BREAKING: Restorative Justice session for Ottawa Police Constable Kristina Neilson ‘Private matter closed to media and public’

Police officer found guilty of ‘Discreditable Conduct’ for Freedom Convoy donation

Sentenced to 40 hours loss of pay and ‘Restorative Justice’

Insp. Hugh O’Toole

Ottawa Police will stage only one private ‘Restorative Justice’ session for Constable Kristina Neilson – who will meet with ‘affected community members’ as part of her punishment for donating $55 to the Freedom Convoy.

In an email to the author, Professional Standards Unit head Inspector Hugh O’Toole wrote:

“One session with the officer and some affected community members. Standard principles of restorative justice apply. A private matter that is closed to media and the public.”

Insider Reports were Correct: One Private ‘Restorative Justice’ Session

As we last reported on October 25, 2022 in our article ‘Insiders: Ottawa Police have a Problem… How to stage Constable Kristina Neilson’s Public Apology Sessions‘…

Ottawa Police Constable Kristina Neilson pleaded guilty to a charge of ‘Discreditable Conduct’ for donating $55 dollars to the Freedom Convoy. Part of the sentence is that Neilson attend ‘Restorative Justice’ where she will confess and apologize to the people of Ottawa – who will explain to her how she harmed them.

Also on October 25, 2022, we reported…

“According to police sources the Professional Standards Section wants to carefully select the audience for a single ‘Restorative Justice’ session that would be via invitation only.”

So our insider information was correct.

When the sentence was first announced, many members of the public who supported Constable Neilson condemned what they referred to as a ‘show trial’, and said that public ‘restorative justice’ sessions were designed to humiliate the officer and offer a deterrence to other police who supported the Charter of Rights and Canadians’ right to disagree with government.

One of our readers contributed an article ‘Calling Constable Neilson’s Sentence ‘Restorative Justice’ is Mocking and taking advantage of our First Nations‘, in which she said…

“We have family who escaped Communism – a struggle session is exactly what this is.

I feel immense guilt that we avoided the heavy cost that so many others paid. They sacrificed on our behalf – including Ottawa Police Constable Kristina Neilson. Please let her know that she has our support.

For those who orchestrated this show trial, I hope you’re able to feel that sense of fear in the pit of your belly, and sickness in your stomach because your conscience is yelling at you. They’re trying to set you straight, and you’d be advised to listen to them. Calling this ‘Restorative Justice’ is mocking and taking advantage of our First Nations, and you should be ashamed of yourselves for attempting this. I highly doubt our First Nations people would recognize this as bearing any resemblance to ‘restorative justice’. But our Chinese-born citizens who came here in the 60’s would certainly recognize this for exactly what it is.”

Carefully Staged Restorative Justice Session is by Invitation Only

No doubt the ‘affected community members’ invited to Constable Neilson’s private session will NOT include any of the thousands and thousands of Ottawa residents who support her or the Freedom Convoy.

That’s the whole idea of making the session private and by invitation only. That’s fine… Canadians know the truth about the staging of the session.

Famed NYPD Detective Frank Serpico Praised Ottawa Police Transparency

Professional Standards is a Soul-wrenching Duty for Police Officers

As a former Toronto Police Sergeant Detective who was heavily involved in investigations against corrupt police officers, Crown prosecutors, politicians, and judges… I am well aware of how difficult and soul-wrenching a duty it is.

I will never forget when I was at 52 Division Plainclothes having to obtain a search warrant against a fellow squad member. Three of us attended at his home on a Saturday morning while his children were watching cartoons and his wife was baking bread in the kitchen. We arrested our colleague and searched the home from top to bottom.

It couldn’t wait because what we were searching for (and found) would have disappeared.

Such is the reality when good police officers decide that their duty requires them to hunt down corrupt colleagues.

But then… Politics

I have no doubt that the charge against Constable Kristina Neilson was heavily influenced by politics. Certainly the recent testimony at the Public Order Emergency Commission confirms that government response to the Freedom Convoy at all levels and the use of the Emergencies Act was driven by politics – not by genuine necessity or law.

Ottawa Police Transparency

The Ottawa Police have recently been broadcasting internal disciplinary hearings over the Internet. This allows Canadians to attend and know about police disciplinary hearings first hand – uncensored by the legacy media.

I am not sure who is responsible for this new transparency, but it is reasonable to assume that Professional Standards Inspector Hugh O’Toole has much to do with the initiative. No longer will police charge and judge their own outside of public scrutiny.

I will write more on this subject in the future, but for now I want to make it clear that I believe the Ottawa Police are sincerely attempting to provide increased transparency and accountability to Canadians insofar as internal disciplinary hearings are concerned.

NYPD Detective Frank Serpico praised Ottawa Police

Legendary New York Police Detective and Medal of Honor recipient Frank Serpico praised the Ottawa Police Service for publicly broadcasting the disciplinary hearing against Detective Helen Grus.

(Detective Grus faces internal Police Act charges for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants – where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers.)

We reported on this in our article ‘Famed NYPD Detective Frank Serpico: Helen Grus case “Breakthrough in Police Transparency”

Ottawa Police abandoning video-broadcasting of Internal Trials?

In our courts and tribunals the implementation of Zoom and other video-conferencing technologies was a result of the ‘pandemic’ – but the many benefits of the technology (including increased transparency) are now proven.

I was recently disappointed to find that some of the new Ottawa Police disciplinary hearings are not scheduled for public broadcast.

When police are investigating, charging, and judging themselves – Canadians deserve the genuine transparency that video-broadcasting brings to the process.

Hopefully the Ottawa Police are not returning to the old ways where ‘public transparency’ of internal trials was limited to whether or not a reporter knew about the matter, was available to attend, took an interest, and had an editor who would publish the story. Such a system leaves much room for doubt and cannot truly be called ‘transparent’.

