccine’).
8/ The Lead Detective’s bias could also have an organizational foundation because both the Ottawa Police and the Ottawa Police Association are proponents of mandated mRNA gene therapy injections. Both those organizations might be in a position of liability if the mandated injections were shown to be harmful. Thus the vaccine status of each mother might not have been factored into the Sudden Infant Death investigations in order to avoid potential organizational liability for mandated Covid vaccine injections.
In consideration of the tsunami of reports and research that brings the safety of the mRNA gene therapy injections into question for mothers, babies in the womb, and for breastfeeding infants – Canadians want to know if the investigations of these nine SIDS case included the Covid vaccine as a potential factor.
Undoubtedly each of the poor parents of the nine infants will also have a special interest in knowing whether or not the mother’s mandated injections could be a factor in the death of their child.
If the Ottawa Police SIDS investigations did not take the vaccine into consideration as a potential cause – then the investigations are incomplete, and perhaps even shoddy or biased. If that is the case, then the Ottawa Police should properly re-investigate each of the nine cases.
As well, the Professional Standards Unit should investigate the Lead Detective to determine the reason for the sub-standard investigations, omissions or incompetence, and determine if charges or retraining are warranted.
Four Key Reasons Why the Ottawa Police Must Drop the Charges against Detective Grus
1/ Detective Grus was under no orders to not initiate the investigation or to cease the investigation. Her badge and sworn office provides Grus with the authority and duty to initiate independent investigations without permission and without notifying other officers.
2/ Enough medical evidence exists to justify Detective Grus’ professional investigative concerns that there is a potential connection between the mRNA Covid ‘vaccine’ status of the mothers and the sudden deaths of the nine infants.
Detective Grus therefore acted diligently and responsibly in her investigations. Her professionalism should have been admired and rewarded – yet for reasons that need to be explained by the Ottawa Police, Grus was suspended, charged with ‘Discreditable Conduct’, and notified that she would be fired if found guilty.
3/ Detective Grus exposed a series of at least nine substandard and potentially biased Sudden Infant Death investigations by other Ottawa Police personnel.
4/ Evidence exists and is in the author’s possession that the case against Detective Helen Grus was an engineered politically-motivated ‘set-up’ by persons within the Ottawa Police Service who had detailed and specific knowledge of the internal investigation into Detective Grus. (*To be revealed in a future article.)
Much More to be Told
There is much more to come in this series of articles – including a major development discovered by the author that is about to be reported by an accredited news outlet.
Charges Against Detective Grus
COUNT ONE: Discreditable Conduct S. 2(1)(a)(xi)
IN THE MATTER OF an allegation of Discreditable Conduct regarding your actions, wherein it is alleged you committed Discreditable Conduct in that between June 2020 and January 2022, you did, without lawful excuse, act in a disorderly manner or in a manner prejudicial to discipline or likely to bring discredit upon the reputation of the Ottawa Police Service (OPS), in that you self-initiated an unauthorized project, wherein you accessed nine child and/or infant death cases in which you had no investigative role/responsibility, and failed to then record your involvement or findings in the files. Further, on or about January 30th, 2022, you interfered in an investigation of an infant death, without the lead detective’s knowledge or authorization, by contacting the father of the deceased baby to inquire about the COVID vaccination status of the mother. The foregoing conduct constitutes an offence against discipline as prescribed in section 2(1)(a)(ix) of Schedule 1 of the Code of Conduct, Ontario Regulation 268/10, as amended, and is thereby contrary to section 80(1) of the Police Services Act.
Full Notice of Disciplinary Hearing for Detective Grus .pdf here
* For any police officers considering a quick search warrant to retrieve this information from me before I publish the next articles, I hereby declare that the information is legally obtained, and is stored in an encrypted state at an offsite location not in my direct control. Everyone will have the information publicly soon enough, so be patient.
Donald Best – October 10, 2022
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