Donald Best

November 13, 2022

Former Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly’s Testimony Trainwreck – Panel Commentary

Jason Lavigne, Kris Eriksen, and Donald Best comment on the first morning of testimony from former Ottawa Chief of Police Peter Sloly…

“What dysfunction. What a complete mess. And this was the Chief.”

… Jason Lavigne, Candidate Federal Parliament

“It’s a shame… when you have someone like (Sloly) who is supposed to be a leader – the strain that it puts onto the other officers who were trying to do their jobs and were looking for direction… It seems like so much chaos… So much disorganization, so much Keystone Cops…”

… Kris Eriksen, former staff to Speaker, BC Legislature.

“What an unmitigated disaster of a trainwreck. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen such testimony – such a disaster – from someone with so much experience and at such a high rank…”

“It’s obvious that despite his experience, his training, his C.V., and his wonderful use of police-management lingo… Peter Sloly was unable to meet the challenges of being the Chief of a major policing organization…”

“Compare (former Chief Peter Sloly) to the professionalism and the leadership qualities of the other police witnesses that we’ve seen so far – and he just falls short, let alone being the Chief of Police of our nation’s capital.”

… Donald Best

Why Donald Best was Imprisoned for 63 Days in Solitary Confinement

In this lunch hour panel Jason Lavigne, Kris Eriksen, and Donald Best discuss the first morning of Emergencies Act Inquiry testimony from former Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly.

Then Donald Best tells how he was convicted of Contempt of Court and sentenced to three months in prison – because three corrupt Ontario lawyers fabricated evidence, lied to the courts, and bribed a police officer to provide additional false evidence during a secret court hearing that Donald was not notified of.

(Donald’s full story can be found at: Donald Best Receives the 2018 OCLA Civil Liberties Award)

Calling Constable Neilson’s sentence ‘Restorative Justice’ is mocking and taking advantage of our First Nations

“We have family who escaped Communism – a struggle session is exactly what this is.”

“I highly doubt our First Nations people would recognize this as bearing any resemblance to ‘restorative justice’. But our Chinese-born citizens who came here in the 60’s would certainly recognize this for exactly what it is.”

by Jane

We feel torn and guilty, but grateful, that a death in our family meant we just didn’t have the cycles to donate to the Freedom Convoy, but we noted it in the background with pride and gratitude. Just at the point we were about to donate things got threatening and heavy and we paused. Had we not done so my husband’s job with a large mainstream company would have been in peril, especially as we chose not to vaccinate for health reasons.

We have family who escaped Communism – a struggle session is exactly what this is.

For those of us who were: denied family contact; jobs threatened or lost; restricted from accessing ‘public’ services; who were forbidden to travel for any reason; denied necessary medical treatment; who were threatened with forced unwanted medical treatment and/or forced confinement, who were treated as less than 2nd class citizens; etc… – where is OUR restorative justice? Where is our opportunity to put the ‘people from Ottawa’ on trial for selectively and illegally supporting select violent social justice movements while demonizing others comprised of decent people who want the constitutional rights of all Canadians upheld?

“Where is OUR restorative justice? Where is our opportunity to put the ‘people from Ottawa’ on trial for selectively and illegally supporting select violent social justice movements while demonizing others comprised of decent people who want the constitutional rights of all Canadians upheld?”

I feel immense guilt that we avoided the heavy cost that so many others paid. They sacrificed on our behalf – including Ottawa Police Constable Kristina Neilson. Please let her know that she has our support.

For those who orchestrated this show trial, I hope you’re able to feel that sense of fear in the pit of your belly, and sickness in your stomach because your conscience is yelling at you. They’re trying to set you straight, and you’d be advised to listen to them. Calling this ‘Restorative Justice’ is mocking and taking advantage of our First Nations, and you should be ashamed of yourselves for attempting this. I highly doubt our First Nations people would recognize this as bearing any resemblance to ‘restorative justice’. But our Chinese-born citizens who came here in the 60’s would certainly recognize this for exactly what it is.

The above was submitted by reader Jane as a comment on the article: Insiders: Ottawa Police have a Problem… How to Stage Constable Kristina Neilson’s Public Apology Sessions.


Insiders: Ottawa Police have a problem… How to stage Constable Kristina Neilson’s public apology sessions.

What if citizens at the ‘Restorative Justice’ meetings publicly state their support for Constable Neilson?

“Insiders say the Ottawa Police will tightly control the ‘Restorative Justice’ apology sessions included in the proposed sentence for Constable Kristina Neilson – but there is an internal debate as to whether the sessions should be invitation-only or open to the public.”

Ottawa Police Constable Kristina Neilson recently pleaded guilty to a charge of ‘Discreditable Conduct’ for donating $55 dollars to the Freedom Convoy. Part of the jointly proposed sentence is that Neilson will attend ‘Restorative Justice’ sessions where she will confess and apologize to the people of Ottawa – who will explain to her how she harmed them. The sentence is yet to be confirmed by the Trials Officer, who will release his decision in writing. (Ottawa Police will post the decision here when released.)

“The penalty that we’re proposing here, it gets designed, of course, it’s intended to address all the factors that I’ve outlined previously, and of course, to serve as a punitive measure. But above all else, all else, this penalty, specifically the restorative justice aspect of this penalty. The intention is to provide an opportunity to members of the Ottawa community to meet with Constable Neilson and explain how her actions by donating to this occupation affected them and the services they provide.”

Ottawa Police Prosecutor Angela Stewart at the October 6, 2022 sentencing hearing.

But what if citizens at the sessions publicly state their support for Constable Neilson? What if people voice displeasure that the Ottawa Police charged the officer and then forced a guilty plea under a threat to fire her?

That is the concern of the Ottawa Police Command Officers and Professional Standards Unit as they consider how to carefully stage the event or events.

According to police sources the Professional Standards Section wants to carefully select the audience for a single ‘Restorative Justice’ session that would be via invitation only. There might be a second internal session for police personnel only. Selected news media would also be invited to the closed sessions.

But at least one senior Ottawa Police officer (Inspector rank or higher) wants to see the public admitted to the sessions because the officer is concerned that the entire event will “look like a show trial” without open participation by Ottawa residents. This also according to an internal source who contacted the writer.

“Millions of Canadians coast-to-coast cheered the convoys on their journeys to Ottawa. Many including myself find the charges against Constable Neilson and other police personnel to be reprehensible, and entirely politically motivated.”

The problem is, of course, that once the public is admitted to the sessions – all bets are off.

Suppose Ottawa citizens at Constable Neilson’s ‘Restorative Justice’ sessions start quoting high-ranking police witnesses from the Emergency Act Inquiry – who stated that the declaration of the act was not justified? What could be done if people publicly read from the decision of Ontario Superior Court Mr. Justice McLean describing the Freedom Convoy as “a peaceful, lawful and safe protest” ???

Worst of all for ‘Restorative Justice’, suppose citizens quote from the mounting tsunami of admissions by government and medical authorities that the vaccine mandates and lockdowns were not only unjustified – but that the mandates took more lives and caused more harm than without?

There is a chance that a public ‘Restorative Justice’ session will further embarrass the Ottawa Police and make Constable Neilson into a victim-hero whose doubts about the mandates and support for the Freedom Convoy were fully justified.

Perhaps some senior officers are now regretting charging Constable Neilson? Even her coerced guilty plea continues to pour fuel on the raging dumpster fire that is the credibility of the Ottawa Police Command Leadership.

See our October 2, 2022 article: Ottawa Police Constable Kristina Neilson to take Plea Deal for $50 Convoy Donation. A Hollow Victory for the Prosecution.

Detective Helen Grus ordered back to work. Hearing adjourned to December 6, 2022

Suspended Ottawa Police Detective Grus faces one internal charge of ‘Discreditable Conduct’ for allegedly conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants – where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers.

Grus now has a lawyer to replace the police union representatives

Hearing adjourned to Tuesday, December 6, 2022 10am

Ottawa Police ordered Detective Grus back to work!

Two big pieces of news from today’s internal hearing against suspended Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus…

1/ Ottawa Police ordered Detective Grus back to work!

Observers were surprised today to hear that Detective Grus has been ordered back to work. She has been suspended with pay since February 4, 2022 when an internal investigation commenced – leading to the current Police Services Act charge.

Lawyer Bath-Sheba van den Berg requested that the restrictions and conditions imposed upon her client Detective Grus be negotiated and put in writing prior to her return to duty. A meeting to discuss the terms of Grus’ return to work will be arranged.

So why should the Ottawa Police order Detective Grus back to work? What’s changed since the officer was suspended in February and then formally charged in July?

In short… absolutely nothing.

The Ottawa Police Service were concerned enough about Detective Grus investigating any potential connection between the mandated vaccines and the deaths of babies that they suspended her right away in February. Then when a formal charge was filed in July, the police served Grus with a Notice that she would be fired if convicted.

Now the Ottawa Police want her back to work.

What’s changed?

Somebody with common sense has realized that the Ottawa Police have a big fat nothing case against Detective Grus… and that she was charged for political reasons.

And besides… if the Grus case goes ahead, then all the evidence and arguments will happen in public. They can’t have that.

If the Ottawa Police can’t convince Grus to take a plea deal, they will drop the case. That’s my prediction and I’m sticking to it.

2/ Grus now has legal representation – Bath-Sheba van den Berg of Foster LLP, Calgary, Alberta

For the last nine months Detective Grus has been without legal representation. In her last appearance before the Trials Officer on September 15, 2022 she was represented by Pam Twining, a non-lawyer who is a Director with the Ottawa Police Association (‘OPA’), and a Civilian Director with the Police Association of Ontario (‘PAO’).

The use of a non-lawyer raised questions not only about the competence and effectiveness of the Grus legal representation, but also about potential conflicts of interest.

Ottawa Police Association Conflict of Interest over COVID Vaccine cases

Both the OPA and the PAO have consistently been in favour of experimental mRNA gene therapy injections for police personnel. Both organizations failed to stand up for their members’ personal health autonomy and medical privacy.

Like the Ottawa Police Service that mandated the experimental injections for all employees, the OPA and PAO are defacto supporters of mandatory mRNA injections and therefore have a real conflict of interest in anything to do with the legal and medical issues surrounding the vaccines.

It would not be in the interest of the Ottawa Police, the Ottawa Police Association, or the Police Association of Ontario if evidence in the Grus Internal Hearing revealed that the mandatory mRNA vaccine injections cause injuries or deaths…

…and that is an actual (not just ‘potential’ or ‘apparent’) Conflict of Interest.

So it is good to see that Detective Grus is now represented by a lawyer.

Donald Best – October 11, 2022


READER COMMENTS – Only submit once please.

Unfortunately I have to approve each comment (so much spam!). It sometimes takes a few hours or overnight before I am able to get to it, so please be patient.

There’s always excellent commentary by readers and it’s appreciated by everyone.



Detective Helen Grus proven correct to suspect vaccine harm to breastfeeding infants. Will Ottawa Police drop the misconduct charge?

Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus faces an internal Police Act charge for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers.

SHOCKER: Official CDC VAERS data confirms serious side effects and deaths of breastfed infants whose mothers received the COVID-19 vaccine

SHOCKER: Study proves mRNA vax in mothers’ breast milk. Vaccine manufacturers said this wouldn’t happen.


Next Online Hearing Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 – Noon.


Online Public Hearing: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 – noon.

Microsoft Teams meeting

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Meeting ID: 261 309 996 052
Passcode: MzYcCP

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+1 343-803-4734, 308021877#   Canada, Ottawa-Hull
Phone Conference ID: 308 021 877#

Will Ottawa Police Withdraw the Charges against this Diligent Detective?

As seen in the Notice of Disciplinary Hearing below, Detective Helen Grus is charged with ‘Discreditable Conduct’ under the Police Services Act for…

1/ “you self-initiated an unauthorized project, wherein you accessed nine child and/or infant death cases in which you had no investigative role/responsibility and failed to then record your involvement or findings in the files” and…

2/ “on or about January 30th, 2022, you interfered in an investigation of an infant death, without the lead detective’s knowledge or authorization, by contacting the father of the deceased baby to inquire about the COVID vaccination status of the mother.”

What a deep hole the Ottawa Police Professional Standards Unit dug for themselves when they wrongfully, and politically, charged Detective Helen Grus. There’s no easy way out for the Ottawa Police.

Detective Grus Proven 100% Correct

A tsunami of reports, studies, and peer-reviewed studies by doctors and researchers confirms injuries and deaths from the mandated mRNA Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ injections. Most are available on the internet, although the mainstream news outlets have been censoring the stories as much as possible.

The latest news is that the Surgeon-General of Florida, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, just released new mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Guidance documenting “an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination.”

Florida now “recommends against males aged 18 to 39 from receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.”

On top of that, the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics published a stunning report documenting that mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines are found in human breast milk.

Readers will recall that the vaccine manufacturers originally claimed that the ‘approved for emergency use only’ experimental mRNA gene therapies stayed at the injection site and did not travel throughout the body.

That the mRNA ‘vaccine’ gene therapy injections are now documented in mother’s milk – means that this is effectively human experimentation on breastfeeding babies without parental notice or consent.

You can read the September 26, 2022 JAMA Pediatric report here: ‘Detection of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk’

Then there is published analysis of the American Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) showing serious side effects and deaths of breastfed infants whose mothers received the COVID-19 vaccine…

Read the analysis at Real Time Magazine here: 648 cases of side effects were reported to the VAERS system on breastfed infants whose mothers received the Covid-19 vaccine

Pfizer Documents

On January 6, 2022 a United States District Court ordered the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to release hundreds of thousands of pages of previously secret documents concerning adverse events and deaths during trials of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Many Pfizer documents had already been obtained and released in 2021 by a group of anonymous hackers.

The Pfizer documents show adverse effects of the vaccine – including dozens of babies who died in the womb after their mothers were injected with the Pfizer vaccines.

It is noteworthy that so much reliable information about the potential harms of the Covid vaccines was publicly known by January 30, 2022 – the date when Detective Grus is alleged to have contacted the father of one of the nine SIDS babies.

All of the above and much more than can be shared here in this limited space proves that Detective Grus was 100% correct to suspect that the mothers’ vaccination status is a potential factor in the Sudden Infant Deaths.

This information also means that the original Ottawa Police ‘Lead Detective(s)’ should have considered the mRNA Covid ‘vaccine’ injections as a potential factor in the Sudden Infant Deaths – but failed to do so through incompetence, bias, or sloth. More on that below.

The Tell: Ottawa Police did NOT charge Detective Grus with ‘Disobeying an Order’

Informed observers of the Detective Grus disciplinary hearing are unsurprised that the officer is not charged with ‘Disobey an Order’….

Ottawa Police really needed that ‘disobey an order’ charge because – as they must realize by now – the single charge they laid is easily defended and bound to fail at trial.

Detective Grus did NOT disobey any oral or written orders, written procedures, standing orders, or rules and regulations of the Ottawa Police Service.

We know this is true because:

1/ Grus was not charged with ‘Disobey an Order’, and…

2/ As an experienced former police detective, I know that what Grus is alleged to have done is – simply diligent and intelligent police work at its best for which she had the authority and duty to perform.

In the absence of a direct, detailed order to not do something, any police officer has not only the authority, but the SWORN DUTY to independently initiate any investigation they want – without permission, and without notifying any other police officer or supervisor.

Every police officer – even a lowly 21-year-old fourth-class constable on their first day on the job – has the authority and duty to independently initiate investigations. Officers routinely initiate independent investigations every day without permission or notifying other officers.

Whether the decision is to investigate a speeding auto, a fraud, organized crime, or a homicide – any Canadian police officer has the authority to independently make that decision. It happens thousands of times every day across Canada.

Unlike some other societies where the actions of police officers are closely directed by politicians and government officials, Canada (and western civilization in general) established independence for individual police officers to ensure that police organizations serve the law and the community. This independence also assists to ensure that individual officers are not undermined or prevented from performing their sworn duty.

Part of the independence of police officers is to ensure that any person or authority who orders an officer to stand down from an investigation had better have a good and justifiable reason for doing so. I was once ordered to not investigate organized crime in Toronto’s Chinatown, but I continued to do so and discovered that the police supervisor who ordered me to stand down had a direct conflict of interest. He was in fact ‘on the take’. The story of that chapter in my police service can be found here.

But Detective Helen Grus was not ordered to stand down. Nobody ordered her to not independently initiate SIDS investigations – or any other independent investigations.

Nobody ‘owns’ a witness or an investigation

The courts have made it clear that “there is no property in a witness.” Nobody ‘owns’ a witness, so if Detective Grus desired to interview a witness that another officer had spoken with, or intended to speak with – in the absence of a direct and specific order, she did no wrong in talking with the father of one of the nine babies.

Similarly there is no ‘property’ in an investigation. No police officer or police organization ‘owns’ the right to investigate an event, a person, or a crime. It is not unusual for different officers and organizations to be investigating the same subjects or incidents – with or without notifying other law enforcement.

Once again, in the absence of a direct and specific order to not investigate the nine Sudden Infant Deaths, Detective Grus did no wrong.

The authority and duty of sworn law enforcement officers to initiate and conduct independent investigations is one of Four Key Reasons why the Ottawa Police must withdraw the charge against Detective Grus – or lose at trial.

Canadians want to know: Did the Ottawa Police ‘Lead Detective’ Properly Investigate the Nine Sudden Infant Deaths?

We are able to deduce the following from the charge sheet and news media reports…

1/ There was a group of nine Sudden Infant Deaths in Ottawa. The Ottawa Police Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Unit is routinely tasked with SIDS investigations.

2/ We do not know whether these deaths were in a cluster, or at a higher rate or different circumstances than is ‘normal’ over the years.

3/ Detective Grus was a member of the unit that routinely handles SIDS investigations, but was not ‘assigned’ as the Lead Detective for these nine cases. We do not know if there were multiple detectives ‘assigned’ to different cases or if only certain unit detective(s) regularly handle SIDS investigations.

4/ It is alleged that Detective Grus examined the police records of the SIDS investigations and THEN contacted one father of a deceased child to ask about the vaccine status of the mother.

5/ Because Detective Grus contacted the father AFTER she looked at the police records of the SIDS investigations, we can deduce that the assigned ‘Lead Detective’ had not considered the mRNA Covid injections as a potential factor in the Sudden Infant Deaths – and that this factor was absent from the investigation plan and police reports.

6/ News media reports also mention that Detective Grus may have contacted the coroner to determine the vaccine status of the nine mothers – a further indication that the ‘Lead Detective’ had not been diligent or competent in conducting the SIDS investigations. The information Detective Grus sought from the coroner presumably should have been contained in the Lead Detective’s reports for the nine cases – but was missing.

Bias and Conflict of Interest

7/ It may also be that the Lead Detective was biased in creating the investigation plans – leaving out consideration of the mother’s vaccine status as a potential cause of death. This bias might have been because the officer had injected the mandated mRNA gene therapies, and was therefore personally invested in, and convinced of the safety and efficacy of, the Covid mRNA gene therapy injections (the ‘vaccine’).

8/ The Lead Detective’s bias could also have an organizational foundation because both the Ottawa Police and the Ottawa Police Association are proponents of mandated mRNA gene therapy injections. Both those organizations might be in a position of liability if the mandated injections were shown to be harmful. Thus the vaccine status of each mother might not have been factored into the Sudden Infant Death investigations in order to avoid potential organizational liability for mandated Covid vaccine injections.

In consideration of the tsunami of reports and research that brings the safety of the mRNA gene therapy injections into question for mothers, babies in the womb, and for breastfeeding infants – Canadians want to know if the investigations of these nine SIDS case included the Covid vaccine as a potential factor.

Undoubtedly each of the poor parents of the nine infants will also have a special interest in knowing whether or not the mother’s mandated injections could be a factor in the death of their child.

If the Ottawa Police SIDS investigations did not take the vaccine into consideration as a potential cause – then the investigations are incomplete, and perhaps even shoddy or biased. If that is the case, then the Ottawa Police should properly re-investigate each of the nine cases.

As well, the Professional Standards Unit should investigate the Lead Detective to determine the reason for the sub-standard investigations, omissions or incompetence, and determine if charges or retraining are warranted.

Four Key Reasons Why the Ottawa Police Must Drop the Charges against Detective Grus

1/ Detective Grus was under no orders to not initiate the investigation or to cease the investigation. Her badge and sworn office provides Grus with the authority and duty to initiate independent investigations without permission and without notifying other officers.

2/ Enough medical evidence exists to justify Detective Grus’ professional investigative concerns that there is a potential connection between the mRNA Covid ‘vaccine’ status of the mothers and the sudden deaths of the nine infants.

Detective Grus therefore acted diligently and responsibly in her investigations. Her professionalism should have been admired and rewarded – yet for reasons that need to be explained by the Ottawa Police, Grus was suspended, charged with ‘Discreditable Conduct’, and notified that she would be fired if found guilty.

3/ Detective Grus exposed a series of at least nine substandard and potentially biased Sudden Infant Death investigations by other Ottawa Police personnel.

4/ Evidence exists and is in the author’s possession that the case against Detective Helen Grus was an engineered politically-motivated ‘set-up’ by persons within the Ottawa Police Service who had detailed and specific knowledge of the internal investigation into Detective Grus. (*To be revealed in a future article.)

Much More to be Told

There is much more to come in this series of articles – including a major development discovered by the author that is about to be reported by an accredited news outlet.

Charges Against Detective Grus

COUNT ONE: Discreditable Conduct S. 2(1)(a)(xi)

IN THE MATTER OF an allegation of Discreditable Conduct regarding your actions, wherein it is alleged you committed Discreditable Conduct in that between June 2020 and January 2022, you did, without lawful excuse, act in a disorderly manner or in a manner prejudicial to discipline or likely to bring discredit upon the reputation of the Ottawa Police Service (OPS), in that you self-initiated an unauthorized project, wherein you accessed nine child and/or infant death cases in which you had no investigative role/responsibility, and failed to then record your involvement or findings in the files. Further, on or about January 30th, 2022, you interfered in an investigation of an infant death, without the lead detective’s knowledge or authorization, by contacting the father of the deceased baby to inquire about the COVID vaccination status of the mother. The foregoing conduct constitutes an offence against discipline as prescribed in section 2(1)(a)(ix) of Schedule 1 of the Code of Conduct, Ontario Regulation 268/10, as amended, and is thereby contrary to section 80(1) of the Police Services Act.

Full Notice of Disciplinary Hearing for Detective Grus .pdf here


* For any police officers considering a quick search warrant to retrieve this information from me before I publish the next articles, I hereby declare that the information is legally obtained, and is stored in an encrypted state at an offsite location not in my direct control. Everyone will have the information publicly soon enough, so be patient.

Donald Best – October 10, 2022


READER COMMENTS – Only submit once please.

Unfortunately I have to approve each comment (so much spam!). It sometimes takes a few hours or overnight before I am able to get to it, so please be patient.

There’s always excellent commentary by readers and it’s appreciated by everyone.




Ottawa Police Constable Kristina Neilson to take Plea Deal for $50 Convoy Donation – A hollow victory for the prosecution

Shocker: Ottawa Police Constable Kristina Neilson Has No Lawyer!

Charged with donating $50 to ‘Freedom Convoy’

Afghan War Veteran Neilson Remanded for Plea Deal with Joint Sentencing Submission – October 6, 2022 10am


Online Public Sentencing Hearing: Thursday October 6, 2022 – 10:00am *

Microsoft Teams meeting – Thursday, October 6, 2022 10am

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Meeting ID: 268 688 384 121
Passcode: z8HLqY

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+1 343-803-4734 – 404727061#   Canada, Ottawa-Hull
Phone Conference ID: 404 727 061#

Growing Tsunami of Vax Injuries and Deaths a Factor in Plea Deal?

(Ottawa) Informed observers of the recent September 29, 2022 online video-hearing for Ottawa Police Constable Kristina Neilson were astonished to see that the officer appeared without a lawyer.

Neilson’s representative, police union Sergeant Patrick Laflamme, asked the Trials Officer to set a date for a 2-hour joint defense-prosecution submission on the facts of the case and an appropriate sentence. Constable Neilson will plead guilty to the charge of discreditable conduct for donating $50 to a Christian website to purchase food and gas for the ‘Freedom Convoy’.

The Ottawa Police had served Neilson with a ‘Notice of Increased Penalty’ – meaning that the organization wants to fire her. Being fired would effectively destroy both her pension and any possible employment with other law enforcement or government agencies.

The internal Police Services Act charge is a serious, life-changing matter.

So why no lawyer?

The Ottawa Police will find that wielding such blunt power to force a ‘guilty plea’ over a $50 donation is a hollow victory that further estranges police from ordinary Canadians – and also estranges serving police officers from Command Officers and their political masters.

Millions of Canadians coast-to-coast cheered the convoys on their journeys to Ottawa. Many including myself find the charges against Constable Neilson and other police personnel to be reprehensible, and entirely politically motivated.

“Canadians will not fault Constable Neilson for taking a ‘plea deal’ to keep her job and pension. We realize the true dynamics of what is taking place, and give the process about as much credibility as a Russian Show Trial during the Cold War.”

Canadians know that few citizens (including police officers) are able to stand alone against the crushing power of the state. Each of us faces different circumstances with mortgages, families, health concerns, elderly parents, & many other challenges known only to us and God.

This guilty plea by the well-respected police officer and Royal Canadian Navy Afghan War veteran will be a hollow ‘victory’ indeed…

… also considering that the Ottawa Police used criminally stolen data from the Christian ‘GiveSendGo’ website to ‘prove’ the charge.

Further, Neilson’s donation was given BEFORE the Trudeau Government’s illegal declaration of the Emergencies Act. Both of those factors could be the foundation of a viable defense – but the Ottawa Police Association long ago indicated its support for the most invasive and regressive mandates including forced-coerced vaccination of police personnel.

So the Ottawa Police Association (the police union) is not funding an independent lawyer for Constable Kristina Neilson.


After vilifying and calling for the firing of police ‘traitors’… Ottawa Police are now priming News Media to allow Constable Neilson to remain on the job.

Ottawa Police Command Officers Regret Charging Constable Neilson?

Ottawa Chief of Police Steve Bell took a hard line against Freedom Convoy protestors even after they left Ottawa – vowing to “actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges, absolutely. …for months to come.”

“We need to deal with the police personnel who supported the Convoy, because there’s no room for them…”  Ottawa Chief of Police Steve Bell

On August 26, 2021, The Toronto Star published it’s infamous headline “I have no empathy left for the wilfully unvaccinated. Let them die.”

In dozens of follow-up articles the same newspaper continued to vilify anyone opposing the government narratives – especially police officers, military personnel, and health workers who failed to submit to mandatory injections of experimental mRNA gene therapies.

But now the winds have changed…

The Toronto Star just published an article that is obviously designed to redeem Kristina Neilson in the eyes of the public, and soften any resistance to the upcoming plea deal that will see her remain as a police officer.

This decision by the Ottawa Police and the government news media to ‘go soft’ on Constable Neilson could have to do with the very weak case against her, including that the ‘evidence’ is criminally stolen data from the GiveSendGo Christian website.

Death Certificate – Lisa EVE (June 19, 1976 – August 27, 2011), dear wife of Gareth Eve. **

Growing Tsunami of Vax Injuries and Deaths a Factor in Plea Deal?

No doubt the mounting tsunami of peer-reviewed studies showing incredible numbers of serious injuries and deaths from the mandated injections is giving governments and health authorities pause.

Recently we see so much backtracking from politicians and public health officials now attempting to deny what they did and said – but fortunately the deep Internet is a forever archive.

On July 6, 2021, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Doctor Kieran Moore issued a public ‘call to arms‘ demanding that teens and young adults should get vaccinated against Covid… “People will need to have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine before the start of the school year to be fully protected.”

Then on July 13, 2022, Doctor Moore answered a journalist’s question and acknowledged that the mandated shots caused severe myocarditis and other adverse outcomes in many people. Dr. Moore further confessed that the decision to take the vaccine should be a personal medical decision in consultation with one’s physician. This from the very government authority who drove the vaccine mandates in Ontario.

Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore’s July 13, 2022 public admission that the mandated vaccines cause deaths and injuries – was an inculpatory statement by a guilty party.

Further, recent peer-reviewed studies of spiking overall death rates and plunging infertility are finally being reported in the mainstream news media. The media outlets are obviously attempting to salvage what they can of public credibility destroyed by three years of lies and subservience to governments and big pharma.


Neilson Sentencing Hearing – October 6, 2022 10am

How this all plays out for Ottawa Police Constable Kristina Neilson on October 6, 2022 is yet to be seen…

… but millions of Canadians here and abroad appreciate and honour Kristina Neilson’s long service for Canada – and her commitment to the Charter of Rights and Rule of Law.



Online Public Sentencing Hearing: Thursday October 6, 2022 – 10:00am *

Microsoft Teams meeting – Thursday, October 6, 2022 10am

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

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Meeting ID: 268 688 384 121
Passcode: z8HLqY

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Or call in (audio only)
+1 343-803-4734 – 404727061#   Canada, Ottawa-Hull
Phone Conference ID: 404 727 061#


** The full story of Lisa Eve can be found on her husband’s Twitter account @garetheve.

*** Original Donald Best reporting on the Kristina Neilson story here…

Public Online Hearing for Ottawa Police Officer Kristina Neilson


In Memory of 17-year-old Sean Hartman. He just wanted to play hockey.

Many of my readers and I have been deeply touched by the story of 17-year-old Sean Hartman – who just wanted to play hockey but under the Ontario Conservative Ford Government had to inject an experimental mRNA gene treatment before being allowed on the ice.

Sean – a healthy, athletic young man only 17 years old – “died suddenly and unexpectedly” after the coerced injection of the mRNA vax.

Sean’s father Dan has been inconsolable. The story of a family destroyed is only one of tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands? millions?) – but Dan has worked tirelessly to tell the story of his son, seeking both answers and justice – but also to alert other parents of the truth.

Dan Hartman can be found on Twitter at: @Answers4Sean


READER COMMENTS – Only submit once please.

Unfortunately I have to approve each comment (so much spam!). It sometimes takes a few hours or overnight before I am able to get to it, so please be patient.

There’s always excellent commentary by readers and it’s appreciated by everyone.



Public Online Hearing for Ottawa Police Officer Kristina Neilson – Thursday Sept 29th

Officer charged with donating $50 to ‘Freedom Convoy’

Rumour of Plea Deal

Online Hearing Thursday Sept 29, 2022 – 9:30am

Suspended Ottawa Constable Kristina Neilson will make her second appearance before an internal hearing on Thursday, September 29, 2022, at 9:30am. The hearing will be broadcast to the public via Teams videoconferencing. (Public link posted below.)

Neilson was charged with ‘discreditable conduct’ after the criminal theft of donor Identity Information* from the Christian website ‘GiveSendGo’.

Toronto Star and CBC reporters provided Neilson’s Identity Information to the Ottawa Police, along with the names of about 25 other officers after combing the list of over 100,000 donors in the stolen data files.

Ottawa Police served Constable Neilson with a ‘Notice of Increased Penalty’ – meaning that the organization wants to fire her – effectively destroying her career and preventing future employment with other law enforcement agencies.

Ottawa Chief of Police Steve Bell took a hard line against Freedom Convoy protestors even after they left Ottawa – vowing to “actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges, absolutely. …for months to come.”

Rumoured Plea Deal

Unconfirmed rumours are circulating in the Ottawa Police community that at her hearing on Thursday, Constable Neilson might plead guilty to the internal charges in a deal to keep her job.

Few individual Canadians – including police officers – are able to stand against the crushing power of the state. Each of us faces different circumstances with mortgages, families, health concerns, elderly parents, and so many other challenges.

The Ottawa Police will find that wielding such blunt power to force a ‘guilty plea’ over a $50 donation is a hollow victory that further estranges police from ordinary Canadians.

Millions of Canadians coast to coast cheered the convoys on their journeys to Ottawa – and many of those Canadians including myself find the charges against Constable Neilson and other police personnel to be reprehensible.

I don’t know if Canadian police can ever recover from the destruction of public support they brought about through their robotic obedience to politicians and their brutal enforcement of lockdowns and mandates.

Our minds will forever see replays of police handcuffing visibly pregnant mothers behind their backs and dragging them away as their children screamed – for the crimes of playing in a park, not wearing a facemask outdoors, watching hockey while unvaxed, or trying to purchase a sandwich.

Canadians now know what our government police are capable of when they no longer serve the Charter, the Law, or the Rule of Law.

Canadian Bank Accounts Seized Without Court Orders

The ability of Canadian police to impose punitive financial sanctions against citizens – without charges, without court process – was unheard of in our history…

…until the Federal Government and police distributed names of protestors and supporters to banks and other financial institutions in Canada and ordered them to seize citizens’ accounts and assets.

Acting without court orders, due process, or any sort of legal proceedings, Canadian banks followed government and police instructions and seized hundreds of citizen bank accounts containing a total of about $8 million dollars.

The Government of Canada effectively weaponized the police and financial system against its political opponents – destroying lives and businesses for donating as little as $50 dollars.

The punishment continues for many Canadians who had their personal and business bank accounts, mortgages, loans, and credit cards cancelled. Some have been financially destroyed without any court process or legal recourse…

Chief Bell said the police would impose punitive financial sanctions even without any charges laid, and he did so in direct support of the sitting politicians who form the government of the day. Again these financial seizures were with no charges laid, no court orders, and without due process or any legal proceeding at all.

At this point in time, it is not known if the Federal Government instructed Neilson’s bank to seize her money and assets as was done to many other Canadians. My sources state that some Ottawa Police personnel did have their bank accounts frozen, but I am unaware of the names of the officers and / or civilian staff.

Neilson Hearing Broadcast Information

Thursday, September 29, 2022 – 9:30am

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

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Meeting ID: 241 243 777 546
Passcode: 5SiZdy

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Or call in (audio only)

+1 343-803-4734,,672965693# Canada, Ottawa-Hull

Phone Conference ID: 672 965 693#

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* Identity Information – Criminal Code of Canada

The Criminal Code of Canada specifically defines ‘Identity Information’ and makes it a Criminal Offence to obtain or possess a person’s Identity Information not just for illegal purposes – but while being ‘reckless’ as to whether the information could be used illegally.

Definition of identity information

402.1 For the purposes of sections 402.2 and 403, identity information means any information — including biological or physiological information — of a type that is commonly used alone or in combination with other information to identify or purport to identify an individual, including a fingerprint, voice print, retina image, iris image, DNA profile, name, address, date of birth, written signature, electronic signature, digital signature, user name, credit card number, debit card number, financial institution account number, passport number, Social Insurance Number, health insurance number, driver’s licence number or password.

Trafficking in identity information

(2) Everyone commits an offence who transmits, makes available, distributes, sells or offers for sale another person’s identity information, or has it in their possession for any of those purposes, knowing that or being reckless as to whether the information will be used to commit an indictable offence that includes fraud, deceit or falsehood as an element of the offence.

Famed NYPD Detective Frank Serpico: Helen Grus Case “breakthrough in Police transparency”

NYPD Detective Frank Serpico following case of Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus

Legendary New York Police Detective and Medal of Honor recipient Frank Serpico has praised the Ottawa Police Service for publicly broadcasting the disciplinary hearing against Detective Helen Grus.

On September 9, 2022, Frank Serpico posted on his Twitter account that the public broadcasting of the Detective Grus Internal Hearing was a “breakthrough in Police transparency.”

Detective Grus faces internal Police Act charges for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants – where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers.

Public Invited to View Online Hearing Thursday, September 15, 2022

The next hearing date for Detective Grus is Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 1pm. The public is invited to watch online. (The links to the video and audio broadcast appear at the end of this article.)

Frank Serpico has been following the Detective Grus case since at least August 26, 2022 when he first posted a link to a one-hour broadcast by First Freedoms Foundation lawyer Barry Bussey in conversation with Donald Best.

During that interview, Donald Best stated…

This Detective Grus case is going to be far more important, and garner far more public interest than the Ottawa Police ever thought possible… Thousands and thousands of people have seen the articles I’ve written. (Many) contacted me and discussed it. And that’s from all over the world. Because this is a police officer whose investigation has been shut down.

(Former Toronto Police Sergeant Detective Donald Best)

The transcript and link to the Bussey – Best video can be found here:

Barry Bussey Interviews Donald Best About Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus

New York Police Detective Frank Serpico

Retired NYPD Detective Frank Serpico rose to fame with his whistleblowing on widespread police corruption in 1970. His testimony before the Knapp Commission resulted many indictments against corrupt New York police officers. He also testified in court to convict corrupt police officers.

In 1971, Detective Serpico was shot in face during a drug raid that had the hallmarks of a set-up by corrupt cops as revenge for his testifying against fellow officers.

A best-selling biography by author Peter Maas (Serpico, The Valachi Papers, King of the Gypsies, Underboss) brought Serpico’s story of police corruption to the world. In 1973 actor Al Pacino – fresh off his success in The Godfather – played the role Serpico in the award-winning movie of the same name.

At 86 years of age, Frank Serpico continues his decades of activism – speaking out about civil liberties, police brutality and corruption.

Detective Serpico inspired an entire generation of young police officers to stand against corruption and was probably single-handedly responsible for the end of general ‘beat collections’ in New York City and throughout North America – including in Toronto, Canada where I was sworn as a Police Constable in 1975.

An overview of the Helen Grus case can be found in our previous article here…

Worldwide Interest in Ottawa Police Detective’s Sudden Infant Death Investigations


Online Access to the September 15, 2022 1pm Helen Grus Hearing

The hearing will be conducted using MicroSoft Teams software – so be sure to start early to download the videoconferencing program if it is not already installed on your computer.

There is also an audio-only feed available for those who wish to call into the hearing. (See below)

The Helen Grus hearing is scheduled for September 15, 2022 at 1 pm.

Click here to join the meeting []

Meeting ID: 243 524 493 109

Passcode: iq8eQ8

Download Teams [] | Join on the web []

Or call in (audio only)

+1 343-803-4734    (Canada, Ottawa-Hull)

Phone Conference ID: 612 496 313#

For any problems, please contact Ottawa Police Service Media Relations via email…

[email protected]

BREAKING: Ottawa Police provide public link to Detective Grus Online Hearing

Worldwide Interest in Ottawa Police Detective’s Sudden Infant Death Investigations 

Due to extensive public interest in the Police Act charges against Detective Helen Grus, Ottawa Police have given permission for DonaldBest.CA and others to openly post the link and passcode for viewing the hearing online.

Until this afternoon, interested parties had been required to email the Ottawa Police Media Relations to request access to the Thursday, September 15, 2022 online hearing. The number of emails became unworkable – so Ottawa Police asked DonaldBest.CA and others to make the links easily available to everyone.

The hearing will be conducted using MicroSoft Teams software – so be sure to start early to download the videoconferencing program if it is not already installed on your computer.

There is also an audio-only feed available for those who wish to call into the hearing. (See below)


An overview of the Helen Grus case can be found in our previous article here…

Worldwide Interest in Ottawa Police Detective’s Sudden Infant Death Investigations


Online Access to the September 15, 2022 1pm Helen Grus Hearing

For any problems, please contact Ottawa Police Service Media Relations via email…

[email protected]


The Helen Grus hearing is scheduled for September 15, 2022 at 1 pm.

Click here to join the meeting []

Meeting ID: 243 524 493 109

Passcode: iq8eQ8

Download Teams [] | Join on the web []


Or call in (audio only)

+1 343-803-4734    (Canada, Ottawa-Hull)

Phone Conference ID: 612 496 313#

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